Aspie1 wrote:
Unattractive people (from a traditional point of view) are pretty much the only ones who would even give me the time of day, let alone a chance. It tooks me years to realize it, but now I work accordingly. From the time a years ago (in my pre-WP days) when I ended up kissing an unattractive girl while I was really drunk, the method of going for only unattractive girls has grown into a system. Despite the common impression, it is not based on deception, but on me and them being in the exact same situation: not being able to find a romantic partner. So honestly, what is wrong with two lonely people finding each other, and making each other's life happier?
You have a really good point here, and I would like to add that what most people consider attractive does NOT match what I consider to be attractive. For example, I don't find blondies to be attractive at all (with a strong preference for black or brown hair), I don't like girls who are stick figures (they look sick, to be honest...), little or no makeup is preferred (an alternative is goth makeup, which can look so cool sometimes...), tough "don't mess with me" looks, etc....
It's also been pointed out that people tend to marry people of equal attractiveness (in society's eyes). I would say that a lot of this has to do with the fact that different people find different appearance types attractive.
Now I am quite asexual, but I do still find certain types of girls attractive aesthetically.