how many here, will never get married

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04 May 2013, 4:22 pm

I can't see myself ever becoming married.


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04 May 2013, 6:12 pm

Tequila wrote:
I can't see myself ever becoming married.

You could always marry a tree.

Sea Gull
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04 May 2013, 6:31 pm

I will never get married. First, I would need to sustain a relationship to get to the marriage stage. Then I would need to do the couples married thing everyday. It would take a really understanding person to deal with me. I have also found it more difficult to get to the married stage as I get older because I'm less willing to change and the other person is more demanding because they know who they are and what they want.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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04 May 2013, 8:23 pm

Women prefer a man who is taken or is popular with other women. It's a form of social proof. Women are herd animals that crave what other women possess. A girl is turned on by a guy desired by other women. It demonstrates that he has good genes. When it comes to mating humans are animals like any other. There was an experiment on birds where they placed a female decoy alongside a male. His mating opportunities sky rocketed afterwards.

Men are on the other hand are NOT attracted to an unavailable woman. Men are also NOT attracted to a woman's money/status or social popularity with other men.

Because I'm a loner and not desired or popular with women, other women look down on me. Thus is why its impossible for me to get married to a girl that isn't obese/ugly.


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04 May 2013, 9:48 pm

Probably me here, reason why? Its simple Im an aspie most NT women cant stand me being hyper repetetive and acting 10 years younger than I am. I hunch when I walk and dont maintain eye contact. In over 95% of the populous that is viewed as un desireable.

Your Aspie score is 193 of 200
Your neurotypical score is 40 of 200
You are very likely an aspie
No matter where I go I will always be a Gaijin even at home. Like Anime?

Emu Egg
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05 May 2013, 7:26 am

Will I marry in the future?
I don't even know if i ll be alive tomorrow...

Do I want to get married?
Well, i don't want a religious marriage, so i would only marry if this gave us tax reductions!! !!

Now serious will i ever get married?
Probably not, but that don't bother me much...

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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05 May 2013, 7:48 am

billiscool wrote:
I most likely will never get married, I have way too many issues and I am little bit ''special'' kinda
suffer from a learning disabilty.

I don't like this suggestion, I mean really I don't like it at all.

Why should my disability prevent me from having something I may want to achieve in life? I myself have quite a few problems but I refuse to allow it to rule my end game.

And there are many people out there with high functioning autism who go on to have big families, get married, have amazing jobs and various other things so it is possible.

I think you deserve to get married if that is something you really wanted.


Snowy Owl
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05 May 2013, 2:28 pm

I can't see myself being in a relationship, let alone being married. The few attempts I've had with dating has been disastrous. I will not rule out having a relationship someday, though I am not actively seeking one. I think the key to happiness in my life will be in other areas.


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05 May 2013, 2:48 pm

Ratae wrote:
Women prefer a man who is taken or is popular with other women. It's a form of social proof. Women are herd animals that crave what other women possess. A girl is turned on by a guy desired by other women. It demonstrates that he has good genes. When it comes to mating humans are animals like any other. There was an experiment on birds where they placed a female decoy alongside a male. His mating opportunities sky rocketed afterwards.

Men are on the other hand are NOT attracted to an unavailable woman. Men are also NOT attracted to a woman's money/status or social popularity with other men.

Because I'm a loner and not desired or popular with women, other women look down on me. Thus is why its impossible for me to get married to a girl that isn't obese/ugly.

All the women so far that have been interested in me have just found me more and more interesting the more I said I was waiting till marriage to have sex. No matter how many times I said it, they were always doing more friendlier things. They even started to help me with my home work. I don't know why, but saying I am waiting till marriage must have made me the guy everyone wanted to try and guess who I would have sex with or who I would marry or something. People were always interested in me, even though I was awkward. I think it was because I was so apt to make friends even though I was shy and awkward, that it gave me the mysterious stranger effect.

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05 May 2013, 3:13 pm

Ratae wrote:
Women prefer a man who is taken or is popular with other women. It's a form of social proof. Women are herd animals that crave what other women possess. A girl is turned on by a guy desired by other women. It demonstrates that he has good genes. When it comes to mating humans are animals like any other. There was an experiment on birds where they placed a female decoy alongside a male. His mating opportunities sky rocketed afterwards.

Men are on the other hand are NOT attracted to an unavailable woman. Men are also NOT attracted to a woman's money/status or social popularity with other men.

Because I'm a loner and not desired or popular with women, other women look down on me. Thus is why its impossible for me to get married to a girl that isn't obese/ugly.

You really think men are never attracted to unavailable women?

Both men and women are shallow. For women it's more social; for men it's more looks. I mean, god forbid you date an ugly/obese girl.

