MCalavera wrote:
hurtloam wrote:
There is a certain amount of truth to that. I feel like 2 guys I know are so happy with being single, or rather, so against having a relationship that might ruin their freedom to watch or play soccer or have a beer with their friends that they are abhorrent of single women even talking to them. (they are obviously extreme exceptions to the norm though or just very bitter...) So they are 2 men whom I will never ask on a date.
You're making assumptions that I don't think are true (unless they explicitly said what you're saying about them).
But I'll make my own assumptions about your situation now by stating that it's probably you make excuses for not dating guys that seem like they may be good dating/relationship material. You seem to be looking for that perfect guy who matches your ex-boyfriend or guy of your dreams who you know you could never attain.
Thank you, that means you assume that someone would want to spend time with me
In truth there is something about me that puts guys off. I'm not sure what it is. If I was on the outside looking in I would see it, but being me I don't know what it is. I used to be very opinionated and arrogant, I keep my mouth shut now, maybe I'm too quiet now. LOL
To be honest I'd go out with either of them if they did actually ask me for a coffee. I have a gut feeling both would knock me back if I asked. One ignored my friend request on Facebook. (btw I don't object to men spending time with friends or playing soccer - just in case you think I'm a control freak!)
The unattainable man of my dreams is a man that wants to talk to me and that I just get on with and can talk to easily. Such creatures only seem to be married.
I remember I once suggested to you men that happen to be submissive. You said you wanted someone on equal grounds with you not someone who was submissive. Yet submissive men fit the characteristics of your dream man mentioned above.
Personally, I cannot understand why an independent woman like you, who doesn't need to rely on any man but just wants a partner to spend her time with romantically, would not accept a submissive man to have a relationship with. Men don't seem to mind dating submissive women. I don't see why the same cannot apply for women like you. Nor do I see how "dismissing" them is worth not having a relationship at all especially if they make sure to be pleasing to you emotionally, romantically, and/or sexually.