spongy wrote:
Hey can I be honest with you for a moment?
I don´t get deppressed.
I make a point to have fun whenever I approach a male or a female about something and just enjoy myself.
Last woman I "picked up"(was trying to impress someone else but stuff happens when you are on a group) apparently works with famous people, or so she told me yesterday.
Met her on a group situation twice this month, whenever I pass her by she stops me for a second and lets me know that she still remembers my main joke from a month ago.
The fact that a woman who works with people I see on tv still makes a point to thank me for approaching her in such a funny way, considering i wasnt even approaching her in the main place, itself makes up for any rejection I may get(close to none because I dont approach random people that are working but that is another story altogether)
Don t ask me for lines or whatever because I try to improvise, otherwise they see right through me in no time
good for you. yeah, can't take everything serious, if you did, you become an internet nice guys.