leafplant wrote:
Oh well done! I don't think he will think it's just a friend thing, men never do. I have tried to invite men people out as just friends and they always think I meant it as a date.
Are you sure? He wont just see it as a friends thing? I want to kind of tell him I like him without actually telling him if I can, because although I can't see why on earth he'd like me, if he does I'd hate to miss out.
leafplant wrote:
What film is it?
It's actually a made for TV film based on an author we both read. It's kind of Christmassy, hence inviting in December.
leafplant wrote:
Whatever happens, do not have sex with him straight away!
I wasn't planning on doing so. That'd end up with the sort of relationship I do NOT want.
We chat mostly every night for a few hours (waaay past my bedtime) and I'd be so sad if that stopped just because I liked him and he felt awkward about it. He's really funny and good to talk to.
If you don't believe in dragons it is curiously true, that the dragons you disparage choose to not believe in you.