Bigotry against involuntarily celibate men
Mona Pereth wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
Aspies would not mind they were one of many guys a woman was seeing at the time.
Really? How many Aspie men here would agree with this, I wonder?
I certainly wouldn't, for the record. I've got my mind on something special in the future, one-on-one. Sorry to any who were planning to join.~

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magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
1 to 10 scale attractiveness for males and females.
For the guys it is all about that strong jaw. Facial symmetry + Strongest jawline wins.
1 to 10 scale attractiveness for males and females.
For the guys it is all about that strong jaw. Facial symmetry + Strongest jawline wins.
Do you realise that the subforum that is posted in (r/IncelTears) is mocking incels and the stupid s**t they post in their forums like the scale in the OP? You posted an incel meme that the rest of reddit is laughing at for being so stupid, and you posted it unironically. That's amazing.

I mean, read the comments. The scale and the idea it represents is being thoroughly trashed in the comments.
Honestly, I think the lack of adequate social skills is a much bigger problem for many men than looks.
Well then I'm surprised you identify yourself as an incel because if you were to go on their forums and say that you would get a lot of disagreement from most of them. Many of them seem entirely convinced that their one and only insurmountable problem is their "genetic inferiority", which is their current favourite term for ugliness which they think is something objective and measurable. That's actually a key piece of incel ideology, that their (they assume ugly) looks are the sole factor that has cursed them to be unattractive to women and therefore unable to get a relationship with one. Either their eyes are tilted the wrong way or their jaw isn't prominent enough or their wrists aren't thick enough (as stupid as that last one sounds, there is a not insignificant number of incels who seriously think no woman will ever love them because the circumference of their wrists is too small.)
These are the people you are associating with when you call yourself an incel. That's their own view of themselves and why they gather together online under that banner. Really have a think about that before you put that mantle on.
I do not identify specifically with the label incel. My situation is that I will always be alone and unwanted because of a genetic defect I was born with thru no choice or control of my own. That is the reality of my existence, not some label I slap on myself. I have already explained this multiple time in this thread, and more than once specifically in responses to your posts. And frankly, I'm getting tired of repeating myself.
I understand that you are upset about the violence that occurred in your community. But you are making a mistake by confusing every person who expresses an emotional response to perpetual romantic rejection with Alek Minassian.
And while the incel forums may be blowing matters out of proportion, our culture is bursting with messages emphasizing physical attractiveness. Have you ever read a romance novel? Those things are full of language about tall stature, piercing eyes, and yes, square jaws. So it is relevant. Anybody with even a rudimentary understanding of evolution knows that sexual competition and sexual selection are very real.
Personally, I never felt I was ugly or below average in looks until I got fat in my 30s. My "genetic inferiority" is represented by my autism, which often manifests in the forms of anxiety, shyness, and social awkwardness; characteristics scientifically proved to be sexually selected against by women. And as time went by, I developed major depression as well, which makes me even less atrractive than I already was.
If it's "scientifically proven" that women refuse autistic men, then why are many autistic men here on this forum able to get married and have relationships?
Nice try putting words in my mouth. I never said women refuse all autistic men, but that its a known fact that women generally do not favor men who are shy or socially awkward. While these are common traits of autistics, there is no set rule that they always present in an obvious way or cannot be overcome in some cases.
First off, the number of autistic men on this forum who have wives or girlfriends is very small compared to the ones who don't. And there are many diverse reasons why some autistic men can be married or in relationships: I do not deny that there are some women out there who would date men like us; but they are not common and one has to be extremely lucky in order to meet one at a time in her life when she is not already involved with someone else. Culture is also a big factor, and some of these men may live in cultures where dating or courtsip standards are entirely different from where I live. There is also the posibility that some of them are in emotionally abusive relatiosnships with women who delibrately seek out men can easily manipulate, which is something that I experienced several years ago. Or perhaps these men's wives/girlfriends settled for them due to a lack of better options. You also need to take into consideration that other factors can elevate a man's "sexual marketplace value", even if he is shy or socially awkward; such as being tall, atheletic, or financially successful.
You need to go to Morocco - Moroccan women do initiate.
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
1 to 10 scale attractiveness for males and females.
For the guys it is all about that strong jaw. Facial symmetry + Strongest jawline wins.
1 to 10 scale attractiveness for males and females.
For the guys it is all about that strong jaw. Facial symmetry + Strongest jawline wins.
Do you realise that the subforum that is posted in (r/IncelTears) is mocking incels and the stupid s**t they post in their forums like the scale in the OP? You posted an incel meme that the rest of reddit is laughing at for being so stupid, and you posted it unironically. That's amazing.

