What are your non-negotiables? (apart from must love cats)

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01 Jan 2014, 4:54 pm

billiscool wrote:
must always be happy,around me
can't be too ugly
can't be crazy
that all for now.

That happy thing won't work. She's gonna be moody at times and she's gonna wanna talk to you about it. I do have to give you props for the "too ugly" thing though. That's just seriously putting it out there dude. ^5.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA. ;-)

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01 Jan 2014, 7:06 pm

leafplant wrote:
Hello! *waves* your friendly logic bot here.

Lets see.

If the above list of requirements were true, that would mean that your mother also had the same requirements, which would mean that your father fitted that list to a T which means you inherited his genes and also fit that list to a T which means you can't move for women throwing themselves at you and are in fact too busy, too successful and too NT to be posting on this board.

Happy New Year!

lol, a parody to top all other parodies.

Though I have seen some of those 'requirements' around


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01 Jan 2014, 7:09 pm

Since they were so apt, I want to steal others' answers to add to mine:

Must not be crazy
Must be highly sexual

and sure why not, she must love cats. I not a huge fan personally, I probably don't wanna hear what she has to say about them but yes she must love cats. It's the defining quality of an attractive woman


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01 Jan 2014, 7:14 pm

^ you should resign yourself to a life of solitude. Or gaydom.

All women are crazy. This is a scientific fact.

(why must she love cats if you don't care about them? Ohh I know what this is! This is one of those - one crazy person per relationship is more than enough, things, isn't it? :P )


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01 Jan 2014, 7:25 pm

leafplant wrote:
^ you should resign yourself to a life of solitude. Or gaydom.

All women are crazy. This is a scientific fact.

I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.

leafplant wrote:
(why must she love cats if you don't care about them? Ohh I know what this is! This is one of those - one crazy person per relationship is more than enough, things, isn't it? :P )

To quote a girly, very sappy, but quite funny movie -

Sell crazy some place else, we're all stocked up here!

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01 Jan 2014, 7:39 pm

Must be a woman
MUST have a sense of humour (the more random/warped the better)
Mustn't resemble a cave troll or some other hideous mythical creature
Mustn't be a complete and utter d**khead

Bag of bones, hollow-eyed
Escalating karmic debt, living off of borrowed time
Twist the words of the righteous
Lost my mind, God help the person that finds it


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01 Jan 2014, 9:56 pm

leafplant wrote:
^ you should resign yourself to a life of solitude. Or gaydom.

All women are crazy. This is a scientific fact.

(why must she love cats if you don't care about them? Ohh I know what this is! This is one of those - one crazy person per relationship is more than enough, things, isn't it? :P )

:lol: Nice.

..but hate to break it to ya, there's a bunch of crazy homos out there, too. Not all of them are crazy, but I've met some.

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01 Jan 2014, 10:03 pm

Lets see...

Not REALLY loud
Appreciates the small things

and of course, must love cats.


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01 Jan 2014, 10:20 pm

Good hygiene
Not too fat or thin
Must have similar political views especially supporting gays because so many of my friends are gay
Enjoys physical affection as well as sex: kissing, spooning, snuggling, and backrubs (giving and recieving!)
Must like blowjobs
Must have a preference for my body type (I hate to make a man feel he is "settling" or get the impression he is - my one fault is my low self-esteem)
Likes intellectual entertainment i.e. NOT Duck Dynasty, Kardashians, Miley Cyrus, Robin Thicke etc. - can maybe indulge occasionally as a "guilty pleasure" or like one or two songs, but should not follow them obsessively or have merchandise/posters/albums

"More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion." - Harvey Milk

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01 Jan 2014, 11:23 pm

preferably younger than me
not an alchoholic ( a little liqueur is fine though )
no drugs
no dogs ever but must like cats
must at least be okay with video games, though a gamer girl is preferred
must hate Twilight
at least a little geeky

Ore Sanjou!


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01 Jan 2014, 11:43 pm

A lot of the people here really have stuff set in stone.

I have a very long list of what I would like, but very few things I would refuse to reason with.


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02 Jan 2014, 3:35 am

Heh. Oh, I just have a few....

