Interesting thread, this...
There's a few thoughts here. Should the love of your life accept you for who you are, warts and all? Yes. Hell yes.
Should you be unchangeable and blunt just for the sake of being yourself? Hardly. You can never progress as a human being if you refuse to change at all. How do you think people mature?
Should you want to change yourself to the point you're unrecognisable just to gain respect from a few people? No, that's silly.
A cure for the annoying nuances of AS would be nice - I imagine it's not always great fun getting stared down straight in the eyes by unsuspecting NTs, or having the living daylights startled out of you when someone rests their hand on your shoulder. I imagine it would be handy to have the unspoken book of how society works, that's written into the subconscious of every 'NT', decoded or given to you...just for reference. Lol.
But a cure would probably lose you all the skills that you are gifted with as an Aspie. And that just ain't cool.
My boyfriend is the AS in our AS/NT sandwich. We have an interesting IS a lot harder maintaining such a relationship (particularly for me, apparently), but it happened in the first place...there are girls out there that can look PAST what they perceive to be weird/different/whatever because they can see the true value of YOU.
What most NTs find so odd is of course the misleading body language, and the inability for an Aspie to read ours correctly. What is it, something like 7% of a person's impression of you is based on what you say. That was for a job interview, but everyday interaction isn't much different. The average person communicates mostly with their body, and the tone in their voice...not words specifically. Learning the language of the body is very helpful in the long run, much like learning Chinese when living in China This doesn't necessarily mean changing yourself, just knowing how to interpret how others are interacting with you. Also gives you a chance to put out a more accurate picture of who you are - in their language
There are so many things that are possible to remedy some of the social aspects of AS that make life more difficult for you...decoding that language is a main one.
And for everyone who mentioned the stresses of acting - I know what you mean. Just in case anyone was wondering, NTs spend 99% of their waking hours acting, putting on the right front, paying lip-service, you name it. We can't NOT. That's why we get so confused and stressed later down the track when we've forgotten who we are. We do it mostly subconsciously, but it takes its toll on us because we do it all our lives too.