Being Single Is 'Not a Crisis'

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08 Feb 2014, 11:52 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
"The hand in water isn't like the hand in fire." - Arabic proverb.

Only those who never or didn't got relationships/sex for a very long time understand what's their lacking are like.

Those are getting it regularly, with short dry periods in between, wouldn't really understand or relate; and they might falsely believe that they would be able to live without it at all without feeling any loneliness or lacking without experiencing its absence for a significant period.

Been completely single since 2009. Not even a fling. Living alone, with cats. Last October, relatives came to stay with me and I had a massive meltdown from which I still haven't recovered. I think that's pretty good indicator that I know what I am talking about with regards to myself. Of course, everyone is different. But I used to feel like I should be in a relationship or be surrounded by friends because society kept telling me that I was deluding myself to think otherwise. When I finally summoned up the courage to just live my life how I always wanted to, I realised I had been right about what I want/need all along.

Like hurtloam, I just want those people who are happy being alone not to have to feel pressured by the society to compromise their authentic self, that's all.

Anyway, a person has to go to great lengths not to interact with other people at all.


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08 Feb 2014, 1:52 pm

leafplant wrote:
I have literally never been happier than when not in a close intimate relationship - i.e. single and without in your face friends that you confide everything in and that feel like a relationship anyway.
Being single rocks!

Absolutely! That's why you linger around the love and dating forum and regularly post here. :thumright:


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08 Feb 2014, 2:06 pm

Acedia wrote:
leafplant wrote:
I have literally never been happier than when not in a close intimate relationship - i.e. single and without in your face friends that you confide everything in and that feel like a relationship anyway.
Being single rocks!

Absolutely! That's why you linger around the love and dating forum and regularly post here. :thumright:

lol special interest, I'd much rather talk about it than live it


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08 Feb 2014, 6:14 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Who_Am_I wrote:
Do you masterbate?

Yeah, and then I don't even think about sex for a little while afterwards.

What's the food equivalent of masturbation? You know, the one that can remove the need to eat for years on end?

You always mock/belittle others and talk to others here as if they are ret*ds and below your oh-so-high intellectual level, you should realize that this is your constant attitude on WP in case you haven't noticed yourself; you often show little to no respect.

The question wasn't even addressed to you.

Next time watch your tone, Who_Am_I ...or don't ever interact with me. Do this again with me with this same belittling tone, and I am gonna report you, understood?

The word 'need' doesn't necessarily mean a need indispensable for maintaining life.

I am sorry, I didn't intend to come across as mocking you. And to be honest, my friends and I are exactly that sarcastic to each other all the time; it didn't occur to me that other people would take it differently.
I've always been bothered by the use of "need" as non-essential.

Oh, and I don't think my intellectual level is higher than the general level of this board; and if I think someone is stupid; I don't "mock" them: I just don't argue with them at all.

*edit no. 4, I think* And why not attack the person at the top of this page who keeps insinuating that I'm lying to myself about my own feelings and experiences? It's that type of crap that makes it hard to be civil in this forum; people do it constantly.
"Oh no, you don't like nice guys; women don't know their own minds."
"You want children really; it's only natural."
"You're lonely just like all of us; you're just in denial."
I can at least acknowledge that a relationship can be important to others despite not being high on my radar.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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08 Feb 2014, 7:59 pm

Who_Am_I wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Who_Am_I wrote:
Do you masterbate?

Yeah, and then I don't even think about sex for a little while afterwards.

What's the food equivalent of masturbation? You know, the one that can remove the need to eat for years on end?

You always mock/belittle others and talk to others here as if they are ret*ds and below your oh-so-high intellectual level, you should realize that this is your constant attitude on WP in case you haven't noticed yourself; you often show little to no respect.

The question wasn't even addressed to you.

Next time watch your tone, Who_Am_I ...or don't ever interact with me. Do this again with me with this same belittling tone, and I am gonna report you, understood?

The word 'need' doesn't necessarily mean a need indispensable for maintaining life.

I am sorry, I didn't intend to come across as mocking you. And to be honest, my friends and I are exactly that sarcastic to each other all the time; it didn't occur to me that other people would take it differently.
I've always been bothered by the use of "need" as non-essential.

Oh, and I don't think my intellectual level is higher than the general level of this board; and if I think someone is stupid; I don't "mock" them: I just don't argue with them at all.

I am not your friend.
And there are only very few wp members I would tolerate from them such trolling or whatever belittling sarcasm (wp members who I have been chatting with for years on fb/skype - and they're less than 5).

*edit no. 4, I think* And why not attack the person at the top of this page who keeps insinuating that I'm lying to myself about my own feelings and experiences? It's that type of crap that makes it hard to be civil in this forum; people do it constantly.
"Oh no, you don't like nice guys; women don't know their own minds."
"You want children really; it's only natural."
"You're lonely just like all of us; you're just in denial."
I can at least acknowledge that a relationship can be important to others despite not being high on my radar.

