My two hours with Mystery

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Sir, let me tell you, this is a myth. A big greasy fat BS lie that's commonly told in social debates.
Georges Clooney and Johnny depp aren't seen as the most attractive guys simply because they have awesome characters.
But because they're also exceptionally good-looking.
Stop lying to yourselves, guys...and gals.
Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 14 May 2012, 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
That would only matter to a certain type of girl, in other words, having a muscular body or even the right image but it can attract a certain type of girl or get a foot in the door.
I think you're putting far too much emphasis on looks, a lot to do with having a high attraction value is in having a high social value or having a value of high desire, creating an emotional connection and creating a positive time between you and that person. It's also about how much value and faith you place in yourself, if you believe you have value, you will project that on to others.
I asked a friend of mine what traits she found attractive about me after she confessed she has strong feelings for me, she only listed a few traits that were external, most of the of the traits she found attractive were to do with something internal about me.
wolfheart: Oh
wolfheart: So if you had to list ten traits, what would they be?
boumboum: well i just gave u 4 right there
wolfheart: Just give me ten one word answers.
boumboum: hm alright
boumboum: tattoos
boumboum: abs
boumboum: straightforward
boumboum: determination
boumboum: heart
boumboum: positivity
boumboum: gamer
boumboum: honest
boumboum: sweet
wolfheart: Ah
wolfheart: That's only 9.
boumboum: oh and u see the good in me
boumboum: thats also another one
boumboum: even if i dont see it myself
You're talking about one-nighter thing.
As the study shows, women's standards for looks increase when it comes to a one-nighter, personality/character has less importance in this case (as long he's not a psycho or an axe-murderer then it would be ok).
Still even for a one nighter, it's not about looks and looks alone. Expressing the right body language on the dance floor, escalating with that body language, creating a good first impression and expressing you have good social value are still important when it comes to the one nighter or night game. It's actually easier for naturally introverted guys to start out by approaching girls on public walks, libraries or parks and usually they are more likely to meet an academic girl or a girl that is girlfriend material this way.
As for the other statement, If George the film star was a bin man minus charisma or presence yet still had the same looks, sure he might get married or strike it off occasionally at the local pub but he wouldn't have thousands of girls screaming after him.

Joined: 17 Jul 2010
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Sir, let me tell you, this is a myth. A big greasy fat BS lie that's commonly told in social debates.
Georges Clooney and Johnny depp aren't seen as the most attractive guys simply because they have awesome characters.
But because they're also exceptionally good-looking.
Stop lying to yourselves, guys...and gals.
Same thing can be said about most female movie stars. Or are you going to tell me that guys like Megan fox/Olivia wilde/... because their character on transformers/house were great?
And if I started saying that all males are looking for an Olivia Wilde... you´d all jump down my throat so I fail to see the point of your post.

Joined: 16 Jun 2010
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That would only matter to a certain type of girl, in other words, having a muscular body or even the right image but it can attract a certain type of girl or get a foot in the door.
I think you're putting far too much emphasis on looks, a lot to do with having a high attraction value is in having a high social value or having a value of high desire, creating an emotional connection and creating a positive time between you and that person. It's also about how much value and faith you place in yourself, if you believe you have value, you will project that on to others.
I asked a friend of mine what traits she found attractive about me after she confessed she has strong feelings for me, she only listed a few traits that were external, most of the of the traits she found attractive were to do with something internal about me.
wolfheart: Oh
wolfheart: So if you had to list ten traits, what would they be?
boumboum: well i just gave u 4 right there
wolfheart: Just give me ten one word answers.
boumboum: hm alright
boumboum: tattoos
boumboum: abs
boumboum: straightforward
boumboum: determination
boumboum: heart
boumboum: positivity
boumboum: gamer
boumboum: honest
boumboum: sweet
wolfheart: Ah
wolfheart: That's only 9.
boumboum: oh and u see the good in me
boumboum: thats also another one
boumboum: even if i dont see it myself
You're talking about one-nighter thing.
As the study shows, women's standards for looks increase when it comes to a one-nighter, personality/character has less importance in this case (as long he's not a psycho or an axe-murderer then it would be ok).
Still even for a one nighter, it's not about looks and looks alone. Expressing the right body language on the dance floor, escalating with that body language, creating a good first impression and expressing you have good social value are still important when it comes to the one nighter or night game. It's actually easier for naturally introverted guys to start out by approaching girls on public walks, libraries or parks and usually they are more likely to meet an academic girl or a girl that is girlfriend material this way.
Dude, most guys naturally have these social abilities, good social skills are not what makes a guy stand out. It's the guy's hotness what makes him stand out.
The study says that you are more likely to get a one-nighter if you are exceptionally good-looking.
Go to night-boxes, you will always notice that the typically tall, well-built and handsome guys who suddenly go out with a girl.
If Georges was ugly and still had the same charisma then you won't see thousands of girls screaming after him either, there are plenty of male actors who have the charisma yet not the looks who can prove the case.

