If you're 27 and never had a girlfriend, is it too late?

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25 Jul 2015, 9:45 am

RagnarokUnending wrote:
Height isn't what girls want, its just frosting on cake. I have no cake. You would think being tall would get you at least some dates, but it doesnt for me. I dont even see girls looking at me!
True enough. There's a young man where I work, who's not much more than five feet tall, has acne and is generally plain looking and yet he's dating one of the cutest girls I've ever seen. He has an outgoing personality and maybe it helps that they're exactly the same height.

Come to think of it go girls want really tall guys and the guys who are as tall as they are? Wouldn't it make things simpler? In my view the ideal woman is six foot two, to match my height. Unfortunately for me such women are seldom seen.

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25 Jul 2015, 9:58 am

white_as_snow wrote:
No my friend, its not to late. There are people who "gets" a girlfriend for the first time at the age of 40-50.

Sure, but if you've never been in a relationship by that age, you shouldn't expect it. You may find someone, but probably won't.


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25 Jul 2015, 10:08 am

Yes but the future's not certain for anyone.

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25 Jul 2015, 10:19 am

RetroGamer87 wrote:
Yes but the future's not certain for anyone.

But some things you expect to happen and others you don't. For example, you don't expect to win a jackpot at a lottery. It can happen, but it probably won't.


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25 Jul 2015, 11:06 am

314pe wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Yes but the future's not certain for anyone.

But some things you expect to happen and others you don't. For example, you don't expect to win a jackpot at a lottery. It can happen, but it probably won't.

True, but then there is only a weak correlation between not having a relationship before 27 and never having one. I had my first real relationship at 29. Though it wasn't the first time I shared mutual interest with a girl, it was the first time it went to the formal relationship state.


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26 Jul 2015, 3:48 am

Peacesells wrote:
sly279 wrote:
o.O. that doesn't' make sense. I don't mean serious as in committed and take loving somene serious as. I do that i just men I act playful and a bit like a kid when I'm on my off time. my granpa was the same even when he was old. he'd test(play with) the kids Christmas presents the night before.

which is why I'll never be loved. I'm never going to be that ceo that works all the time and never goofs of or does fun things and is always serious.

i don't' see whats wrong in wanting to have fun and be playful. I'm more responsible then a lot of people.

You really need to get out of that mindset, sly. It is offensive to women, even more than saying that a girl has a mediocre body.
Most underpaid or childish/playful guys get into relationships, so there must be something else wrong with people like us.

not here they don't.

as for else where I'd hardly say most. as most single men are underpaid/childish men.


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26 Jul 2015, 4:02 am

RagnarokUnending wrote:
314pe wrote:
RagnarokUnending wrote:
I am 27 and have never had a girlfriend. People have told me I am "really handsome" and "super talented", also I am quite tall, 6'5'', but girls just ignore or even avoid me entirely. Its really quite painfully frustrating, and I have no idea where I am going wrong.

What do you do for living? Do you own a car?

I am a lead artist, and I own a truck. I don't make a ton of money but I support myself and am on a path to make a lot in the future.

Height isn't what girls want, its just frosting on cake. I have no cake. You would think being tall would get you at least some dates, but it doesnt for me. I dont even see girls looking at me!

sly279: I know why you have the mindset you do. I am not going to pretend to know everything you're going through, but I had a similar mindset myself for a long time. Lots of bad experiences weigh heavily on one's outlook on life, but what helped me was grasping the idea that... nothing matters. My mindset wasn't helping me and since nothing matters there is no point in being miserable. Yeah the world and people suck, but nothing we can do will ever change it, so live for yourself and do what you want. Also what immensely helped me is using my AS to teach myself a skill, 3D art. AS isn't a mental "disability" its a tool that enables us to teach ourselves anything if we put in the time. Do you have a hobby/interest? I have read your other posts--you like guns right? I do and thought about gunsmithing, but never got around to it. I have a friend who is a gunsmith, and girls where I live even think its sexy! Might be something to think about. Learning a talent and hearing people say you're "amazing" really helped after years of hearing people tell you you're ret*d.

so quit looking for work, overeat and become wiegh 500 pounds or more. thats where I go if i give up and say nothing matters which I consider just doing. oh and never shower again. or go out ever. thats the dark path ahead of me.

went though a lot to lose the 30 pounds but its pointless. it won't nearly as long to gain it back and more.

sadly what i want and pretty much the main and only thing I want is to have a gf and family eventually. nothing else matters to me its all just numbers. only thing ever mattered is family and love. I'm a people person.

women here are generally either A. anti gun liberal democrats, or B. pro gun hard core conservative republicans. I fall in the middle and so are hated by both groups. so those women wont' like me. not that they would do to my poor job. one thing the left and the right agree on is greed and money.

