ToadOfSteel wrote:
Assuming for the sake of argument that they were single (afaik neither of them are) and I was closer in age to either of them, I could see myself going for either Janissy or Hopegrows... I just hope I didn't make things incredibly awkward there...
I think this thread is going to be the opposite of that celebrity photo thread, where the women were quick to respond with their celeb pics and the men were mostly... what?
Aww, Toad - you're such a sweet guy....I'm awfully flattered. But yes, I'm too old for you - and you are going to meet a nice,
young lady who will reflect all of your best qualities. And you will see this, and know it for the genuine expression that it is, and you will be happily matched. You just need a bigger pond to fish, kiddo. Start researching your (next) move.
What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful...