Tuttle wrote:
Well, there are actually theories that Asperger's is associated with abnormally high levels of testosterone in the womb. However, females absolutely can have that as well. We're pretty sure that I was exposed to higher than average for a female levels of testosterone in the womb because of various things about me and my mom's pregnancy with me.
I had extremely high levels of testosterone in the womb and that was confirmed in my diagnosis to be an early sign of autism. I've also met a couple of diagnosed females who come across as girls who don't necessarily associate themselves with femininity.
catperson wrote:
I was stating the fact : I never met an aspie girl, which is true. Maybe not an absolute reality since as an observer I might have ignored some.
How many girls have you met in general? Have you attended any meet ups or purposely gone to public places to spot girls that may show signs of it? You can't label AS or put it into a box, every person tends to vary in functioning, skills and sense of individual identity regardless of gender.