That's your battle.

And I didn't attack you, I counterattacked.

I've always been bothered by the use of "need" as non-essential.

A need is something that is necessary for organisms to live a healthy life. Needs are distinguished from wants because a deficiency would cause a clear negative outcome, such as dysfunction or death. Needs can be objective and physical, such as food, or they can be subjective and psychological, such as the need for self-esteem. On a social level, needs are sometimes controversial. Understanding needs and wants is an issue in the fields of politics, social science, and philosophy.

require (something) because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable.
"I need help now"
synonyms: require, be in need of, stand in need of, have need of, want, be in want of, be crying out for, be desperate for; More
not want to be subjected to something.
"I don't need your sarcasm"
expressing necessity or obligation.
"need I say more?"
synonyms: have to, be under an obligation to, be obliged to, be compelled to, be under a compulsion to; More
be necessary.
"lest you, even more than needs, embitter our parting"
noun: need; plural noun: needs
circumstances in which something is necessary; necessity.
"the basic human need for food"
synonyms: necessity, obligation, requirement, call, demand; More
a thing that is wanted or required.
"his day-to-day needs"
synonyms: requirement, essential, necessity, want, requisite, prerequisite, wish, demand; More

Maslow's hierarchy of needs


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09 Feb 2014, 12:45 am

^^A bit strong there boo. She did say sorry, not sure if she anything wrong anyway. :?

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09 Feb 2014, 1:39 am

You're lecturing me with dictionary definitions, and I'm supposedly talking down to people?

On a social level, needs are sometimes controversial.

Yeah. So I'm going to keep arguing that getting laid is not a need, but rather a strong drive.

That's your battle.

So it's ok to bring the way I talk to people who aren't you into it like you did earlier, but it's not ok to bring up how people talk to me?


Really. I asked a question that was phrased mildly sarcastically. It isn't my fault that you didn't have an answer.
You know where "sex is a need" can lead to? The type of person who thinks that women should be rationed out to men so that they don't have to go without this "need". I know you're not one of those people, though.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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09 Feb 2014, 2:17 am

Let's see.

My first proper long-term relationship started when I was 18 and lasted until I was nearly 23, about 4 and a half years. Since I dumped my ex on June 22 2011 (is it bad I only remember that date because I remember what AFL round I dumped him? Mainly cos he had me crying at the game again) I've not had sex or been emotionally intimate with someone.

However, I have developed very, very strong feelings for my football player. Would I be thrilled if we spent the rest of our lives together with 5 kids, two dogs, three cats and a cockatoo? I'd be over the moon. But is it worth ruining my friendship with him if it's not what he wants? NO. He's someone you want in your life, even if it is just as a friend.

Sometimes I get sad and angry at night and cry because I know the chances of us being together are remote, even if we do talk at least once/twice a week at footy training etc, but that's not his problem. It's 100% mine, and to complain at all about him not reciprocating my feelings is the single most selfish thing in the world, and I hate myself for getting sad and angry about it on those times that I do. It won't kill me not to be with him, and what would be the point of hurting both of us by cutting my nose off despite my face?

For me, being single is not a crisis. I have a football club which I can pour my love and dedication into (via the cheersquad and player sponsorships), I have two cats who are like the children I so long for, I have several small groups of friends, and I have my parents and siblings. I fail to see how I am alone.

"It isn't wrong, but we just don't do it."
Gordon, "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends: Whistles and Sneezes" - please read and leave a comment!


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09 Feb 2014, 4:19 am

... (...Steps slowly away from...) 8O


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09 Feb 2014, 8:46 am

Who_Am_I wrote:
You're lecturing me with dictionary definitions, and I'm supposedly talking down to people?

On a social level, needs are sometimes controversial.

Yeah. So I'm going to keep arguing that getting laid is not a need, but rather a strong drive.

That's your battle.

So it's ok to bring the way I talk to people who aren't you into it like you did earlier, but it's not ok to bring up how people talk to me?


Really. I asked a question that was phrased mildly sarcastically. It isn't my fault that you didn't have an answer.
You know where "sex is a need" can lead to? The type of person who thinks that women should be rationed out to men so that they don't have to go without this "need". I know you're not one of those people, though.

Yeah. So I'm going to keep arguing that getting laid is not a need, but rather a strong drive.

Tell that to the apes and cats :lol:, why do you think people castrate their pets? Humans have higher self-control, true, but that doesn't totally neglect their animal need for sex.

You are still unable to distinguish between "needs necessary for keeping one alive" and the other needs, in the scientific literature or even in any literature, needs aren't necessarily just food, water and oxygen, you are way limiting the word's meaning, shelter for example is considered a human need, but theoretically you don't need it to stay alive. Wants are created by marketing and consumerism and are never biological, like the wants for products and electronics, sex existed since....the sexually reproducing eukaryotic organisms.

