All these replies are a lot to take in, I thank everyone for their advice, help and insight.
I am only 17 and actually a little confused about some things said and don't really understand.
I don't want guys attention actually, outside of my boyfriend I seem to be more attracted to girls, but I am attracted to my boyfriend most, I'm not keen on guys.
I talked with my boyfriend for hours and we do resolve things because we actually have a very strong relationship, hence why we are almost 2 and a half years strong.
This was caused by a lack of communication and misunderstanding.
P.S. He is a really great guy and better than any other guy I've met, a true gentleman, better than my dad. As for me I am not an attention addict and am actually shy and I am perceived as modest by people who know me in real life. We are human beings and aspies, we have feelings too, all I needed was advice, thanks to those who offered it.
FYI: I don't have friends so maybe I needed some help and support with a complication in my life, I am human too.