Well, it depends on what you define marriage as. I feel no need for and state or church to sanctify my commitment to my partner. However, I would like to have a small, simple commitment ceremony for close friends and family. Because if I'm going to be monogamous with someone long term (possibly for life), things aren't always going to be easy, and knowing that we've both made a commitment to one another and that we're on the same page with that commitment will be reassuring. Also, if I decide that I want to spend forever with someone, I'd love to share it with close friends and family.
I've been to FOUR weddings this year so far and I have at least 3 more to attend, the more I go to, the more I wish I was that in love and the more pressured I feel to be that committed to someone because I'm getting older. I'm also finding that they're expensive and make people's brains explode because things inevitably go wrong with the planning...while I want some kind of unconventional ceremony/get together, I sure as hell don't want to plan it, lol.