-Don't care about gender, but do like people whose gender can be a little flexible.
-Must be very intelligent (or I'll drive them crazy--trufax, once dated someone who wouldn't let me speak other languages in house because he couldn't. Relationship did not last).
-Must have a life before they met me (no codependent people) and be okay with time alone (I have deadlines).
-Must be ambitious or willing to deal with an ambitious person.
-Must be educated (at least a Master's degree) or okay with highly educated partner.
-Must be kinky, poly, and willing to communicate. I'll even entertain someone who isn't poly, given that they are a good communicator and are willing to be adaptive in bed.
-Must be a geek, nerd, weirdo, or other kind of non-normal. Obsessed with router protocols? Bring it on. I like learning. Have a huge game collection? Me, too. (Hundreds of original Nintendo and Super Nintendo games from my childhood.) LARPER? Absolutely adorable. Table top gamer? Let me just get my character sheet and dice out...
-Must be a reader (I've got 500 or so books and they ain't going anywhere).
-Must be good at negotiation and/or willing to work to solve disagreements (I hate staying angry and would rather just fix s**t).
-Must not be verbally, emotionally, mentally or physically abusive. (I will kick their ass to the curb.)
-Must have kids/experience parenting.
-Must have a sarcastic sense of humor.
-Must NOT be jealous. I'm not, you shouldn't be. I find jealousy confusing and alienating.
-Must be okay with my introversion. I'll go out on occasion, but people who need to be out all the time will find me frustrating.
-Must appreciate good food/good drink/pleasure but able to balance the love of pleasure with self-discipline.
-Must generally be emotionally stable (having dated a few people with emotional instability, no thank you).
-Must not be a casual liar/must be willing to be upfront about needs, desires and/or requirements as they come up.
-Must be -5 to +10 years from my age, but willing to entertain outside that range for compatibility.
-Must be willing to function as a team to fulfill daily responsibilities (I'm not their mother, their maid or their roomie).
-Must NOT be religious in any way (s**t drives me crazy). I can be tolerant of persons interested in Zen, but only if they keep it to themselves.
-Body size is not terribly important. Should be able to fit through doorways and/or take a walk.
-Conventionally attractive is not important. I really, genuinely don't care whether someone meets that standard of beauty, I care how they behave. Some of my best partners were not very "pretty" in that sense, but were fantastic humans.
-Must practice good hygiene.
-Must also need to have a clean house.
-Must like to f**k and be willing to take direction in order to improve. I'll try anything they like which isn't illegal or too dangerous, and I'd like the same from them. All men are not the same. All women are not the same. Adaptation is key to a good sex life.
-Must want to be mutually respectful--it should be a relationship goal to engage each other respectfully and thoughtfully.
-Must like cats. I personally like pets, period, and get along with anything from dogs to African Grey Parrots, snakes, and pigs. I've never met an animal that I couldn't get along with.
-Must be okay with the fact that I need to schedule things. I hate dating people and having them ask me to do something more, but being rejected for asking about frequency so I can add it to the daily list of things to do. I need schedules to remind me to do things which would not occur to me to do.

I offer a lot of the qualities I'm looking for, so while this is an extensive list, it comes with the understanding that I'm more than happy to display those characteristics myself. I may 'picky' myself out of the occasional date, but I also find I'm rarely single for long.

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The feels are shipped in by train once a week--Friday, I'm in love.


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02 Jan 2014, 4:56 am

EmoGlambertAspie wrote:
Good hygiene
Not too fat or thin
Must have similar political views especially supporting gays because so many of my friends are gay
Enjoys physical affection as well as sex: kissing, spooning, snuggling, and backrubs (giving and recieving!)
Must like blowjobs
Must have a preference for my body type (I hate to make a man feel he is "settling" or get the impression he is - my one fault is my low self-esteem)
Likes intellectual entertainment i.e. NOT Duck Dynasty, Kardashians, Miley Cyrus, Robin Thicke etc. - can maybe indulge occasionally as a "guilty pleasure" or like one or two songs, but should not follow them obsessively or have merchandise/posters/albums

If only I weren't 14 years older than you...

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02 Jan 2014, 6:30 am

EmoGlambertAspie wrote:
Must like blowjobs

Oh, I don't think you'll have to "negotiate" with too many guys about that one. :lol: That is, if you meant "must like receiving blowjobs".

mouthyb wrote:
I may 'picky' myself out of the occasional date, but I also find I'm rarely single for long.

And here I was reading through your list thinking "there is no way this person will ever find someone that meets all of those (non-negotiable!) criteria". I see yet again how little I know.

CloudFlare eating your posts? Try the Lazarus browser extension. See https://wp-fmx.github.io/WP/

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02 Jan 2014, 12:16 pm


AQ: 31
Your Aspie score: 135 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 63 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie

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02 Jan 2014, 3:15 pm

FMX: My average amount of time single is less than four months, and I am often single less than two months. I get along just fine.

RAADS-R: 181
Eye Expression Test: 19
Alexithymic: Please explain conclusions if asked

The feels are shipped in by train once a week--Friday, I'm in love.