Why do Women do this on Dating Sites?
Have read through this website; The ladies of OkCupid and you'll get a little idea of what most women have to endure. And I do mean endure. Every day getting something like 8 of these, and if you log on at night-time... oh dear, it'll be something like 30 until you log off...
I don't see anything wrong with what she wrote and I can bet you it didn't even put off most those guys who will not even read your profile but tell you all these horrible things they want to do to you. Then get more violent if you say no or ignore them!!
Don't think women just read these things and turn up their nose, some posts make people feel really objectified, worthless and unsafe!
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I find it off putting. guarantee most women on dating sites get the same stuff she did, the difference they don't turn their profile into a rant, they block the messages and continue on. do most list they aren't looking for one night stands yeah, but that's more of what relationship they are wanting. if you don't think it should work both for men and women then you are basically saying women can afford to do it and guys can't.
also yeah hockey I don't get it either but i predicted it. if you show confidence you are an as*hole if you don't then you are a unattractive. seems there's no winning.
also i take your post to mean that I am a loser?
It's when either gender whines that it's off-putting. I don't see her message as a whinge, it's more that she's getting cross and telling people to f*** off, rather than going, "Oh woe is me".
As I said, this applies to both genders, and there is a big difference between whining and getting cross, agree? And getting cross can be a turn-on for some people. I know I like it when I see a guy who is "real" and honest (though constant grumpiness and whining is another matter).
As for the "high quality male" comment, it struck a nerve in me. I do like GHF because he's very open to criticism and is willing to see where he goes wrong. That is an excellent quality that lots of people don't have. I snapped at him though because like some have said, it appears really arrogant, like he is above other males...which is another way of putting them down. I'm sorry I snapped at you, GHF, but I think you need to realise that adopting that attitude won't help you.
I've left WP.
Yeah GHF I don't get it either. As FMX said, the people who are going to send crappy messages/pics are not going to take notice of what she is saying anyway*.
I leave that kind of stuff out of my profile completely. It would make me sound bitter/negative/grouchy/etc and therefore would probably stop some decent people from contacting me.
It's really not very hard to click Delete on a crappy message, that's how I handle it. Filter later, don't whinge upfront.
*Well actually, if it DID cause a dickhead to reword his message so as to get a reply from me, that's basically just him manipulating me and I would rather see his crappy message so I can delete that, than get fooled by a reworded nicer message that he wrote "because he was told to".
I don't see anything wrong with what she wrote and I can bet you it didn't even put off most those guys who will not even read your profile but tell you all these horrible things they want to do to you. Then get more violent if you say no or ignore them!!
Don't think women just read these things and turn up their nose, some posts make people feel really objectified, worthless and unsafe!
Don't forget the threats, manipulation, etc. One guy I got bad vibes from kept messaging me until I eventually told him I wasn't interested and requested that he stop contacting me, in the hopes that an actual rejection would spoil his enthusiasm for it.
I came back to messages from him demanding to know why, how I could not be interested without even knowing him, and informing me that he was persistent and wasn't going to stop until he got the answers he wanted (yikes). There's worse out there, too, like insults, threats of violence or rape, etc.
I find it off putting. guarantee most women on dating sites get the same stuff she did, the difference they don't turn their profile into a rant, they block the messages and continue on. do most list they aren't looking for one night stands yeah, but that's more of what relationship they are wanting. if you don't think it should work both for men and women then you are basically saying women can afford to do it and guys can't.
also yeah hockey I don't get it either but i predicted it. if you show confidence you are an as*hole if you don't then you are a unattractive. seems there's no winning.
also i take your post to mean that I am a loser?
I would recommend that both take it down to avoid accidentally intimidating people, especially if the content is a generalization (why are all x so y, etc). That's neither here nor there, though.
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Why would someone write a profile like that?
You won't understand the why until you try it for yourself.
Create a fake female profile. See how many inappropriate pics and messages you get per day.
That's a great idea!
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I don't get what is wrong with how they wrote the profile, sounds like they are getting messeges they don't care much for and so trying to put a stop to it by being clear they are not looking for that sort of stuff. I'd be bitter if I had a bunch of guys sending me dick pictures or asking for sex/insinuating that is all they are looking for right off the bat. Why should she be respectful towards the sort of people she is directing the bitterness in her profile at? Seems like you are taking it as an insult towards you when sounds like she is talking about specific sorts of guys shes sick of getting messeges from....if you're not someone who just wants to get in someones pants and are serious about a relationship I do not think she is referring to you or people like you.
My profile mostly says some stuff about me and a bit of how I feel about life and some intrests, then I say i desire actually meeting people not just a bunch of online messeging or text talk...also not into guys who clearly are just looking to get laid, just not into that I need a bit more substance than that in a potential relationship.
We won't go back.
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Well, since I don't smoke/drink/do drugs, have never committed a criminal offense, have a very stable, secure full time job, volunteer at a very well known and respected organization and have my own apartment and car, and love children I think that's a pretty fair statement to make. I'm not bragging in fact it makes me feel worse that I get so little attention and like tonight, my message gets a one sentence response. It's like driving: everyone says they are a good driver but I got a perfect score on my road test, received a compliment from a jaded DMV employee and have never had an accident or even a parking ticket. I would say that makes me a better driver than most!
Back on topic, I noticed a new profile. Not my type but very honest and well written while talking about how she survived an abusive situation. What does she say? At the end, she writes:
"Please do not contact me if you smoke.
I am not at all interested in one night stands/"hook ups."
Please note that I do not want to date a man who enjoys pornography. "
"Please be assured that I mean absolutely no offence by any of these requests/requirements. Thank you. "
Why not phrase it that way? Gets the point across and is respectful. I would not hesitate to contact her if she was younger and didn't have teenagers. I am further puzzled by all the responses on this thread because I was suggested last year to remove my "I don't want to date girls with tattoos or piercings". Why the conflicting message?
You should put what you 'dont' want on your profile to help weed out women you wouldn't click with. Also for a woman looking for a guy who doesn't smoke/drink/do drugs, with a stable job in a well respected organization with no legal trouble who would adore having children some day.......yeah you'd be a superior 'catch' than a lot of people on that site. But then there are woman such as myself who don't want children, do smoke/drink/do drugs and maybe don't put so much stock in a stable career...and then me personally for me if the crimminal record has to do with like rape, child molestation, murder or assaulting someone just to hurt someone then that would be a problem, if its they got ticketed/arrested for smoking a joint in public or got caught with drugs I really wouldn't care.
As for why this other female did not word things that way, well perhaps a different sort of personality....if you find that wording more appealing then obviously maybe message her rather than the other one whos style you don't like.
We won't go back.
Some points:
-The lady is just writing what she doesn't want, not having a rant about what she doesn't like. If you don't like that, you two aren't going to get along anyway. This is before taking into account she might never like you to begin with. Why cry over spilt milk?
-The_Face_Of_Boo - Thank you for your comment abotu hypberbole. It is the over-sensitivity from both genders in this subforum as well as a lack of understanding of norms and that nothing can truly be 100% equal by logical definition that creates the hyperbole you speak of, and further explains why everyone here who seems to think they know everything about dating and relationships are yet to form a healthy relationship of their own, and reside permanently in this subforum as a hypocritical monument to their failings. Hopefully, if the people of both genders with more "extreme" views could take into account the situation of everyone here, we could all work together to help one another instead of perpetuating a lack of understanding and an eternity of L&D misery. My view is brutal and unkind and applies to myself as well. Deal with it.
Yours sincerely, some dude.
-The lady is just writing what she doesn't want, not having a rant about what she doesn't like. If you don't like that, you two aren't going to get along anyway. This is before taking into account she might never like you to begin with. Why cry over spilt milk?
Of course we would not get along. If I would message her I would tell her how ridiculous her profile is and that there are many men who don't want casual sex under any circumstances. My point is why not rephrase this and say "I like to take things slow and see where they lead." It's just frustrating how few profiles actually point out what THEY have to offer and what kind of man they are looking to attract. eHarmony seemed far better in this department. One girl even flat out said she was saving herself for marriage (on eHarmony) and you know what, I contacted her. What's wrong with highlighting the positive and ignoring the negatives? There is being honest, but I'm not going to mention that I love BDSM activities on my profile if I want to attract decent, quality women and not crazies.
I understand where you are coming from my you are again missing my point. Is that going to motivate a decent guy in general to contact her? She literally took out the parts about what she has to offer and replaced it with this rant. My first thought is "geez, if I am not perfect she is going to find an excuse to break up with me. F-that." Again I am sick of getting messages and dating emotionally unavailable women who are too attached to their girl friends but if I spent my profile ranting about this, my response rate would probably drop to almost zero and people would get the wrong impression that I wanted a girl to give up her life when that could not be further from the truth.
So..this raises some questions on my part:
*You find these profiles frustrating, so why bother with them at all? Why not skip them?
*Why would you want to tell this person ANYTHING? What would it even achieve?
*You seem to have found your niche which is eHarmony. Should you maybe focus your efforts there?
Beyond those questions, all I can say is good luck and use your time wisely.
Yours sincerely, some dude.
-The_Face_Of_Boo - Thank you for your comment abotu hypberbole. It is the over-sensitivity from both genders in this subforum as well as a lack of understanding of norms and that nothing can truly be 100% equal by logical definition that creates the hyperbole you speak of, and further explains why everyone here who seems to think they know everything about dating and relationships are yet to form a healthy relationship of their own, and reside permanently in this subforum as a hypocritical monument to their failings. Hopefully, if the people of both genders with more "extreme" views could take into account the situation of everyone here, we could all work together to help one another instead of perpetuating a lack of understanding and an eternity of L&D misery. My view is brutal and unkind and applies to myself as well. Deal with it.
Liiike...you? As for hyperbole...there isn't really a lot to learn from your message, is there?
I've left WP.