I mean, read the comments. The scale and the idea it represents is being thoroughly trashed in the comments.
Honestly, I think the lack of adequate social skills is a much bigger problem for many men than looks.
Well then I'm surprised you identify yourself as an incel because if you were to go on their forums and say that you would get a lot of disagreement from most of them. Many of them seem entirely convinced that their one and only insurmountable problem is their "genetic inferiority", which is their current favourite term for ugliness which they think is something objective and measurable. That's actually a key piece of incel ideology, that their (they assume ugly) looks are the sole factor that has cursed them to be unattractive to women and therefore unable to get a relationship with one. Either their eyes are tilted the wrong way or their jaw isn't prominent enough or their wrists aren't thick enough (as stupid as that last one sounds, there is a not insignificant number of incels who seriously think no woman will ever love them because the circumference of their wrists is too small.)
These are the people you are associating with when you call yourself an incel. That's their own view of themselves and why they gather together online under that banner. Really have a think about that before you put that mantle on.
I do not identify specifically with the label incel. My situation is that I will always be alone and unwanted because of a genetic defect I was born with thru no choice or control of my own. That is the reality of my existence, not some label I slap on myself. I have already explained this multiple time in this thread, and more than once specifically in responses to your posts. And frankly, I'm getting tired of repeating myself.
I understand that you are upset about the violence that occurred in your community. But you are making a mistake by confusing every person who expresses an emotional response to perpetual romantic rejection with Alek Minassian.
And while the incel forums may be blowing matters out of proportion, our culture is bursting with messages emphasizing physical attractiveness. Have you ever read a romance novel? Those things are full of language about tall stature, piercing eyes, and yes, square jaws. So it is relevant. Anybody with even a rudimentary understanding of evolution knows that sexual competition and sexual selection are very real.
Personally, I never felt I was ugly or below average in looks until I got fat in my 30s. My "genetic inferiority" is represented by my autism, which often manifests in the forms of anxiety, shyness, and social awkwardness; characteristics scientifically proved to be sexually selected against by women. And as time went by, I developed major depression as well, which makes me even less atrractive than I already was.
If it's "scientifically proven" that women refuse autistic men, then why are many autistic men here on this forum able to get married and have relationships?
Nice try putting words in my mouth. I never said women refuse all autistic men, but that its a known fact that women generally do not favor men who are shy or socially awkward. While these are common traits of autistics, there is no set rule that they always present in an obvious way or cannot be overcome in some cases.
First off, the number of autistic men on this forum who have wives or girlfriends is very small compared to the ones who don't. And there are many diverse reasons why some autistic men can be married or in relationships: I do not deny that there are some women out there who would date men like us; but they are not common and one has to be extremely lucky in order to meet one at a time in her life when she is not already involved with someone else. Culture is also a big factor, and some of these men may live in cultures where dating or courtsip standards are entirely different from where I live. There is also the posibility that some of them are in emotionally abusive relatiosnships with women who delibrately seek out men can easily manipulate, which is something that I experienced several years ago. Or perhaps these men's wives/girlfriends settled for them due to a lack of better options. You also need to take into consideration that other factors can elevate a man's "sexual marketplace value", even if he is shy or socially awkward; such as being tall, atheletic, or financially successful.
You need to go to Morocco - Moroccan women do initiate.
Not if they don't like you they won't.
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
magnetowasright wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
1 to 10 scale attractiveness for males and females.
For the guys it is all about that strong jaw. Facial symmetry + Strongest jawline wins.
1 to 10 scale attractiveness for males and females.
For the guys it is all about that strong jaw. Facial symmetry + Strongest jawline wins.
Do you realise that the subforum that is posted in (r/IncelTears) is mocking incels and the stupid s**t they post in their forums like the scale in the OP? You posted an incel meme that the rest of reddit is laughing at for being so stupid, and you posted it unironically. That's amazing.

