sly279 wrote:
So you honestly think your the cause for everything that happens to you and that not a single other persons actions effect you?
Others have far more to do with what happens to us then us. Unless you live on an island population 1 but even then if China dumps pollutant in the water and air that’ll pollute your islands water and air and I guess you’ll just be like it’s my fault china polluted my water and air
Point is you don’t exist in a bubble, others effect your life daily and you effect others lives
As for what the post person said about women I find it offensive.
That may be true but we're not talking about global scale events here, what we're referring to here is the difficulty that many people here have with dating and namely connecting on an intimate level with other human beings.
If someone, as just an example, does not practice regular oral hygiene, has never seen a dentist, and has a diet laden with sugar, they will very likely end up with a mouth full of cavities. It would then be absurd for that same person to blame the soda they drink on a regular basis. When in fact, it's not the soda itself, it's because they don't take the time needed every day to keep their teeth and gums clean, and have check ups regularly.
Or another example: If a person works a part-time job, only makes a certain amount of money every week, and yet they write a check that they know will bounce, it's not the bank's fault that they did not keep track of their checking account and overspent.
If a person has a problem communicating with other people, it is that person's, and ONLY that person's, responsibility to figure out WHY they have a problem communicating with other people and try to fix THAT problem. Blaming other people because they don't like you will get you squat because they have their own lives and problems to handle and don't owe you anything.
That which does not kill us makes us stranger.