MXH wrote:
Wolfheart wrote:
I'm not saying it's positive or negative, simply something that people overlook and how people claim to be deep yet they are protruding towards the very lines and structures that make them shackled to what makes them transparent.
Yes, of course looks do get a foot in the door and they can definitely help in some aspects but I'm stating many people assume that people are leading a fulfilling life just because they are in a relationship when sometimes that can be opposite of what they really need. It's like getting that dream job you have always wanted, only to find it is high maintenance and not right for you.
which is still better than being unemployed. Thus being a positive. Nobody has forced you to go after shallow women if thats the case. In any case its not your or anyone elses rights to call them shallow because they found you hot and wwanted to get to know you better.
If people aren't going to judge or take the right to judge someone as shallow, they are going to think it and contain their opinion. I would rather people are forthcoming with their judgements when they find someone shallow rather than hiding it in thought, at least if they are forthcoming, it can be addressed and if they have made a misjudgement, it can be corrected.
You make a good arguement but I'm stating people who value people for superficial reasons, people who use beauty as a business.
You are right, being valued for something is greater than being valued for nothing but when you are valued for something, it will be based on subjective attraction as oppossed to universal attraction so it will be more personal and have more meaning or attachment. Universal attraction is based on impersonal and generalized images we have of what is attractive to us whether they are dictated by the media or culture.
There is a quote I like by Machiavelli.
"Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions." - Machiavelli