Joined: 16 Jun 2010
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Sir, let me tell you, this is a myth. A big greasy fat BS lie that's commonly told in social debates.
Georges Clooney and Johnny depp aren't seen as the most attractive guys simply because they have awesome characters.
But because they're also exceptionally good-looking.
Stop lying to yourselves, guys...and gals.
Same thing can be said about most female movie stars. Or are you going to tell me that guys like Megan fox/Olivia wilde/... because their character on transformers/house were great?
And if I started saying that all males are looking for an Olivia Wilde... you´d all jump down my throat so I fail to see the point of your post.
No, I have never denied this but this is a well known and globally-accepted thing, not as much denied as why fangirls like Clooney/Depp.

Joined: 28 Jul 2010
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That would only matter to a certain type of girl, in other words, having a muscular body or even the right image but it can attract a certain type of girl or get a foot in the door.
I think you're putting far too much emphasis on looks, a lot to do with having a high attraction value is in having a high social value or having a value of high desire, creating an emotional connection and creating a positive time between you and that person. It's also about how much value and faith you place in yourself, if you believe you have value, you will project that on to others.
I asked a friend of mine what traits she found attractive about me after she confessed she has strong feelings for me, she only listed a few traits that were external, most of the of the traits she found attractive were to do with something internal about me.
wolfheart: Oh
wolfheart: So if you had to list ten traits, what would they be?
boumboum: well i just gave u 4 right there
wolfheart: Just give me ten one word answers.
boumboum: hm alright
boumboum: tattoos
boumboum: abs
boumboum: straightforward
boumboum: determination
boumboum: heart
boumboum: positivity
boumboum: gamer
boumboum: honest
boumboum: sweet
wolfheart: Ah
wolfheart: That's only 9.
boumboum: oh and u see the good in me
boumboum: thats also another one
boumboum: even if i dont see it myself
You're talking about one-nighter thing.
As the study shows, women's standards for looks increase when it comes to a one-nighter, personality/character has less importance in this case (as long he's not a psycho or an axe-murderer then it would be ok).
Still even for a one nighter, it's not about looks and looks alone. Expressing the right body language on the dance floor, escalating with that body language, creating a good first impression and expressing you have good social value are still important when it comes to the one nighter or night game. It's actually easier for naturally introverted guys to start out by approaching girls on public walks, libraries or parks and usually they are more likely to meet an academic girl or a girl that is girlfriend material this way.
As for the other statement, If George the film star was a bin man minus charisma or presence yet still had the same looks, sure he might get married or strike it off occasionally at the local pub but he wouldn't have thousands of girls screaming after him.
Well here's one point about working out and whatnot. Your "looks" and personality are interrelated. When you work out, your testosterone and other hormone levels rise up, and those are some of the things that, while they probably won't help you "read" other people, you give off better nonverbal language, through things like posture and whatnot. Honestly for me, posture was one of the most important switches I made in my dealings with people, standing up straight with your back slightly arched and your head up makes more difference than you can imagine.
This quote from an uncyclopedia article sums it up, I think.

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This quote from an uncyclopedia article sums it up, I think.
Personality might have a lot to do with attractiveness for a relationship. But when the plan is to never see the guy after that morning all those points are better used in physical attractiveness.

