I'm convinced that the key to happiness is not in finding a man, especially if you're AS. I'm planning my future as a single person, and spending my time and energies on working on my career and creative pursuits (and currently my health, so I can stop being an invalid and get my life back).
Hobbies are better. They are not unpredictable and outside of your control. They provide fulfillment and give out what you put in in a predictable equation. I feel I would be very sad if I was planning my future life around finding a partner, because the chance of me finding someone who I am compatible with is very low - it is unlikely to happen.
I want to find life meaning in creating wonderful things (creativity put into practice), learning, self growth, helping and nurturing people, and achieving wisdom. If I do not end up with a partner I think I will have one or two cats, and my own sunny flat with my books in it.
I'm not saying it's wrong or a bad idea to want marriage and children. I think focusing your energies and hopes on dating tends to only surround yourself in sad thoughts and gets you stuck with unpredictability, no control, and negative outcomes. If you want to get out of the house (leave home), finding a partner is not the way to do it. You will only be replacing one trap with the next. If you truly want escape, the only way to achieve this is through independence. Working towards independence and then renting (if you can't afford to buy) your own place, even if it's the smallest cheapest place you can find. If you can't drive, look into moving to a major city. I live near the city center and am normally independent (except for currently due to the breakdown in mental health I have experienced). I can't drive, so I live somewhere where I can get anywhere I need to go via public transport. It's amazing how few (if any) destinations are out of reach once you are a veteran of using public transport. I live in a very small old flat where the rent is cheap, so I can afford it.
Into the dark...