Are there even any women that approach men?

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21 Sep 2011, 6:08 pm

Darialan wrote:
Looking back now I think there was one girl that I wasn't taking any hints from. 1. Girls didn't want me. 2. I was the biggest geek in the school and also the biggest "psycho" because of my rage against bullies, so I was kinda frightening.

So the only time I could only have gotten a clue was when she said I was looking rather sexy that day. Was she kidding? I wasn't sure. She wasn't the kind to pick on me like that. She knew better than to play games, because I had trouble with girls and that would depress me. I didn't know how to respond to that and I was girl shy.

I think you can fix that.

1. Should be number 3.

2. Don't be the biggest geek, be the biggest knight and learn to charm girls.

3. Don't just be the loudest protestor, be the baddest man against bullies. Go special ops on them by planting traps, create mobs, and tricks, etc. You going to wish you did in your past.

4. Then, the girls will take notice and be friendly enough to give them a phone number. You can sneak too because some girl want to conceal and maintain privacy. If they are interested, they will secretly call you.


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22 Sep 2011, 8:31 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Surfman wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Will she like me if I fart now?

A few years ago I was lying in bed next to a girl I loved trying to fall asleep. It was very early in the relationship and suddenly I thought "god I hope I don't fart while asleep and make a bad impression". Seconds later a hear this massive fart from her side of the bed.
I fell asleep much more relaxed a short time later :)

Back to topic:
I really like girls who make the first move or least signal their interest openly. For me it is a sign that they do not care about the "proper image" of women being passive and meek. I find it attractive if a person is ready to make up their own mind (in males too, just not in a sexual sense).


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22 Sep 2011, 10:15 am

I've asked men out in the past (mostly online, mind you), and it's been met with mixed results. So yeah, I'd say there are women out there that would do the asking.

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.


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22 Sep 2011, 10:17 am

I never get responses on dating sites. The people I message on them, rarely if ever respond. I'd like to see if someone can look at my profiles and see what I can do to better present myself on them, but still be honest.


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22 Sep 2011, 10:58 am

Surfman wrote:
Women do hair flicks at guys who are then supposed to make the first move

yes, some women use a subtle approach like that. my mom had an expression about that:

i chased him until he caught me

for me, i've usually been the pursuer, either blatantly or subtly. i prefer it that way, in fact. one single time in my whole dating experience it has been a fully mutual and simultaneous pursuit. it has been awesome! and fascinating in retrospect, because all of the pieces had to fit together in a certain way, and neither of us really knew that the other person was engineering the same end.

i have a question... if women are always the 'choosers' then how come i've been blatantly rejected before? the final choice isn't always in women's hands.

EDIT: should have asked about WOMEN being choosers, not MEN

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Last edited by hyperlexian on 22 Sep 2011, 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Sep 2011, 11:14 am

Right. Obviously it bends in the favor of women but that's not always decisive.

I'm no prize and even Ive overtly rejected more women than I had a right to. But my math is my own.


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22 Sep 2011, 1:07 pm

hyperlexian wrote:
Surfman wrote:
Women do hair flicks at guys who are then supposed to make the first move

yes, some women use a subtle approach like that. my mom had an expression about that:

i chased him until he caught me

for me, i've usually been the pursuer, either blatantly or subtly. i prefer it that way, in fact. one single time in my whole dating experience it has been a fully mutual and simultaneous pursuit. it has been awesome! and fascinating in retrospect, because all of the pieces had to fit together in a certain way, and neither of us really knew that the other person was engineering the same end.

i have a question... if men are always the 'choosers' then how come i've been blatantly rejected before? the final choice isn't always in women's hands.

You mom's quote made me spit Fresca all over my keyboad...thanks.. ;)

As to your question, a rhetorical question no doubt, didn't you mean 'woman are always the choosers'? Isn't that the meme -- that women are the choosers, and select the male out of a number of willing suitors.


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22 Sep 2011, 1:18 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Surfman wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:

True, except that Homo Sapiens are not birds.

Are we gorillas or bonobos?

Car fetish-will she like me if I buy this car?
Will she like me if I speak this way?
Will she like me if I walk like this?
Will she like me if I have this much money?
Will she like me if I sing and play my guitar like this?
Will she like me if I put a canoe in my pocket?
Will she like me if I make funny comments online?
Will she like me if I make myself look strong by bullying the weak?
Will she like me if I tell her she is beautiful?
Will she let me mate with here if I beat up all the other males?

Or will she sneak off to the edge of the herd and get some hot carpet licking action with another cow, because neurotic aggressive males always wanting to stick it in are an annoying evolutionary has been, long past its used by date? And destined for the scrap heap of time?

Will she like me if I fart now?

I see your point tho, yes...even female humans are the choosers after all.

Uhm... what? Last I checked, men reject women as well. From my experience, the choosing is a 50/50 deal for humans.

Still looking for that blue jean baby queen, prettiest girl I've ever seen.


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22 Sep 2011, 1:19 pm

AsteroidNap wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
Surfman wrote:
Women do hair flicks at guys who are then supposed to make the first move

yes, some women use a subtle approach like that. my mom had an expression about that:

i chased him until he caught me

for me, i've usually been the pursuer, either blatantly or subtly. i prefer it that way, in fact. one single time in my whole dating experience it has been a fully mutual and simultaneous pursuit. it has been awesome! and fascinating in retrospect, because all of the pieces had to fit together in a certain way, and neither of us really knew that the other person was engineering the same end.

i have a question... if WOMEN are always the 'choosers' then how come i've been blatantly rejected before? the final choice isn't always in women's hands.

You mom's quote made me spit Fresca all over my keyboad...thanks.. ;)

As to your question, a rhetorical question no doubt, didn't you mean 'woman are always the choosers'? Isn't that the meme -- that women are the choosers, and select the male out of a number of willing suitors.

yeah i edited my question. it made no sense as i had written it :oops:

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22 Sep 2011, 1:23 pm

hyperlexian wrote:

i have a question... if women are always the 'choosers' then how come i've been blatantly rejected before? the final choice isn't always in women's hands.

Because men aren't some desperate wild animal running solely on the instinct to procreate. Men want the same thing women do... someone to love and relate to.

Still looking for that blue jean baby queen, prettiest girl I've ever seen.


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22 Sep 2011, 1:37 pm

TeaEarlGreyHot wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:

i have a question... if women are always the 'choosers' then how come i've been blatantly rejected before? the final choice isn't always in women's hands.

Because men aren't some desperate wild animal running solely on the instinct to procreate. Men want the same thing women do... someone to love and relate to.

yeah i know, my question is mostly rhetorical. the members before me were saying that women are always the choosers. logically we know this is not the case, as i can personally confirm from the fact that i haven't always gotten the final say as to who i got to date.

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22 Sep 2011, 5:17 pm

I always get the final say, or last 2 words

yes dear


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22 Sep 2011, 5:34 pm

I've been rejected heaps. It's common for women to get rejected.

Like someone else said, not all men are desperate.


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22 Sep 2011, 5:37 pm

hale_bopp wrote:
Like someone else said, not all men are desperate.

Yes, but generally though these men have a reason not to be desperate.


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22 Sep 2011, 5:41 pm

Tequila wrote:
hale_bopp wrote:
Like someone else said, not all men are desperate.

Yes, but generally though these men have a reason not to be desperate.

Well, they don't always. I've had people say they'd rather be single than date me. That's fine, I don't want to date them anyway, each to their own.


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22 Sep 2011, 5:44 pm

Well, if I ever get to the land of the long white cloud I'll look you up. That is if the plane can carry my bulk.