I mean, read the comments. The scale and the idea it represents is being thoroughly trashed in the comments.
Honestly, I think the lack of adequate social skills is a much bigger problem for many men than looks.
Well then I'm surprised you identify yourself as an incel because if you were to go on their forums and say that you would get a lot of disagreement from most of them. Many of them seem entirely convinced that their one and only insurmountable problem is their "genetic inferiority", which is their current favourite term for ugliness which they think is something objective and measurable. That's actually a key piece of incel ideology, that their (they assume ugly) looks are the sole factor that has cursed them to be unattractive to women and therefore unable to get a relationship with one. Either their eyes are tilted the wrong way or their jaw isn't prominent enough or their wrists aren't thick enough (as stupid as that last one sounds, there is a not insignificant number of incels who seriously think no woman will ever love them because the circumference of their wrists is too small.)
These are the people you are associating with when you call yourself an incel. That's their own view of themselves and why they gather together online under that banner. Really have a think about that before you put that mantle on.
I do not identify specifically with the label incel. My situation is that I will always be alone and unwanted because of a genetic defect I was born with thru no choice or control of my own. That is the reality of my existence, not some label I slap on myself. I have already explained this multiple time in this thread, and more than once specifically in responses to your posts. And frankly, I'm getting tired of repeating myself.
I understand that you are upset about the violence that occurred in your community. But you are making a mistake by confusing every person who expresses an emotional response to perpetual romantic rejection with Alek Minassian.
And while the incel forums may be blowing matters out of proportion, our culture is bursting with messages emphasizing physical attractiveness. Have you ever read a romance novel? Those things are full of language about tall stature, piercing eyes, and yes, square jaws. So it is relevant. Anybody with even a rudimentary understanding of evolution knows that sexual competition and sexual selection are very real.
Personally, I never felt I was ugly or below average in looks until I got fat in my 30s. My "genetic inferiority" is represented by my autism, which often manifests in the forms of anxiety, shyness, and social awkwardness; characteristics scientifically proved to be sexually selected against by women. And as time went by, I developed major depression as well, which makes me even less atrractive than I already was.
If it's "scientifically proven" that women refuse autistic men, then why are many autistic men here on this forum able to get married and have relationships?
Nice try putting words in my mouth. I never said women refuse all autistic men, but that its a known fact that women generally do not favor men who are shy or socially awkward. While these are common traits of autistics, there is no set rule that they always present in an obvious way or cannot be overcome in some cases.
First off, the number of autistic men on this forum who have wives or girlfriends is very small compared to the ones who don't. And there are many diverse reasons why some autistic men can be married or in relationships: I do not deny that there are some women out there who would date men like us; but they are not common and one has to be extremely lucky in order to meet one at a time in her life when she is not already involved with someone else. Culture is also a big factor, and some of these men may live in cultures where dating or courtsip standards are entirely different from where I live. There is also the posibility that some of them are in emotionally abusive relatiosnships with women who delibrately seek out men can easily manipulate, which is something that I experienced several years ago. Or perhaps these men's wives/girlfriends settled for them due to a lack of better options. You also need to take into consideration that other factors can elevate a man's "sexual marketplace value", even if he is shy or socially awkward; such as being tall, atheletic, or financially successful.
It's interesting that you accuse me of putting words in your mouth and then proceed to do exactly that to me. I never said "women refuse all autistic men" when I reworded your argument that "women sexually select against men with autism". "Women refuse autistic men" is a perfectly legitimate way to restate "women sexually select against autistic men".
I don't know how you expect to have a proper debate if you're going to be disingenuous and project your own shady arguing tactics on to me. I'm starting to think I'm being trolled.
Also, ideas like "sexual market value" don't exist in the real world outside of PUA manuals and Redpill/MGTOW/Manosphere sort of online spaces. It's as ridiculous as the idea that everyone can be systematically numerically rated on an "objective" scale of physical attractiveness. It's just not applicable to how human beings actually interact with each other in life, and I think that's where you guys get stuck--you get these crazy ideas that don't apply to human interaction at all but you are convinced that they do and so you are preventing yourself from the start from being able to make deeper connections with people because of these unrealistic ideas you have about sex and attraction and men and women and just how people actually behave IRL.

