How many people here are polyamorous?

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12 Jan 2010, 12:14 am

Well, I can say that in our marriage, romance does indeed "win out over sex". Not running down sex - sex is great, sex is wonderful - but if we couldn't spend evenings together watching movies, or playing games, or just talking until we're ready to go to sleep, I don't think the three of us would still be together.

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12 Jan 2010, 5:24 pm

therange wrote:
biostructure wrote:
Kaysea wrote:
There was a point in my life that I entertained the notion. However, upon actually thinking about it, I came to the same conclusion as MC (I've never actually experimented with it). Honestly, though, I would much rather find one partner who is also my best friend and find some land way out in the country and have the mountains and birds to keep us company. And, like many here, I have always felt a much stronger bond of consanguinuity with natural things than with others of my own species.

But then why would you want to be tied down to one person? I am the same as you with feeling more of a connection with nature than other humans, so wouldn't you want your relationships to be less serious, and live around a bunch of friends you could also be sexual with?

Not everyone is out for recreational sex.

Thank you. I have found that the practice is not particularly gratifying. Also, I think that living with a group of friends (poly or otherwise) would probably stress me out after a while.


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12 Jan 2010, 11:39 pm

I experiemented with polyamory and I learned a few things: three people aren't comfortable tyring to sleep in a queen-sized bed, I get pissed off when someone takes my pillow, and three people's hygiene supplies can't be efficiently stored in one bathroom.

I am polyamorous in that I'm attracted to multiple people at at time. I am monogamous by choice because I like my life to be simple, although I'm pretty sure humans aren't monogamous by nature.

Kaysea, your plan sounds perfect. :)


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13 Jan 2010, 12:18 am

From what I've seen most people can't hack polyamorous relationships purely out of jealousy. They like the idea of being able to sleep around themselves, but they'd have a heart attack at the mere notion of their partner sleeping in someone else's bed. That's why I think it's so rare, and most people just resort to cheating. It's a life of double-standards, and it really annoys me.

As long as the person I'm dating is honest, and treats me with respect, I'm open to whatever type of relationship they want. But, as I said, polyamory is rare. I'll probably end up committing to a long-term monogamous relationship, rather than anything polyamorous, but it really doesn't concern me either way.

As long as I'm loved, cared for, and told the truth, I'll be happy in whatever relationship-setup I find.


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13 Jan 2010, 12:47 am

Gaya wrote:
I experiemented with polyamory and I learned a few things: three people aren't comfortable tyring to sleep in a queen-sized bed...

QFT. You need at least a king-size, if not a California king, to fit three adults in. It gets worse if there are kids, and one of them has a nightmare... :)

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13 Jan 2010, 11:40 am

My wife had an online boyfriend for a while. It would have been more if he'd gotten off his lazy ass and come visit.

I'm glad it's over with, though. I don't think it would have worked long term, since he was married and cheating on his wife and not willing to man up and leave her or work honestly on his marriage. My wife kept getting her hopes up and getting depressed and this whole deal was far more trouble than it was worth for her. My wife can do much better, and if she brings home someone I can respect and get along with, I'll be up for it. For now, she seems to consider it too much work to try to keep up with two men, though.

Interestingly enough, what finally gave her the push she needed to break it off was when I told her I was going to find a girlfriend.


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13 Jan 2010, 1:26 pm

QFT. You need at least a king-size, if not a California king, to fit three adults in. It gets worse if there are kids, and one of them has a nightmare...

Heh, now it's even worse. I've only got a full. Good thing I'm with one person right now. :)


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13 Jan 2010, 1:35 pm

DeaconBlues wrote:
Gaya wrote:
I experiemented with polyamory and I learned a few things: three people aren't comfortable tyring to sleep in a queen-sized bed...

QFT. You need at least a king-size, if not a California king, to fit three adults in. It gets worse if there are kids, and one of them has a nightmare... :)

It all depends on their size, how much they move in their sleep, and how much they like to snuggle.

With the weather we've been having lately (highs below freezing for three days in a row? WTF???), I wouldn't mind having an extra body crowded in my bed...


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16 Jan 2010, 7:20 am

My poly relationship isn't just about sex...It is about being able to have an emotional/physical bond with more than one person....As much as my main partner would love it, I would not feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed with him and his other girlfriend. We usually all get along, but we have our boundaries/ give each other privacy and whatnots...


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16 Jan 2010, 10:08 am

It has been the crowning achievement of my life that I found one person who liked me enough to marry me. It took 37 years.

I am not equipped to deal with having, or even wanting another person in addition to my wife. I've never had a friend-with-benefits, and wouldn't know how to make that happen if my life depended on it. Having it happen within the context of my marriage is an alien concept, and something that is so far beyond the realm of possibility as to be laughable.

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16 Jan 2010, 10:57 pm

I am contemplating getting myself tangled up in a poly relationship , "Amy" has been in a relationship with her GF for 2 yrs but her GF is accustomed to being in an open relationship and has taken up a secondary GF. I have known "Amy" off and on for over a year and was always attracted though I am not exactly a sexually motivated being she is and has basically asked me to be her secondary . I have a crazy notion this may work I have neither the time energy or inclination to get seriously involved with anyone right now. If anyone is interested in a Lesbian/gay thread visit this if it is popular it will be made a sticky

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19 Jan 2010, 3:51 am

We've talked about it a few times. Seems like it would be easier on him when I'm in a don't freaking touch me mood and I always felt happier and less stress in open relationships in high school. We want to get a little of the current chaos out of the way before seriously considering it.

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19 Jan 2010, 3:12 pm

My best friend and I shared a casual partner for a little while. By that i mean we picked her up on separate nights as some kind of 'three way' would have made everyone uncomfortable. It had t end however because he is fical and gets tired of the same girl quick and without him she suddenly wanted nothing to do with me either. however its always been a fantasy or really more of a life long dream of mine to have a live in GF who also has a live in GF who is also mine lol


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19 Jan 2010, 8:10 pm

I am polyarmorous by nature, but Hubby is not, therefore I restrict myself. I don't feel that I am missing out on anything though, but I suppose I just feel more of the baser animal instinct than he does.

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23 Jan 2010, 8:17 am

Salonfilosoof wrote:
Merle wrote:
All the women who once touched my heart became part of my heart. I could no longer remove the feelings I had for them any more than I could remove a piece of my heart.

I know what you mean.

Every one are feel that...
But no one can suggest...
Why ?


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23 Jan 2010, 12:21 pm

brv231981 wrote:
Salonfilosoof wrote:
Merle wrote:
All the women who once touched my heart became part of my heart. I could no longer remove the feelings I had for them any more than I could remove a piece of my heart.

I know what you mean.

Every one are feel that...
But no one can suggest...
Why ?

Hmmm, definately something to ponder.

Humans can be considered extremely emotional creatures. They form profound attachments to other species, even when such feelings can not be reciprocated: dogs, horses, cats.

In addition, the human memory for the most part forgets the "bad" and remembers the good. This is partially reason why gamblers gamble, and people think the next time will be different.

Add in the AS issues of emotions and relationships...

I *think* once we form an emotional attachment to someone, it's much deeper than any other attachment due to our lack of competing attachments. We have fewer, so we value the ones we allow in all the more. Even in the worst of times, those bad incidents are forgotten or downplayed, and we fondly remember the good.