Kenjuudo wrote:
A nice guy is per definition a guy who's nice to people. There is no direct correlation between "nice guy" and "shy guy".
The context of this thread is the well established 'nice guy' stereotype, which universally includes some form of insecurity. It is that insecurity which prevents this stereotype from acting and speaking in a forthright manner, instead opting to understate or hide their true feelings from the women they are interested in. As they attempt to prove their worthiness through favors, gifts, or fulfilling their lady-friends' unmet emotional needs(hence: nice guy), they fail to understand A) their actions are both passive, and represent a
hidden agenda(sex), both of which are stereotypically unattractive to women who traditionally seek masculine traits and B) that their actions represent a BRIBE (if I do X [as opposed to BEING X], she will like me). Naturally, this bribe does not create any sexual attraction or tension, which is the core of romance.
And more reasons, besides.
Is it possible to be a nice guy who is not shy? YES!
But that would have nothing to do with the subject of this thread, and would tend not be the kind of person people are talking about when they say "nice guy," in this broader context.
Also, a so-called "alpha male" does not need to be a jerk, but someone other people easily look up to and easily respect. For the things he does and for the things he says.
Alpha male is situationally subjective. If the confident, good hearted guy leaves the scene, then the next in line takes the mantle. If two men are left - one nice and in-confident, the other a jerk - the jerk tends to override and fill the social void. Whoever's personality is more forceful, really. It certainly doesn't guarantee the jerk's success though, heh.
All in all, the OP was close to the mark.