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Aspie19828 wrote:
I just get online and say my life is so boring, my life sucks and I have been complaining now for around 20 years. We need a word to describe a guy who lives a boring life because he never fits into society. He does not live the dream life as depicted on TV and in Hollywood movies. My life sucks so much!
People with girlfriends can still be bored with their lives. Having a girlfriend won't instantly solve all of your problems.
The days are long, but the years are short

Joined: 30 Jul 2013
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karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Also, ideas like "sexual market value" don't exist in the real world outside of PUA manuals and Redpill/MGTOW/Manosphere sort of online spaces. It's as ridiculous as the idea that everyone can be systematically numerically rated on an "objective" scale of physical attractiveness.
Maybe not in a purely 100% objective sense, but to say that there is no kind of consensus of the kinds of traits women want in a man or vice versa is just plain wrong. There are variances in stylistic preferences and what not but to deny that there's any kind of trends that measure the likelihood that someone will be appealing to members of the opposite gender is just ignorant. For instance the obese socially awkward unemployed 40 year-old who still lives with his parents isn't simply unlucky in love. He's undesirable to the vast majority of women. But if he lost weight, built muscle, moved out of his parents house and started at a lucrative job, whether you want to call it an increase in sexual market value or not, he's drastically improved his chances of appealing to women and finding a relationship. That's what the whole concept of sexual market value is about.
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
You need to go to Morocco - Moroccan women do initiate.
Not if they don't like you they won't.
What makes you think they won't like you?
Well women find me unattractive, and I've always struggled even making friends. That doesn't help.
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
I just get online and say my life is so boring, my life sucks and I have been complaining now for around 20 years. We need a word to describe a guy who lives a boring life because he never fits into society. He does not live the dream life as depicted on TV and in Hollywood movies. My life sucks so much!
People with girlfriends can still be bored with their lives. Having a girlfriend won't instantly solve all of your problems.
I don’t think anyone has ever said it would. Stop putting words in peoples mouth.
It would make our lives better though.
sly279 wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
I just get online and say my life is so boring, my life sucks and I have been complaining now for around 20 years. We need a word to describe a guy who lives a boring life because he never fits into society. He does not live the dream life as depicted on TV and in Hollywood movies. My life sucks so much!
People with girlfriends can still be bored with their lives. Having a girlfriend won't instantly solve all of your problems.
I don’t think anyone has ever said it would. Stop putting words in peoples mouth.
It would make our lives better though.
It'd make us feel like humans instead of worthless freaks.

Joined: 30 Jul 2013
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sly279 wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
I just get online and say my life is so boring, my life sucks and I have been complaining now for around 20 years. We need a word to describe a guy who lives a boring life because he never fits into society. He does not live the dream life as depicted on TV and in Hollywood movies. My life sucks so much!
People with girlfriends can still be bored with their lives. Having a girlfriend won't instantly solve all of your problems.
I don’t think anyone has ever said it would. Stop putting words in peoples mouth.
It would make our lives better though.
I never put words in anyone's mouth. Stop putting words in my mouth!
The days are long, but the years are short
The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
sly279 wrote:
Why’s a unemployed woman or retail woman need a middle class man?
I remember one time when I was checking out of a grocery store, and the cashier was talking to a friend. She was telling her about the man she's dating. She told her friend something around the lines of: "He better have a high paying job!"
I didn't say anything, but the thought that immediately went through my head was: "B!tch, you're a f***ing cashier!"
Some women just think they're entitled to a rich husband who does all the work.
RetroGamer87 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
I just get online and say my life is so boring, my life sucks and I have been complaining now for around 20 years. We need a word to describe a guy who lives a boring life because he never fits into society. He does not live the dream life as depicted on TV and in Hollywood movies. My life sucks so much!
People with girlfriends can still be bored with their lives. Having a girlfriend won't instantly solve all of your problems.
I don’t think anyone has ever said it would. Stop putting words in peoples mouth.
It would make our lives better though.
I never put words in anyone's mouth. Stop putting words in my mouth!
See bolder part. It implies we think having a gf will magically solve all our issue, which no one has ever said.
Seems to me you’re just trying to to devalue our desire to have a relationship otherwise I see no reason to make a statement on a point no ones made.