I'm talent-less. I always see aspies good at tech and people all assume we are all good at tech or musically or artistically talented. but many of us are not talented at anything. we find ourselfs lacking and average at some stuff.

I do have hobbies but they are pointless without someone to share them with.

only joy I can find is that the women will remain alone too due to their extreme pickyness. but is that really joy, no not really. I enjoy my hobbies only in the time it takes to do them then after it depresses me. most people go do their hobbies then go home and tell their gf/bf about it, show pictures or they go and do the hobbies with the gf/bf. I'm not the kind of aspie that is happy being alone in room doing their hobby. :( those who are should be happy they lack such drive to be with people. you're very lucky. yet oddly its these aspies nt women go to and then complain about. o.O. the world is so f****d up.


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26 Jul 2015, 4:04 am

RetroGamer87 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
C'mon Sly...yes, you will be loved.

I hate it when you say you'll never be loved---but I don't believe that it is true.
aspies are rational people. all the evidence points to not cable of being loved.

I am just too wrong in too many ways. just a waste of oxygen and food at this point.
Sly, I can't predict the future but don't say you're incapable of expressing love. You're probably far more capable of showing love than I am. When I got into a relationship it descended into an adversarial battle in which we competed to see who was the best manipulator. She tried to use me as a crutch for her depression and family problems and worse still, I got increasingly obsessed with her looks and tried to starve her into a perfectly thin trophy wife.

My life is easier and less complex when I'm single (though not as rewarding). You however are more capable than me of judging a woman based on her character rather than her looks. Unlike me you probably don't start mentally calculating BRM every time you lay eyes on a woman. Unlike me you are less shallow than a wading pool.

Don't say you can't be loved because I think you have an immense amount of love and the woman you give it too will consider herself to be very lucky (and please don't kill yourself or some poor woman will be deprived of a fine husband).

I'm unloveable not unable to love. I have lots of love and caring to give. i'll never get to.
women won't love me because I'm never good enough. no woman will ever feel lucky to be with me. i don't and won't ever be a "real man"


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26 Jul 2015, 4:07 am

rdos wrote:
314pe wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Yes but the future's not certain for anyone.

But some things you expect to happen and others you don't. For example, you don't expect to win a jackpot at a lottery. It can happen, but it probably won't.

True, but then there is only a weak correlation between not having a relationship before 27 and never having one. I had my first real relationship at 29. Though it wasn't the first time I shared mutual interest with a girl, it was the first time it went to the formal relationship state.

but you're idea of dating is just staring at her for weeks and never talking. this is bound to decrease ones odds of a relationship with most women. for those who work at it and apply more work and still have worse failure rate its a pretty good pattern that gets worse with age.


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26 Jul 2015, 5:02 am

sly279 wrote:
not here they don't.

as for else where I'd hardly say most. as most single men are underpaid/childish men.

I can hardly believe that. And most single men were in relationships, they are not like us.


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26 Jul 2015, 5:59 am

sly279 wrote:
but you're idea of dating is just staring at her for weeks and never talking. this is bound to decrease ones odds of a relationship with most women.

Absolutely, but "dating" isn't a "big-number" game. You only need one successful "date" in order to get into a long-term relationship, so you don't need "success" in the dating game. It's not about quantity and the number of women you could potentially attract, but about who you can attract, and the chances of a good relationship with one of those. In that regard, my method had a very high success rate, and produced excellent matches, even if it only worked with a few women.

Provided you have a few odd preferences, especially ND relationship markers like polyamory, I'm pretty sure even OkC works to attract them, provided you express them properly. At least that's my impression from experimenting with OkC. I have gotten several good ND matches there that I could have pursued if I was single. However, a playful profile is not something you could match on, so that doesn't work.


