hale_bopp wrote:
Gamer girls aren't hard to find, i've been through this already with some of you. Participate in gamer forums. Both my flatmate and I are single gamer girls.
Thing is though, they aren't nessicarily going to be interested in gamer guys. I've only met one gamer guy I've ever been interested in.
I tend to go for intelligent classy men, whereas she goes for the athletic sporty type.
You can find just as many fun friendly non gamer girls out there.
this is true. but I like my women nerdy for some reason...i just, dig them. I dont know why. perhaps just my type.
well, I fit in a few categories as a guy, I did about 14 years of martial arts and do parkour as well, so I would say Im kind of athletic, but at the same times, Im an art student and a major gamer who loves reading. I also like to sit about and tinker all day with diffrent things, like jewelry and smithing.
so I have this deslusional view that im not a bad guy, and am pretty chill, but I think what sets people off is my communication skills.
perhaps a video of me should illustrate more on this matter,
go there.
thank you all for your input! Im reading it all and taking it to heart!