Oh girls have it so much worse....

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09 Aug 2015, 6:17 am

Spiderpig wrote:
LyraLuthTinu wrote:
Getting laid is not the be-all and end-all of human existence.

It is to me and you won't change my mind by shaming me.

It's pretty disgusting with people that only think about sex, and that it's all there is to relationships.


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09 Aug 2015, 6:22 am

I don't even know what exactly that means, but you won't change my mind by shaming me, either.

The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.


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09 Aug 2015, 8:55 am

I'm not convinced men have it easier.

Most women want a man with a good job and a car, preferably a house too.

with women most men don't care if they work at a supermarket or if they are unemployed.

but a man has to be seen as successful and preferably have some status.

It's a fact women generally are attracted to status and success but for men it's not such a big deal.

a woman can easily date a man outside of her wealth league but a man can't.

If a woman is ugly makeup can generally fix it and make them look good.
if a man is ugly there's not so much he can do apart from try to get ripped.

imo men have more pressure than women do, all a woman needs it good hair and makeup and not to over eat.

One of my exs once said just as we were about to have sex whilst I was lying naked on her bed, you don't really have any muscles do you? got me right in the mood....

all women seem to expect men to have a Hollywood body and this woman was like a size 16 so not exactly attractive body wise but still tried to judge me because I didn't work out at the time.

It's crazy that even an unsuccessful overweight woman can have her pick of men to the point they expect a nice body.

but an unsuccessful not so attractive guy has no chance when it comes to dating.

women turn a blind eye to al that the instant they find out your financially well off though.

look at peope like flavio briatore

worth a lot of money so he's attractive even to models

without his millions he would probably have died a virgin


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09 Aug 2015, 7:58 pm

LyraLuthTinu wrote:
Guys who think that the fear of getting mugged is equal to the fear of getting raped are part of the same #YesAllWomen v. #NotAllMen problem.

There's no such thing as date-mugged.

Date-rape is pervasive.

And to those who call it paranoia:

Thanks for invalidating the experiences of survivors and the feelings of the rest of #YesAllWomen.


Saying that "x" is worse than "y" does not cause "y" to be "not a problem," even if you could prove that "x" is worse than "y."

It's all entirely subjective.

What Oman5 said:
Men look at life thinking "must have sex" even if it's on a subconscious level. And get frustrated when they are rejected. Therefore, they may assume that a woman has it easier because all she has to do is make herself available. But completely ignoring the fact that women don't tend to be wired up in quite so simple terms, having to deal with consequences that men don't.

Makes a lot more sense to me than all the ForeverAlone whining going on by several other male posters, and a lot more sense than trolling. All those males thinking "must have sex," what are they thinking, that what your average woman wants is exactly the same as what they want, and since they can get it without effort, they have life free and easy? Clue: there's more to life than getting sex. The sooner you learn to tell the little head that it isn't in charge, the sooner you'll free yourself to pursue things that actually matter a lot more than getting laid. Getting laid is not the be-all and end-all of human existence. If it were, human women would do like female spiders and mantises do: bite your one-track-mind heads off as soon as we get pregnant so we don't have to worry about chauvanistic control-freakiness. It is not fun to have men act like they own you for life if you've had sex with them once, either. Nor is it fun to deal with the attitude some men have that if a woman is not a virgin, she's a slut.

so rape is worse then murder?
where does being molested and abused land? sexual assaulted?

so if we worry about being mugged/murdered or almost murdered thats the same as being #YesAllWomen v. #NotAllMen problem.
you must value women lives over males?

also not all men rape. so yeah

yep wanting to have sex with women is bad. we shouldn't' want that. men only want sex and all that sterotype..
then people wonder why men like me and they who keeps posting should I be ashamed of sex feel that way. :roll: this because women like you act like sex is horrible and all guys want is sex, just because they want any sex at all means tey only want sex. thats bulshit.


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09 Aug 2015, 8:03 pm

AutisticGuy1981 wrote:
I'm not convinced men have it easier.

Most women want a man with a good job and a car, preferably a house too.

with women most men don't care if they work at a supermarket or if they are unemployed.

but a man has to be seen as successful and preferably have some status.

It's a fact women generally are attracted to status and success but for men it's not such a big deal.

a woman can easily date a man outside of her wealth league but a man can't.

If a woman is ugly makeup can generally fix it and make them look good.
if a man is ugly there's not so much he can do apart from try to get ripped.

imo men have more pressure than women do, all a woman needs it good hair and makeup and not to over eat.

One of my exs once said just as we were about to have sex whilst I was lying naked on her bed, you don't really have any muscles do you? got me right in the mood....

all women seem to expect men to have a Hollywood body and this woman was like a size 16 so not exactly attractive body wise but still tried to judge me because I didn't work out at the time.

