I'm way too emotional. I cry easily, I get upset easily, I get ticked off easily, and I even get amused too easily. I attract drama needlessly because of the way I am. I don't do it on purpose, either, it's just that I am an honest person and a huge "feeler"...and if I cannot let out my internal state, I will become so uncomfortable that I am more likely to let it out.
Also, my obsessions and repetitive thinking. My last boyfriend cut me out of his life because I became obsessed with getting him back, and even though I tried to make myself stop it and just be his friend, nothing seemed to work.
Even still, endless guys continue to hit on me, but I have zero sexual or romantic interest in them. They rave about my intelligence, creativity and sense of humour, and they always say I'm cute/hot/attractive/some variation of that. And when I find out, it is always awkward. My one male friend, who I have known for about five years and has had a girlfriend the entire time, even recently confessed he had a crush on me. Heck, my ex-boyfriend's married friend was even crazy about me.
This still won't make me a good catch, though. I do not want a relationship. Period.
Given a “tentative” diagnosis as a child as I needed services at school for what was later correctly discovered to be a major anxiety disorder.
This misdiagnosis caused me significant stress, which lessened upon finding out the truth about myself from my current and past long-term therapists - that I am an anxious and highly sensitive person but do not have an autism spectrum disorder.
My diagnoses - social anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
I’m no longer involved with the ASD world.