The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
True, except that Homo Sapiens are not birds.
Are we gorillas or bonobos?
Car fetish-will she like me if I buy this car?
Will she like me if I speak this way?
Will she like me if I walk like this?
Will she like me if I have this much money?
Will she like me if I sing and play my guitar like this?
Will she like me if I put a canoe in my pocket?
Will she like me if I make funny comments online?
Will she like me if I make myself look strong by bullying the weak?
Will she like me if I tell her she is beautiful?
Will she let me mate with here if I beat up all the other males?
Or will she sneak off to the edge of the herd and get some hot carpet licking action with another cow, because neurotic aggressive males always wanting to stick it in are an annoying evolutionary has been, long past its used by date? And destined for the scrap heap of time?
I see your point tho, yes...even female humans are the choosers after all.