It's crazy that even an unsuccessful overweight woman can have her pick of men to the point they expect a nice body.

but an unsuccessful not so attractive guy has no chance when it comes to dating.

women turn a blind eye to al that the instant they find out your financially well off though.

look at peope like flavio briatore

worth a lot of money so he's attractive even to models

without his millions he would probably have died a virgin

yep. its not equality until both sides are treated equal. but you don't' hear feminists talking about this stuff. because they only care about women. hence FEMinist , rather then the group that is called a something relating to equality for all. they want women to keep thier power over men but take away the power men had over women. but both powers need to be removed for true equality. but this stuff works in favor of women so they either dont' notice it , dont' care, or want to keep it. but if men try to push against it then we get labeled as sexist.


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09 Aug 2015, 8:11 pm

congrats, sweetleaf, on starting such a long-lived thread.


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09 Aug 2015, 8:23 pm

cathylynn wrote:
congrats, sweetleaf, on starting such a long-lived thread.

lol thought it might have died a while ago...

We won't go back.


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09 Aug 2015, 9:42 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
cathylynn wrote:
congrats, sweetleaf, on starting such a long-lived thread.

lol thought it might have died a while ago...

these threads never die.


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10 Aug 2015, 12:55 am

I could start a thread with the title saying women have it so much easier, even though its not the truth in order to get attention but the mods know me too well and will lock it and they will tell me to sit in the corner! I can picture what the mods are saying hehe.

Mod1: Aspie Otaku is at it again with his shinanigans.

Mod2: *rolles eyes* fine ill go lock the thread

Mod3: Ill send him a message telling him that is a huge no no.

Mod4: Aspie Otaku has been eating too much sugar and caffeine again and has gotten hyper again.

Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
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You are very likely an aspie
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10 Aug 2015, 1:14 am

Spiderpig wrote:
I think I'd feel like crap in a situation like that, especially when I was about her age. I'd read that body language as, "See? I'm such a sex goddess I can get you to buy anything, and completely subjugate your will if I want to. Ha, ha, you sorry puny thing! Try ever so hard, you can't deny your frustrated desire I so easily provoke with a simple gesture like casually sitting here this way. You're a hypocrite and a coward, it shows, and you'll never raise any genuine interest in a woman, let alone one as desirable as me."

that is quite a bitter response. she is not like that. i do not know what made her want to hop up on the counter, but it seemed innocuous in motive.
she seems to be a troubled girl and she is rather distant with most people i see her interact with. maybe she feels that i am oblivious to her physical lures and so is more comfortable being relaxed in her postures around me.
whatever. you seem to be a rather sour person and it maybe people like you that she feels troubled by in her day to day interactions because she is quite pretty and i guess a lot of men are driven to distraction and expect her to be interested in them when all she is is clinical and efficient.

i am not "puny" and she does not think i am attracted to her i am sure, so i think she is maybe starved for a simple hangout friend which maybe not possible with girls who may be envious of her and "catty" or guys who all fall for her due to her looks. this area in which i live has few residents as well.

i do like to talk to her, but i do not want her coming into my personal life as i am quite set in my ways and am having a great time on my own.


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10 Aug 2015, 8:16 am

sly279 wrote:
AutisticGuy1981 wrote:
I'm not convinced men have it easier.

Most women want a man with a good job and a car, preferably a house too.

with women most men don't care if they work at a supermarket or if they are unemployed.

but a man has to be seen as successful and preferably have some status.

It's a fact women generally are attracted to status and success but for men it's not such a big deal.

a woman can easily date a man outside of her wealth league but a man can't.

If a woman is ugly makeup can generally fix it and make them look good.
if a man is ugly there's not so much he can do apart from try to get ripped.

imo men have more pressure than women do, all a woman needs it good hair and makeup and not to over eat.

One of my exs once said just as we were about to have sex whilst I was lying naked on her bed, you don't really have any muscles do you? got me right in the mood....

all women seem to expect men to have a Hollywood body and this woman was like a size 16 so not exactly attractive body wise but still tried to judge me because I didn't work out at the time.

It's crazy that even an unsuccessful overweight woman can have her pick of men to the point they expect a nice body.

but an unsuccessful not so attractive guy has no chance when it comes to dating.

women turn a blind eye to al that the instant they find out your financially well off though.

look at peope like flavio briatore

worth a lot of money so he's attractive even to models

without his millions he would probably have died a virgin

yep. its not equality until both sides are treated equal. but you don't' hear feminists talking about this stuff. because they only care about women. hence FEMinist , rather then the group that is called a something relating to equality for all. they want women to keep thier power over men but take away the power men had over women. but both powers need to be removed for true equality. but this stuff works in favor of women so they either dont' notice it , dont' care, or want to keep it. but if men try to push against it then we get labeled as sexist.

Feminists should defend "being Golddiggers" in my opinion since everybody knows that like 99.9999999999999999999% of them are female.

A feminist should regularly say things like: "I think Golddiggers are f*****g awesome!!" or "Golddiggers are such intelligent well-rounded people" etc.


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10 Aug 2015, 9:56 am

Venger wrote:
sly279 wrote:
AutisticGuy1981 wrote:
I'm not convinced men have it easier.