Sounds like you're a bit bitter towards women.


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05 May 2013, 3:17 pm

I have no idea, kind of depends on how things go I suppose.

We won't go back.


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05 May 2013, 7:53 pm

I know I already said no, but I felt like adding. Its a mix of knowing my lack of success in dating and then compound it by how uncommon it is for me to find a girl I like, and a big psychological things which amounts to commitment issues but goes far beyond dating. Makes for an almost sure answer of no, I'm not getting married.

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05 May 2013, 11:20 pm

I have less of a chance of getting a first date than winning the lottery...twice...on the same day.

I don't even want to think about how low the odds are of myself getting married. :lol:

People who trade their freedom for security will have neither.

AQ Test 43/50

Emu Egg
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06 May 2013, 12:13 am

As much as I'd like to be in a relationship/get married eventually, I've been coming to grips over the last year with the fact that it's not likely to happen. Every time I bring this up with my mom, the conversation always dissolves with both of us in tears.
It's hard for me not to feel extreme jealousy when I read about women with AS getting married and having children. I wonder how their having AS is different from my having it, or if that has nothing to do with it.
So many people told me to stop working so hard to meet someone, and just continue to live my life and let the chips fall where they may etc. It's been three years since I gave up, and none of it has gotten any easier, especially the loneliness part. Yet I don't want to go back out there, because when I was actively trying to find someone the blatant rejection was too much for me to handle.
It's as if I'm in some sort of limbo where part of me wants to hold out hope, and another part wants to resign as an old maid.


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06 May 2013, 3:27 am

appletheclown wrote:
For me it is,

Get married because I want to know I am what a woman wants. I want to be a good Father. I want to be a good Husband. I want to have children, and raise them well. I want to know I am the only thing a woman needs to have a good sex life. I want to because not many aspies do, and I want to show that an aspie can be just as successful as an NT. I want to love and be loved. I want to be able to talk to my wife about things only I can talk to her about. I want to make a woman feel safe when she is feeling alone. I want to be able to be what she needs me to be. I want to know that I did good in my time in this world. I want to make an example to my younger siblings, that they may know how. I want to be the one who walks my daughter down the isle, if I am so blessed to have one. I want to teach my son, if I ever have one, to stand up for those being bullied, and to make sure he treats ladies with respect, and does not take advantage of them. I want to have a family. I want to be able to give these things to my wife whether it be 15 children, or any variable in between. I want to feel adequate, and no more inadequate crud. I want to be an encouragement to other people. I want to be able to share my knowledge with someone who is willing to listen.

That is why I want to get married.

Apart from the use of the terms "wife" and "husband", I don't see what marriage has to do with any of what you talk about above?

Me, I do not wish to marry. I would love to spend the rest of my life with one special person, yes, but marry them...nup.


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06 May 2013, 7:10 am

yellowtamarin wrote:
appletheclown wrote:
For me it is,

Get married because I want to know I am what a woman wants. I want to be a good Father. I want to be a good Husband. I want to have children, and raise them well. I want to know I am the only thing a woman needs to have a good sex life. I want to because not many aspies do, and I want to show that an aspie can be just as successful as an NT. I want to love and be loved. I want to be able to talk to my wife about things only I can talk to her about. I want to make a woman feel safe when she is feeling alone. I want to be able to be what she needs me to be. I want to know that I did good in my time in this world. I want to make an example to my younger siblings, that they may know how. I want to be the one who walks my daughter down the isle, if I am so blessed to have one. I want to teach my son, if I ever have one, to stand up for those being bullied, and to make sure he treats ladies with respect, and does not take advantage of them. I want to have a family. I want to be able to give these things to my wife whether it be 15 children, or any variable in between. I want to feel adequate, and no more inadequate crud. I want to be an encouragement to other people. I want to be able to share my knowledge with someone who is willing to listen.

That is why I want to get married.

Apart from the use of the terms "wife" and "husband", I don't see what marriage has to do with any of what you talk about above?

Me, I do not wish to marry. I would love to spend the rest of my life with one special person, yes, but marry them...nup.

Wedding vows are a sacred oath, and solidify our commitment in stone. Being unmarried and having children is discriminated against in my religion. The people of Zeeland, MI shunned my mother because they thought my dad had never married her, and she was an unwed mother. My cousin, had babies before she got married, to a guy who was in Jail. Luckily the guy shaped up, and cleaned up his act. He is getting married to my cousin soon. Plus there are ways to get married without all the ceremony, all you do is live with your lady/man for a certain amount of time, then start considering yourselves a couple, like calling yourself mrs. so&so on mail and such, then apply for a certificate of marriage. It is like squatting on land, except for spouses.

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