The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
What about dating sites? wouldn't that info be useful for it?
Assuming I participated on any, (which I currently don't but I have in the past) I would not delete my photo and rush off and take a different profile pic with a different expression just because of the latest findings of some "study" done by people I don't know, conducted on people I don't know, in an attempt to mold myself into the person that the "study" suggests I ought to be. I'd rather just be myself, if it's all the same to you.
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
You people here are too much falseness paranoid - relax.
I'd say it's the other way round. You seem to be afraid of just being yourself and seem to worry far too much about what all these ridiculous surveys have to say.
If I followed every "study" out there on the Internet, I would turn into a patchwork Frankenstein. Here's what might happen:
One study might say "men prefer long hair" so I'd anxiously start growing it. Another might say "men prefer skinny women" so I'd start starving myself. Then I'd have to get implants because another study would say men like big boobs, which are impossible when you're anorexic. Oops, they like short hair now. Better cut it off. Wait, they like women who like the first move. No, now they like shy yet playful girls - with LONG HAIR!! WHY DID I CUT IT ALL OFF??! Oh no! Now it says men like tall women. Better have surgery to make my legs longer - ouch. That was sore. Now I'd better start scowling at men because smiling is deemed unattractive. Wait, what's the current opinion on hair this month? Darn, long again. Now I need some extensions (and some new boob implants. The old ones burst). Darn it, now freckes are cute. I'd better have some tattoed on. OH NO! Freckles are out of fashion! Now I need laser surgery. Wait, my pale skin is unattractive and pasty according to a recent survey. Better get a spray tan...oops. Now I have a horrible allergic rash.
Do people really live like this?
I'll smile when I'm happy and frown when I'm sad, and keep my own natural physique and just be who I am.
Why don't you just be yourself? That way someone will be attracted to you one day because of your uniqueness rather than for your ability to follow trends.