OliveOilMom wrote:
Well thank you very much! I'm usually just called a pushy old lady, I like your version better. As for how many girls, that's up to you , where you live, what the dating scene is like there, etc. I would suggest though that at the beginning, you should go for quantity not just focusing on quality, for dating (I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about dates, to practice going out and flirting and honing those skills to use on Miss Right, although for all anybody knows, one of the Miss Right Now's might turn out to be Miss Right herself) Don't go so overboard with asking girls out that they start thinking of you as a dog, but do be friendly, chivalrous (no matter what some people say, it's a good thing!) polite, and interested in them. That's honestly one of the most attractive things from a guy. Being interested in you. Don't be asking a million questions like it's an interview or anything, but do talk to her, draw her out some, listen to her or learn to pretend to be interested because that's a skill that everybody needs sometimes. Try going out with a group if that's easier for you at first, so it's not as much pressure as a one on one date. Don't ever just dump a girl and ignore her, try to remain friends because they can be your best source of information for what you are doing wrong or right later on. Also, every guy needs at least one female friend I think.
So true, thank you. And I do try to be interested in what ladies are talking about it is just I don't get outside that much. If I was in college, I would actually have a much better chance at this, but I flunked out. Strange thing is, I am still in contact with almost all my friends there. Too bad though, one of my friends that went there has brain cancer, and just got pneumonia from his white blood cells being low from kemo. On the bright side, the guy was nothing but kind, caring, and included everyone when they were feeling alone. I hope he makes it. I got to check twitter. Besides, like you said, I just got to get out there and find her.
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