The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
To all guys here,
Guys, guys, guys......! !!
Stop disclosing this AS thing, keep it all to yourselves, they really don't need to know about your 'secret' "Syndrome" (personally I no longer much believe in AS' scientific validity - but that's another long story) unless if you failed and you want to justify your behavior (even tho that would sound pathetic)
FOUR dates, this only means that things were going well, the OP was doing well, he didn't need to justify anything, but HE ruined with this AS disclosing thing.
You better to tell them you're introvert or not so socially gifted rather than telling something so scary, weird and psycho--sounded thing like ASPERGER SYNDROME.
I mean, fcuk, just look how it "AZUBURGER SYNDROME".... spooky.
I strongly disagree. If a woman is going to be accepting she's going to be way more easily if you do tell her (maybe the third date is a bit too early, even though in my case that worked out well anyway) because when communication problems emerge - and they are going to emerge - it's more likely that she will be understanding if she knows. If a woman is not going to be accepting it's good for her to know so she can get out of it fast before the relationship turns out to be like the ones on the site "AS partners".