hyperlexian wrote:
no. according to the only legitimate study of any kind, a man must approach thosands of women to get a handful of numbers.
and it would be a douche move anyway. i recommend getting to know women as humans instead.
A man listening to a woman for dating advice makes him date like a woman.
This man dates like a woman. He sits around, hoping that someone. Anyone. Will ask him out on a date.
Approaching thousands of women would get him a woman.
SayHello69 wrote:
I want to have sex with beautiful young women. I am reaching the end of my youth and soon that won't be possible unless I use hookers.
He's desperate. Hookers are there, and they're a last resort.
Porn is a refuge, not an education. It's better to have a girlfriend. And her looks don't matter as much as you might think. And you won't need as much sex as you think.