-The_Face_Of_Boo - Thank you for your comment abotu hypberbole. It is the over-sensitivity from both genders in this subforum as well as a lack of understanding of norms and that nothing can truly be 100% equal by logical definition that creates the hyperbole you speak of, and further explains why everyone here who seems to think they know everything about dating and relationships are yet to form a healthy relationship of their own, and reside permanently in this subforum as a hypocritical monument to their failings. Hopefully, if the people of both genders with more "extreme" views could take into account the situation of everyone here, we could all work together to help one another instead of perpetuating a lack of understanding and an eternity of L&D misery. My view is brutal and unkind and applies to myself as well. Deal with it.
Liiike...you? As for hyperbole...there isn't really a lot to learn from your message, is there?
I think you forgot to read the part at the bottom which clearly says my views are unkind and apply to me as well.
But I applaud your efforts for trying to make fun of me. That post was directed at everyone as a whole but I guess guilt works incredibly well in evoking a response!
Hopefully, if we all step back for a bit we would realise the reason we're here is because we have Asperger's and we don't always get it right, and maybe we could help each other with the bits we do/don't get right instead of arguing or trying to find yet more labels for each other. A lot of people here might only hold misogynistic and sexist views towards women because they haven't had guidance. They might not hold them at all but be very bad at conveying their thoughts (something we can all surely relate to).
I edited this post to tidy up 2 words.
Yours sincerely, some dude.
I would've taken your first post more seriously if it wasn't going on about how people were speaking hyperbole, and trying to put-down everybody on the forum. It is like someone coming in and telling all the little kiddies to behave, and acting like they're better than them for saying it.
I've left WP.
So..this raises some questions on my part:
*You find these profiles frustrating, so why bother with them at all? Why not skip them?
*Why would you want to tell this person ANYTHING? What would it even achieve?
*You seem to have found your niche which is eHarmony. Should you maybe focus your efforts there?
Beyond those questions, all I can say is good luck and use your time wisely.
* I do skip them, just as I skip the "I've been to 38 countries and want to go to 40 more (and have a $30,000/yr job)" profiles. My point is to ask WHY she and others would do this? There is also the point that I probably would have contacted her before she changed it but I am totally turned off even though I am CLEARLY not who she is referring to. Maybe I subconsciously think about all the baggage I would have to deal with in such a relationship?
* I wasn't being serious about telling her that. I just ignored her on the site like I do most women there. My point is that my perception of her is tainted and I (as a decent guy not interested in being a pervert) am completely turned off, as I am sure most guys in my shoes are. The women who have this attitude seem to appear on the site again and again and again.
* Two reasons: 1) $$$$. It is insanely expensive for the single guy who isn't rich and 2) I have already burned through all the decent candidates. Like I said, I did find friends from one of the dates and one of the married friends took to me and knows a bunch of quality, relationship minded, single women my age. I am going to pursue that avenue and maybe in the new year I will try eHarmony again if I still single. Call it a hunch but I doubt that will be case for me.
Again, eHarmony was a "failure" in that I never got a relationship (although made it to second base once and got a home run once) for my $120 but it was successful in realizing there are lots of great single women even if they aren't as emotionally available as they could be and I found a social circle I actually feel comfortable in. I am actually getting invited to social events with lots of single women! What's better was that every woman I dated was better/closer than the previous and the one I am meeting seems to be exactly what I am looking for (and she apparently has a thing for guys like me).
Finally, to all the women who are posting here: I have to admit this is where my Aspie lack of empathy can come in to play. I literally cannot fathom sending pictures of my privates to ANYONE, even if I was married to her. I simply don't see that part of what I really have to offer a woman (although apparently I am quite skilled ) I also am the type of guy where a woman has to practically beg me for sex and I crave emotional intimacy far more than sex.
^^^ He does have a point though. A fairly solid one at that. The "forever alone" types are the most likely to fall victim to to insane black and white thinking, repetative patterns of approach and seem to be the first ones to dismiss any advice given to them that doesn't correspond to thier "research" (which usually amounts to stereotypes and generalizations meant for NT people.)
They are also the least likely to cut another person any slack. Case in point: The OP could have attempted to message or get to know this girl that he otherwise seems to be compatible with. Instead he decided to focus on some of the things she wrote clearly in response to her own experiences on the site. She gets sent dickpics and harassing messages constantly, but the real crime in his mind is the percieved curtness and negativity about being harrassed.
You'd think someone with a social defecit would be more understanding and less judgemental. Thing is, that would require practicing Affective Empathy and actually attempting to understand where the other person is coming from which he seems unwilling to do. It's symptomatic of the "us vs them" attitude that socially awkward men have co-opted on 4chan, reddit and the numerous "pickup" sites. It's not about understanding women so much as trying to gain power over women.
A socially adept dudebro might do alright with that attitude, but stick it on an Aspie and they become certified lady repellent.
You can be socially awkward and do fine.
You can be a judegemntal jerk and do fine.
You can't be socially awkward AND a judgemental jerk and hope to find any lasting romantic happiness.
That being said, the OP is hardly the worst offender here. Hell, he's one of the better ones........
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