I can agree with a lot of this:
nick007 wrote:
Other qualities I do NOT want include
Maturity~ I like immature women because we may share more similar interest & they can be funny & cute.
I would kind of agree with this--though I would say that "development" is at least as good a way to put it, if not better.
The way I see it, immaturity is a negative-valued word that refers to lacking sense and/or being consumed by trivial things. Its meaning depends on the judgment of the observer. "Undeveloped" refers to being still in the learning stages of what life is all about, and wanting to experience things purely for the sake of learning to understand them and finding out one's preferences or place in the world. I have a hard time relating to women who could never have a relationship
purely for the sake of finding out what it feels like to be in a relationship and/or experience the "high" associated with it, without expectations of how the other person will fit into their life. For me, emotions relating to sexual relationships are still much more objects of curiosity rather than things that have a defined place in life.
nick007 wrote:
Independence~ Independent women sometimes seem to have an attitude towards dependent guys like me & I want someone who will NOT put me down, push me away or tell me that she needs her space. Clingy women are cute & sweet.
I pass judgment on this until I'm really in a relationship, but I have a feeling I WANT independence, as I can't stand being around other people for extended time. Maybe in the very beginning I'd want to be together constantly, but I think that would get very old very quickly.
nick007 wrote:
Normal~ I have a very hard time relating to normal people. I get along much better with women who are random, weird, hyper, or crazy/psycho even.
Random, weird, and hyper I can agree with. Crazy/psycho can be awful, especially if she's paranoid. I knew a woman who had a habit of accusing people of crimes with shaky evidence, and I totally hate those kind of people. A more antisocial type of "crazy" woman who would never cooperate with/turn to an authority figure might be easier to get along with, paradoxically. Though generally I think that only mild "abnormalities" like hypomania, ADHD, etc. would really be positive.
The main difficulty with a "normal" woman would be that she might be turned off by me if I get "weird", for instance obsess over bodily functions in a sexual way or intellectually analyze random things. For instance, like John Nash in A Beautiful Mind when he gets slapped--I wouldn't hit on a girl in a bar like that, but may be sort of that way during sex and don't want it to repulse or creep her out. So in "honor" of that I add to nick007's list...
Ladylike~ I'd have a really hard time with a girl who considers her body "dirty" and wants to hide it from even her sexual partners as much as possible. Who can't stand her sexual parts being touched in casual ways, only in "serious" ways when her partner is in a specific mood.