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I think you're putting far too much emphasis on looks, a lot to do with having a high attraction value is in having a high social value or having a value of high desire, creating an emotional connection and creating a positive time between you and that person. It's also about how much value and faith you place in yourself, if you believe you have value, you will project that on to others.
Nothing of the like actually. I was strictly engaging a comment that Boo made about girls only going for one-night-stands with guys who were 'extremely' attractive and I was essentially telling him and anyone else examining that (if his scientific article is as strong as we're giving it gratus) even if someone had the money to 'fix' the things that medically fell short - they're body type, genetics, etc. could still easily make it impossible.
IMHO chasing 'tail' is really the ultimate waste of time, money, and while I'm supposedly 'not doing it right' according to some guys when I mention this - one nighter sex is typically awful. Don't know if I've got a nugget of chick at my core somewhere of if more guys are like this than let on but, if I can't feel safe and express myself with someone - who'll as added benefit be there to engage my mind, challenge me, someone who invests her time and hopes in me at truly touching levels - without that it really borders on tandem masturbation. Add risks and add $$ to that and yeah, I know other guys will be different than me, other guys might have different situations where getting a girl to bed and getting a relationship are two different worlds and they have to take what they can get but, in my own case I really don't worry and for the energy it would take for me to chase one nighters the ends and means don't really meet anywhere on the map for me.
Plus, for what its worth I'm pretty confident in my physical looks - but I'm also just as confident that my mannerisms send up red flags that getting myself to a visual nine or ten would have no impact on anyway. I see significantly less attractive guys with very attractive girls often so anything much further than simply maintaining my looks and appearance as it is isn't really on my own radar.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
Last edited by techstepgenr8tion on 14 May 2012, 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
i think that attractiveness (and charisma) is quite important for many women*** when it comes to one nighters. the converse is true for many men***. there is definitely an imbalance (for many reasons).
***some exceptions apply
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***some exceptions apply
The one and only mystery describes an alpha male as:
-Someone who has a great smile.
-Is very charismatic
-And a third thing Im missing but wasnt related to looks(I only skimmed through his book, sue me)
Not saying thats how things are, just saying that a few members have said he is an expert when it comes to women and his description of alpha male has nothing to do with looks.
Found it funny considering how obsessed some of his followers are with looks.
***some exceptions apply
The one and only mystery describes an alpha male as:
-Someone who has a great smile.
-Is very charismatic
-And a third thing Im missing but wasnt related to looks(I only skimmed through his book, sue me)
Not saying thats how things are, just saying that a few members have said he is an expert when it comes to women and his description of alpha male has nothing to do with looks.
Found it funny considering how obsessed some of his followers are with looks.
that's hilarious!! !! maybe charisma makes up for being less good-looking? hard to say.
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:
Attraction is subjective and dependent on many factors, I agree, looks do help to the point of getting a foot in the door and they are part of the initial attraction. I don't think women stand there hurdled in a group to talk about what guy is the prettiest. Attractiveness mainly comes from presence, presentation, confidence, charisma and creating a good humour all around.
Show real interest in the person instead of self obsessively ranting on, genuine interest instead of just talking to them for the sake of talking to them, in other words just talk to them and be interest in who you are. Don't make a girl feel obligated to love you after ten minutes of talking to her. Maybe it will lead to a date, maybe you'll get a good friend out of it, maybe you will get rejected but what have you lost? Absolutely nothing so really you've got nothing to lose and something to gain.
Here's a chat log of a girl I was talking to last night and we were just talking about interests.

[14/05/2012 23:48:16] Rosie: lol!
[14/05/2012 23:48:27] Rosie: i just love musicals fullstop! haha
[14/05/2012 23:51:13] Ryan: Lol haha =] well I guess I'll have to check one out sometime
[14/05/2012 23:52:31] Rosie: you should! lol
[14/05/2012 23:55:40] Rosie: but talking of which, i actually have a spare ticket for a play my drama teacher from back home is in, her company won a competition for a night in the west end... it's next monday night, so if you'd want to or are able to. offer is there. lol
how many girls are you currently dating, Wolfheart?
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Not much.... no, sadly, it's like only 20 to 30% subjective, the rest is quite universal. Like when a group of girls talk about guys, they ALL see a guy x and y are attractive and they ALL see that some z and w guys aren't, (that if they even mention them, they usually don't mention them unless if they are brought up somehow in the convo).
They might only vary in some preferences, like one might prefer darker-looking, the other might prefer bolder guy, another might prefer a more gentle guy.... but as a whole, there's an obvious and undeniable high level of unanimity in those matters.
I can't understand when people say 'attraction/beauty is subjective" - it's not very true.

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Not much.... no, sadly, it's like only 20 to 30% subjective, the rest is quite universal. Like when a group of girls talk about guys, they ALL see a guy x and y are attractive and they ALL see that some z and w guys aren't, (that if they even mention them, they usually don't mention them unless if they are brought up somehow in the convo).
They might only vary in some preferences, like one might prefer darker-looking, the other might prefer bolder guy, another might prefer a more gentle guy.... but as a whole, there's an obvious and undeniable high level of unanimity in those matters.
I can't understand when people say 'attraction/beauty is subjective" - it's not very true.
So lets get this straight:
According to your post above. You´ve never experienced something like being with a friend and you see a girl walking by, he tells you that she seems nice/good looking whatever and you arent attracted to her(or the other way around).
Theres no way attraction is universal boo.
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