Joined: 17 Feb 2013
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sly279 wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
sly279 wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Aspie19828 wrote:
I just get online and say my life is so boring, my life sucks and I have been complaining now for around 20 years. We need a word to describe a guy who lives a boring life because he never fits into society. He does not live the dream life as depicted on TV and in Hollywood movies. My life sucks so much!
People with girlfriends can still be bored with their lives. Having a girlfriend won't instantly solve all of your problems.
I don’t think anyone has ever said it would. Stop putting words in peoples mouth.
It would make our lives better though.
I never put words in anyone's mouth. Stop putting words in my mouth!
See bolder part. It implies we think having a gf will magically solve all our issue, which no one has ever said.
Seems to me you’re just trying to to devalue our desire to have a relationship otherwise I see no reason to make a statement on a point no ones made.
Seems to me Retro made the statement to backup his previous sentence And "point out the obvious to the oblivious," as Fnord would put it.
And I can totally understand why Retro would make that statement here in this forum, in this thread even. There are a number of regular posters who seem to think that getting themselves a girlfriend will magically cure their depression & other complaints in life - which simply isn't so. It seems these posters do not understand, or at least do not accept and believe, this, and it does in fact have to be pointed out. Repeatedly. So, good on Retro for doing his part to spread that knowledge to those who still haven't learned it yet.
Maybe those posters will read it, reflect upon it, and decide they need to go on a little journey of self assessment & improvement in order to love themselves first & be able to attract others better rather than putting the horse before the cart and trying to jump from step 0-10 in their constantly backfiring attempts to get girlfriends? Maybe.

The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Also, ideas like "sexual market value" don't exist in the real world outside of PUA manuals and Redpill/MGTOW/Manosphere sort of online spaces. It's as ridiculous as the idea that everyone can be systematically numerically rated on an "objective" scale of physical attractiveness.
Maybe not in a purely 100% objective sense, but to say that there is no kind of consensus of the kinds of traits women want in a man or vice versa is just plain wrong. There are variances in stylistic preferences and what not but to deny that there's any kind of trends that measure the likelihood that someone will be appealing to members of the opposite gender is just ignorant. For instance the obese socially awkward unemployed 40 year-old who still lives with his parents isn't simply unlucky in love. He's undesirable to the vast majority of women. But if he lost weight, built muscle, moved out of his parents house and started at a lucrative job, whether you want to call it an increase in sexual market value or not, he's drastically improved his chances of appealing to women and finding a relationship. That's what the whole concept of sexual market value is about.
Trying to apply concepts of economics to human interaction is going to go badly for the people who try to do so, though. That's my point. When you approach building deeper connections with other humans (which is what incels claim to want, not just sex but close relationships with women) if you do so while seeing human interaction like a market place where goods and services are exchanged rather than human being getting to know each other based on feelings then you are not going to be successful in the way you want. You're shooting yourself in the foot looking at people this way, it's a big reason why incels are as unhappy and lonely as they are. They think about people all wrong and so their interactions with people go wrong and they fail to make any deep connections because they keep everyone at arms length with these ridiculous ideas about people's "market value" and sexist gender roles like men must always approach and chase women.
But by all means, continue to ignore people who tell you this and keep beating your head against that brick wall and crying into the abyss about "Why doesn't it work? Why aren't women attracted to me?" Since that seems to be more satisfying to most incels than actually trying something that might work. They would much rather complain online about how the stupid stuff they do over and over again and their stupid outlook on people doesn't work and then get together online with other stupid incels and talk about how it's all women's fault anyway for being hypergamous whores who have sex with everyone but incels.