At the time my prom was not really a priority for me. While there was one girl I might have been interested in asking (in my AP calculus BC class, not the girl below), but I didn't bother. At the time of my prom Asperger's had just been a diagnosis for less than a year, and I was not diagnosed. Still I had an intuitive understanding that I was different, and the rest of the world was NT.
With that said, I intuitively saw the prom as an NT activity that I just didn't care for. My senior year of HS I was a total Calculus snob. I guess calculus had become my special interest. I was so proud that I had an A- average in the class that I looked down on anyone who didn't have at least a B average in AP calculus BC (and not the AP calculus AB, which I saw as calculus for wimps). I just wouldn't want anything to have anything to do with them! There was a real hottie cheerleader who was taking AP calculus AB. Since she was taking the easy AP calculus,
I didn't want to respect her. She always had a group of guys around her, and I didn't believe she needed or was entitled to my attention to her as well. Although she flirted with me, I didn't (at the time) believe she was being authentic with me. Also since I saw her as a 'social' person (i.e. NT) I felt like giving her a little reverse discrimination to get back at her for all the times that NTs had treated me like $h!t for my Aspie traits. Right now though, I recognize that she did nothing to me to deserve to be treated that way, and I do regret it.
Anyway back to the prom topic! Since the prom had nothing to do with calculus, I really didn't care one way or the other. Actually I probably saw it as a shallow activity that would have taken time away from solving more calculus problems
. As such I would have given it equal importance as I would now attribute to googling Charlie Sheen rumors or talking about Britney Spears's hair; the activity was simply beneath me! If I had been diagnosed then and had a real awareness of what Autism is I would have might cried myself to sleep feeling sorry for myself. But looking back at it now I can't help but be sort of
proud of the fact that I was able to
give the entire prom experience the middle finger and be happy about it in the process. You remind me of high school jocks.
ie: dickheads.