CaroleTucson wrote:
Keeno wrote:
Interesting post by Tequila, about becoming an avowed paedophobe. Me too!
To me, that sounds like a terrible overreaction. You may as well say that because some women have been known to falsely accuse men of raping them, you will henceforth avoid ALL women.
That's just not realistic.
It's not just that, it's the constant suspicion whenever we have a camera around children and are taking photos; even if it's turned off, or even if the camera is pointed in a totally different direction.
Or whenever you speak to children, even when supervised in many instances.
Honestly, the paedophile hysteria has gotten to such a point where one totally unfounded accusation can ruin a man's life. Which is why there are very, very few male teachers in British schools these days.
You're better off avoiding them altogether.
Paranoid parents driven on by mass media fear has really had a large part to play in this. And the 'mob mentality' too - this is usually at open day events, where ill-educated, feckless and often violent parents get drunk in packs and start looking for anyone who looks 'dodgy'.