Toy_Soldier wrote:
Attempting to 'screen out' certain people and focus on those that seem to have a desired mental attribute appears a sound approach.
But it has me wondering. Is that really the main ingredient or is it the best thing to focus on first? Is it in a way putting the cart before the horse?
I say that thinking that it is the physical elements that may be the most important, that looks, the way a person carrys themselves, how they sound, and many subtle other things that pose the greatest obstacle. Then would come their behavior and if it intregrates well with yours. Last of all is their level of knowledge and intellect perhaps? Because of all those things it is really only the level of knowledge and to a point intellect that might be changed or modified.
So if I understood correctly, you're saying that what's important is physical elements>behavior>intellectual level, in that order?
To me maybe it's their behavior is the most important. How they treat others, their values and morale standards.
But of course it's hard to know that from an online profile.
So first, I check if they clear my basic criteria (politics, religion, age, non-smoker, and how they answered some of the questions) and then if their profile is well written (intelligence?) and if he is cute (looks), I go after them.
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Maybe...maybe, she wanted me to be more assertive, more persistent, to be always the pursuer male but I am not like that.
I think you're right. It is kind of expected that men
always initiate everything. I'm afraid if I initiate everything I would be seen as pushy and controlling because I'm a woman.