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26 Jul 2015, 6:33 am

It's kind of a numbers game but it's one I've been more optimistic about in recent times. I just use dating sites because I'm not good at asking out girls I've met in meatspace (they always get surprised when they find out I want to be more than friends, that surprise doesn't happen when I date girls from dating sites).

Anyway, think of it like The Drake Equation! Take the population of your city. Divide by two. That's the number of females. Now look up the demographics and find out the number in your age group. For example, in my city there are approximately 70,000 women between the ages of 20 - 29 inclusive.

Then you estimate the number of those likely to be single, and the number of those likely to be on dating sites. Then you start spamming those girls with messages. Remember, it's a numbers game so you have to spam as many girls as possible. If you odds of your pairing up are 1 in 10,000, that means you have to message 10,000 girls. It should take a few years.

So you just have to think of the number of girls who will reply to your message and the number of those who will go out with you and the number of those who will last beyond the first date and the number of those who will be willing to enter into a long term relationship with you and Presto! You have the formula for success!

While you're at it, don't forget to do do things to make yourself more eligable. This will improve your results from the equation by increasing the percentage of girls who will want to be with you. For example. After I lost about 100 lbs, moved into my own place, quit my job and got a higher paying job, and started taking night classes, the interest I got from girls shot up dramatically.

If those things don't work you can get a hobby or work on taking the perfect profile pic. I've heard that it's best to have a profile pic in an interesting outdoor or social setting (though I haven't tried this myself, my profile pic was just a selfie in my living room). Remember girls love guys with a hobby (I should get one myself). Also the more friends you have the better, since a lot of girls are looking to expand their circle of friends (they want your friends as their friends).

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26 Jul 2015, 7:33 am

RetroGamer87 wrote:
Anyway, think of it like The Drake Equation! Take the population of your city. Divide by two. That's the number of females. Now look up the demographics and find out the number in your age group. For example, in my city there are approximately 70,000 women between the ages of 20 - 29 inclusive.

Sure, I think I have more, but what's the use of a dating pool of 70,000 women? Absolutely unusable.

RetroGamer87 wrote:
Then you estimate the number of those likely to be single, and the number of those likely to be on dating sites. Then you start spamming those girls with messages. Remember, it's a numbers game so you have to spam as many girls as possible. If you odds of your pairing up are 1 in 10,000, that means you have to message 10,000 girls. It should take a few years.

I have better things to do than to spam 10,000 girls. :roll:

RetroGamer87 wrote:
So you just have to think of the number of girls who will reply to your message and the number of those who will go out with you and the number of those who will last beyond the first date and the number of those who will be willing to enter into a long term relationship with you and Presto! You have the formula for success!

No. you don't, because 85-90% of them will be NTs, and thus if I have 100 dates, then I'll date 85-90 NTs, all which will fail miserably, and 10-15 girls that might fancy me, but since I have odd interests, chances are all of those will also fail.

Guess where that would lead me? Answer: Depression and quitting dating.

Now if I instead use the eye-contact "trick", and I can do that naturally and effortlessly, then I can detect potential partners at any everyday event or hobby. Some of these will likely "click" and lead to longer term flirting, and most of these are potential long-term relationships if you go about it in a reasonable way.

Guess where that would lead me? Answer: Even if I get into no relationship, flirting with girls and getting positive responses will boost my confidence, and it absolutely will not end in depression or quitting trying to get into contact with girls.


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26 Jul 2015, 11:11 am

If you get blown off by a woman don't let that get you down. Just say it's her loss. Don't let other people's action determine your happiness. External events only affect your happiness if you let them. You have to have happiness inside. One little seed of happiness you plant will generate more happiness. Vice Versa, a seed of depression breeds more depression.

Confidence and happiness just have to come from within. You just have to shrug off external circumstances like rejection, and move on.

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26 Jul 2015, 12:04 pm

Robert312 wrote:
You just have to shrug off external circumstances like rejection, and move on.

Can't do that. At least not with girls I have a romantic interest in.


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26 Jul 2015, 2:19 pm

Ask Mario he didnt get his first gf until his 30s on Donkey Kong now hes a 40 or so years old and is now dating a princess.

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