Sex/intimacy is even more basic than the shelter and clothing needs because it is absolutely necessary for the species survival (continuity), it's integrated in our genome and evolved over zillion of years.

So it's ok to bring the way I talk to people who aren't you into it like you did earlier, but it's not ok to bring up how people talk to me?

I don't get you here, I wasn't even following the quarrel between you and the Mutantt - I only bring up the way you talk to me is because this how you talked to be earlier, this was the trigger, If Mutantt ever talks to me like this I am gonna react the same.

Really. I asked a question that was phrased mildly sarcastically. It isn't my fault that you didn't have an answer

It wasn't a serious question, it was mocking - but if you want me to answer: supplements, one can live on nutritional supplements without food but the body would always crave for solid food at times.

You know where "sex is a need" can lead to? The type of person who thinks that women should be rationed out to men so that they don't have to go without this "need". I know you're not one of those people, though.

What's the....? Women need sex too, it goes both ways. People kill for fortunes and power, those aren't needs yet some people still kill for them, admitting sex/intimacy is a need wouldn't lead one to be a rapist or pro sex-slavery; nor denying it would prevent others of committing sexual crimes.


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09 Feb 2014, 9:09 am


I don't get you here, I wasn't even following the quarrel between you and the Mutantt - I only bring up the way you talk to me is because this how you talked to be earlier, this was the trigger, If Mutantt ever talks to me like this I am gonna react the same.

??? What quarrel? I am confused.


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09 Feb 2014, 11:46 am

AspergianMutantt wrote:

I don't get you here, I wasn't even following the quarrel between you and the Mutantt - I only bring up the way you talk to me is because this how you talked to be earlier, this was the trigger, If Mutantt ever talks to me like this I am gonna react the same.

??? What quarrel? I am confused.

I think we're all confused....

Also, from an outside perspective, while I don't know your history outside this thread (and please, don't tell me), but inside this thread it sounds like Who_Am_I s not intending to be mean and we're adding unnecessary vitriol to what is actually quite an interesting topic.

On that particular topic, we're still referencing Maslow's hierarchy of needs as though it's infallible when in fact it's just a helpful construct. Sex and romance are obviously not needs or even desires for everyone, again, re: asexuals and aromantics.

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09 Feb 2014, 11:56 am

BigSister wrote:
while I don't know your history outside this thread (and please, don't tell me),.


Everyone is right, a little bit.


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09 Feb 2014, 12:11 pm

BigSister wrote:
AspergianMutantt wrote:

I don't get you here, I wasn't even following the quarrel between you and the Mutantt - I only bring up the way you talk to me is because this how you talked to be earlier, this was the trigger, If Mutantt ever talks to me like this I am gonna react the same.

??? What quarrel? I am confused.

I think we're all confused....

Also, from an outside perspective, while I don't know your history outside this thread (and please, don't tell me), but inside this thread it sounds like Who_Am_I s not intending to be mean and we're adding unnecessary vitriol to what is actually quite an interesting topic.

On that particular topic, we're still referencing Maslow's hierarchy of needs as though it's infallible when in fact it's just a helpful construct. Sex and romance are obviously not needs or even desires for everyone, again, re: asexuals and aromantics.

The majority of human population are not aromatic or asexuals.


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09 Feb 2014, 12:24 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
BigSister wrote:
AspergianMutantt wrote:

I don't get you here, I wasn't even following the quarrel between you and the Mutantt - I only bring up the way you talk to me is because this how you talked to be earlier, this was the trigger, If Mutantt ever talks to me like this I am gonna react the same.

??? What quarrel? I am confused.

I think we're all confused....

Also, from an outside perspective, while I don't know your history outside this thread (and please, don't tell me), but inside this thread it sounds like Who_Am_I s not intending to be mean and we're adding unnecessary vitriol to what is actually quite an interesting topic.

On that particular topic, we're still referencing Maslow's hierarchy of needs as though it's infallible when in fact it's just a helpful construct. Sex and romance are obviously not needs or even desires for everyone, again, re: asexuals and aromantics.

The majority of human population are not aromatic or asexuals.

Very true...which is why the construct generally works. However, their existence shows that it is, in fact, fallible and therefore while it can contribute to an argument that sex is a need, it is not nearly the proof it is being offered up as.

Also, not sure if there are any studies on this, but it seems to me that there are a disproportionate number of people on the spectrum in the asexual community than in the general population. Food for thought... (NOT saying spectrum = asexual, btw, before someone takes it that way, just that the proportions seem a bit off.)

I'm BAP and a big sister to an Autistic woman. We made some websites to help kids on the spectrum and parents understand autism in a positive way:


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09 Feb 2014, 12:52 pm

aromatics lol it's true, some people lack sweat glands