Most women want a man with a good job and a car, preferably a house too.

with women most men don't care if they work at a supermarket or if they are unemployed.

but a man has to be seen as successful and preferably have some status.

It's a fact women generally are attracted to status and success but for men it's not such a big deal.

a woman can easily date a man outside of her wealth league but a man can't.

If a woman is ugly makeup can generally fix it and make them look good.
if a man is ugly there's not so much he can do apart from try to get ripped.

imo men have more pressure than women do, all a woman needs it good hair and makeup and not to over eat.

One of my exs once said just as we were about to have sex whilst I was lying naked on her bed, you don't really have any muscles do you? got me right in the mood....

all women seem to expect men to have a Hollywood body and this woman was like a size 16 so not exactly attractive body wise but still tried to judge me because I didn't work out at the time.

It's crazy that even an unsuccessful overweight woman can have her pick of men to the point they expect a nice body.

but an unsuccessful not so attractive guy has no chance when it comes to dating.

women turn a blind eye to al that the instant they find out your financially well off though.

look at peope like flavio briatore

worth a lot of money so he's attractive even to models

without his millions he would probably have died a virgin

yep. its not equality until both sides are treated equal. but you don't' hear feminists talking about this stuff. because they only care about women. hence FEMinist , rather then the group that is called a something relating to equality for all. they want women to keep thier power over men but take away the power men had over women. but both powers need to be removed for true equality. but this stuff works in favor of women so they either dont' notice it , dont' care, or want to keep it. but if men try to push against it then we get labeled as sexist.

Feminists should defend "being Golddiggers" in my opinion since everybody knows that like 99.9999999999999999999% of them are female.

A feminist should regularly say things like: "I think Golddiggers are f*****g awesome!!" or "Golddiggers are such intelligent well-rounded people" etc.

i was engaged to a male golddigger. they aren't rare. as more women become independently financially well-off, male golddiggers will increase in number.


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10 Aug 2015, 10:08 am

What is the difference between a gold digger and someone who wants someone who is financially stable?

People will be called a gold digger for wanting a partner that is financially stable.

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10 Aug 2015, 10:13 am

cathylynn wrote:
Venger wrote:
sly279 wrote:
AutisticGuy1981 wrote:
I'm not convinced men have it easier.

Most women want a man with a good job and a car, preferably a house too.

with women most men don't care if they work at a supermarket or if they are unemployed.

but a man has to be seen as successful and preferably have some status.

It's a fact women generally are attracted to status and success but for men it's not such a big deal.

a woman can easily date a man outside of her wealth league but a man can't.

If a woman is ugly makeup can generally fix it and make them look good.
if a man is ugly there's not so much he can do apart from try to get ripped.

imo men have more pressure than women do, all a woman needs it good hair and makeup and not to over eat.

One of my exs once said just as we were about to have sex whilst I was lying naked on her bed, you don't really have any muscles do you? got me right in the mood....

all women seem to expect men to have a Hollywood body and this woman was like a size 16 so not exactly attractive body wise but still tried to judge me because I didn't work out at the time.

It's crazy that even an unsuccessful overweight woman can have her pick of men to the point they expect a nice body.

but an unsuccessful not so attractive guy has no chance when it comes to dating.

women turn a blind eye to al that the instant they find out your financially well off though.

look at peope like flavio briatore

worth a lot of money so he's attractive even to models

without his millions he would probably have died a virgin

yep. its not equality until both sides are treated equal. but you don't' hear feminists talking about this stuff. because they only care about women. hence FEMinist , rather then the group that is called a something relating to equality for all. they want women to keep thier power over men but take away the power men had over women. but both powers need to be removed for true equality. but this stuff works in favor of women so they either dont' notice it , dont' care, or want to keep it. but if men try to push against it then we get labeled as sexist.

Feminists should defend "being Golddiggers" in my opinion since everybody knows that like 99.9999999999999999999% of them are female.

A feminist should regularly say things like: "I think Golddiggers are f*****g awesome!!" or "Golddiggers are such intelligent well-rounded people" etc.

i was engaged to a male golddigger. they aren't rare. as more women become independently financially well-off, male golddiggers will increase in number.

Engaged but never married to one obviously? Sounds more like a wannabe-Golddigger which is no doubt as far as most of them get. Unless we're talking about couples that have usually been married for years(i.e. the guy gets fired from higher-paying job, gets different one, etc)


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10 Aug 2015, 10:18 am

League_Girl wrote:
What is the difference between a gold digger and someone who wants someone who is financially stable?

People will be called a gold digger for wanting a partner that is financially stable.

But a "financially stable" guy usually isn't good enough for a single-woman that qualifies as being rich.

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10 Aug 2015, 10:37 am

Golddigger has tough life. She/he must fight everyday with other golddiggers.
Nevertheless I dont find anything bad at it. it might be better than work in the office everyday.
I must work otherwise I would die from hunger. Golddigging is some kind of professional career.
Man or woman both can become the golddigger.




