If there's a girl I'm interested in, I'll always try to befriend her. I know I put myself endangered of being "friend-zoned" but that's the only way I can show a girl I like her and that's the only way I can socialize with a girl. I could never ask out strangers, I'm definitely not a guy who shouts out compliments at girls. I always make it known how much I respect them as a person and would never do anything to make them feel uncomfortable. I think for any aspergers guy, if he is your friend and enjoys your presence, chances are he likes you but won't be able to admit it.
I know from experience as there's a girl I like very much but because she's six years older than me, my chances of dating her aren't good but my feelings for her will not change, I still secretly wish we could be together. I sometimes wonder myself if she has any idea how I really feel about her.
"The less I know about other people's affairs, the happier I am. I'm not interested in caring about people. I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. The best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes."