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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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19 Apr 2015, 8:19 pm

Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:

Feminism is not some secret plan to subjugate nerdy or unattractive people

In theory, this is entirely true. But in practice, 21st century feminism is being used to try to subjugate nerdy, unattractive MEN.

In a matriarchal society, a man's worth would be judged entirely by his sex appeal to women. Women on the other hand, would be free from competition and would get to share the desirable men with each other. That is, competition among men for status, wealth, and sexual access to women is not exclusively unique to patriarchy. In truly patriarchal societies, like ultra-conservative non-secular Muslim countries, what ends of up happening is that the "alpha" males get all the women since polygamy is allowed and the lesser males get NONE. Women in those cultures are viewed as property and have no sexual freedom whatsoever even though they don't compete with each other to the extent that western women do.

But what is happening is that nerdy, geeky, socially awkard men are starting to rise in social status because technology is becoming so important that people are beginning to rely more and more on machines instead of relying on their fellow man. Historically, nerds could not compete with alphas but that is changing. So now the alphas are teaming up with feminists to try to subjugate nerds and put them back in their place because their inherited privilege is threatened. They now have competition their forefathers never had to worry about and it people get butthurt when those they view as inferior suddenly have the power to challenge them.

That's.... not happening?

First of all, I don't see much truth in this historical narrative where nerds were oppressed and then stopped being so. Machines have been changing the way labor is performed since at least the 18th century, depending on what we count as a machine. The people who benefit from the work performed with these machines have not been the people performing the labor. That's what capitalism is-- exploitation by capitalists. These capitalists might be "alpha males" in the sense that they are self-assured and overconfident, but they're not all stereotypical jocks or something. The categories you're using don't even exist in the real world; they're the mentality of a middle schooler who still sees the world in terms of cliques.

Fewer than 5% of CEOs in the Fortune 500 are women. On the other hand, I'm willing to bet that much more than 5% of them would qualify as "nerds." Women are routinely harassed, judged based on their appearance, and raped.

It's true that many straight women prefer muscular, conventionally attractive men, just as many straight men prefer skinny, large-breasted women. There are exceptions on both sides. Personally, I'm not a woman, but I'm mostly attracted to men and masculine-of-center people with skinny builds who are interested in the humanities. I know a lot of women who share this attraction. Many of my feminist friends are also lesbians, which says a lot about how much they want to have a bunch of buff husbands. Only women are routinely judged by their physical appearance when it comes to things that shouldn't be related to sex in the first place.

Have you heard of the "male gaze" or the bechdel test? Do you not see the way that, even in the 21st century, a man's perspective and experience is given priority and treated as the norm? There's still a pay gap between men's wages and women's.

Have you seen this study? Even in the academic community, which is frequently cited as being too "progressive" or "leftist," female students are demonstrated to have a harder time getting professors' attention than male students.

You don't need an academic "historical context" to see how nerds, and particularly autistic nerds have been oppressed. Just look at any high school! Nerds/dorks/geeks still face bullying, harassment, and rejection in American grade schools. And furthermore, I can't even begin to tell you how many blog posts and forum posts(on WP and other sites)I've seen decrying "nerd entitlement"; which is a reaction to nerdy guys pursuing attractive women who are supposedly "out of their league". The fact that women as a group still have problems and legitimate grievances doesn't imply that men(or at least some men) have everything fine and dandy nor does it justify a lack of self-criticism on the part of women and feminists. Stop playing victim olympics! It doesn't make it better for anyone.

As far this "bechdel test" is concerned....Lies, DAMNED LIES, and statistics. You cannot prove anything with statistics and that test was invented by an American cartoonist, not a psychologist. If you dislike the way that women are represented in fiction and fiction-based media, write you own scripts that represent them in a better way rather than whining about it.

Feminism has been around for decades. And I'm not going to argue that it is an abject failure, but I hope you have insight to realize that there is NO ideology that will solve all of societies problems nor make life fair for everyone. This whole dating caste system that people buy into(like Fnord for example) is really ridonkulous.
While you cannot control what people are attracted to nor compel them to choose when they are free to date and sleep with whomever they choose(so long as both parties are age 18++), this idea that there are fixed social rules about who people can or should date is outdated and should be disregarded. Find someone who's into you for your true self and who you feel the same way about! As for who those people are, it really depends on each individual.

Yes, autistic people are oppressed. This is called "ableism." The autistic people who are oppressed are men, women, and non-binary people who identify as neither a man nor a woman. Feminism is a movement whose purpose is to emancipate women from patriarchy and misogyny. That means it is directed toward women, both autistic and neurotypical. There is also a disability rights movement, and a specific autistic rights movement. This is distinct from feminism, but there are plenty of feminists who also advocate autistic rights or who are themselves autistic.

What you're upset about has nothing to do with men per se being oppressed; it has to do with autistic people being oppressed, which happens to include, alongside women, some men. You're making this out to be some kind of zero sum game, as though only either women or autistic men can be emancipated, at the expense of the other.

Have you considered dating an autistic woman? Or a woman who is fat and nerdy, and probably has the same gripes with the conventional standard of attractiveness that you do?

I completely agree that there are no fixed rules about who you should date or sleep with. As an autistic queer punk person, 95% of my life is devoted to that very fact. I'm polyamorous, I attend orgies, and I date people who for various reasons don't fit into the "norm." I myself do not fit into that norm.

You say: "As far this "bechdel test" is concerned....Lies, DAMNED LIES, and statistics. You cannot prove anything with statistics and that test was invented by an American cartoonist, not a psychologist. If you dislike the way that women are represented in fiction and fiction-based media, write you own scripts that represent them in a better way rather than whining about it."

I realize it was invented by a cartoonist. Dykes to Watch Out For and Fun Home are two of my favorite comics, and I'm a big Bechdel fan. What do you think men's rights activists and the like are doing, if not "whining about it?" What does it mean that you can't prove anything with statistics? Of course you can; you can show that our entire society operates on the assumption that being a "man" is the norm, and that other genders are deviations from this; that men are taught to perceive themselves as subjects and women as objects. Various women have written feminist films and made feminist music, like the riot grrrl movement. Even some male directors have made very feminist films, like Ridley Scott's Thelma & Louise. But there's still an implicit bias in Hollywood and in our culture. A lot of the time, when men get upset about feminism, what they're really upset about is losing this bias and the power that comes with patriarchy.


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19 Apr 2015, 8:22 pm

halleluhwah wrote:
What the hell do you mean what did feminists say about it? It's not like there's some organized political party called "the feminists" that makes statements on some events and ignores others. My friends who are feminists had plenty to say about it. Most of the people who commented on it were probably feminists of various types.

And like I said, there are women who will sleep with you, so just stop saying that. There are women out there who will sleep with literally anybody, just like there are men who would.

Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Except your friends are nobodies and I have no way to confirm whether they actually said anything or not. There are figureheads in the feminist movement, leaders, did any of them say anything about it? Anything at all? If so, can you prove it? Put up or shut up.

halleluhwah wrote:
Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Actually, it is. Sex is the motivator behind most men's actions, it's our greatest pursuit, it's how we define ourselves. And you know this as well as I do.

Feminists may not owe me sex, but the fact they've actually made it significantly harder for men like me to get it makes them my enemy. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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19 Apr 2015, 8:37 pm

Gauldoth wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
What the hell do you mean what did feminists say about it? It's not like there's some organized political party called "the feminists" that makes statements on some events and ignores others. My friends who are feminists had plenty to say about it. Most of the people who commented on it were probably feminists of various types.

And like I said, there are women who will sleep with you, so just stop saying that. There are women out there who will sleep with literally anybody, just like there are men who would.

Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Except your friends are nobodies and I have no way to confirm whether they actually said anything or not. There are figureheads in the feminist movement, leaders, did any of them say anything about it? Anything at all? If so, can you prove it? Put up or shut up.

halleluhwah wrote:
Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Actually, it is. Sex is the motivator behind most men's actions, it's our greatest pursuit, it's how we define ourselves. And you know this as well as I do.

Feminists may not owe me sex, but the fact they've actually made it significantly harder for men like me to get it makes them my enemy. No ifs, ands, or buts.

What figureheads? I don't know any of them. Most of the "prominent" feminists I know are either philosophers or members of rock bands. Some of them might have had something to say on the issue.

"Actually, it is. Sex is the motivator behind most men's actions, it's our greatest pursuit, it's how we define ourselves. And you know this as well as I do."
what kind of weird-ass cult are you subscribing to? Like I've said, I don't consider myself to be a man, but even as somebody who has a lot of sex, it certainly isn't my "greatest pursuit" and is only part of how I define myself (my sexuality). You're literally just describing the mentality of a rapist if you think "the fact they've actually made it significantly harder for men like [you] to get it makes them [your] enemy."

LIKE I SAID, THERE ARE WOMEN WHO WILL HAVE SEX WITH YOU. There are women who are specifically interested in nerdy men. MANY autistic women I know are specifically interested in meeting other autistic people, and you may have some luck there. There are also neurotypical people who will have sex with literally anybody who wants to. THERE IS NO REASON YOU CAN'T HAVE SEX. The one thing most of these people have in common is that they probably don't want any sort of relationship with somebody who thinks they owe him sex. I hope you grow the f**k up

Use OKCupid, or Tinder, or go to a bar or something. Try to find friends who'll help you dress up and look nice, if you think that might help. I don't know you, so I can't offer much more concrete advice than that.


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19 Apr 2015, 8:45 pm

halleluhwah wrote:
Gauldoth wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
What the hell do you mean what did feminists say about it? It's not like there's some organized political party called "the feminists" that makes statements on some events and ignores others. My friends who are feminists had plenty to say about it. Most of the people who commented on it were probably feminists of various types.

And like I said, there are women who will sleep with you, so just stop saying that. There are women out there who will sleep with literally anybody, just like there are men who would.

Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Except your friends are nobodies and I have no way to confirm whether they actually said anything or not. There are figureheads in the feminist movement, leaders, did any of them say anything about it? Anything at all? If so, can you prove it? Put up or shut up.

halleluhwah wrote:
Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Actually, it is. Sex is the motivator behind most men's actions, it's our greatest pursuit, it's how we define ourselves. And you know this as well as I do.

Feminists may not owe me sex, but the fact they've actually made it significantly harder for men like me to get it makes them my enemy. No ifs, ands, or buts.

What figureheads? I don't know any of them. Most of the "prominent" feminists I know are either philosophers or members of rock bands. Some of them might have had something to say on the issue.

"Actually, it is. Sex is the motivator behind most men's actions, it's our greatest pursuit, it's how we define ourselves. And you know this as well as I do."
what kind of weird-ass cult are you subscribing to? Like I've said, I don't consider myself to be a man, but even as somebody who has a lot of sex, it certainly isn't my "greatest pursuit" and is only part of how I define myself (my sexuality). You're literally just describing the mentality of a rapist if you think "the fact they've actually made it significantly harder for men like [you] to get it makes them [your] enemy."

LIKE I SAID, THERE ARE WOMEN WHO WILL HAVE SEX WITH YOU. There are women who are specifically interested in nerdy men. MANY autistic women I know are specifically interested in meeting other autistic people, and you may have some luck there. There are also neurotypical people who will have sex with literally anybody who wants to. THERE IS NO REASON YOU CAN'T HAVE SEX. The one thing most of these people have in common is that they probably don't want any sort of relationship with somebody who thinks they owe him sex. I hope you grow the f**k up

Use OKCupid, or Tinder, or go to a bar or something. Try to find friends who'll help you dress up and look nice, if you think that might help. I don't know you, so I can't offer much more concrete advice than that.

I can point you to several prominent feminists who tore poor Scott Aaronson a new one after he dared complain that their ideology almost caused him to do serious self-harm. Can you point to any prominent feminists who spoke out condemning what Chris Brown did, yes or no?

As for the rest, I really don't have any more patience for this. If you want to keep deluding yourself and being a mangina for a bunch of harpies who have nothing but contempt for you, fine. But don't try to impinge your crap on us.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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19 Apr 2015, 8:59 pm

Gauldoth wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
Gauldoth wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
What the hell do you mean what did feminists say about it? It's not like there's some organized political party called "the feminists" that makes statements on some events and ignores others. My friends who are feminists had plenty to say about it. Most of the people who commented on it were probably feminists of various types.

And like I said, there are women who will sleep with you, so just stop saying that. There are women out there who will sleep with literally anybody, just like there are men who would.

Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Except your friends are nobodies and I have no way to confirm whether they actually said anything or not. There are figureheads in the feminist movement, leaders, did any of them say anything about it? Anything at all? If so, can you prove it? Put up or shut up.

halleluhwah wrote:
Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Actually, it is. Sex is the motivator behind most men's actions, it's our greatest pursuit, it's how we define ourselves. And you know this as well as I do.

Feminists may not owe me sex, but the fact they've actually made it significantly harder for men like me to get it makes them my enemy. No ifs, ands, or buts.

What figureheads? I don't know any of them. Most of the "prominent" feminists I know are either philosophers or members of rock bands. Some of them might have had something to say on the issue.

"Actually, it is. Sex is the motivator behind most men's actions, it's our greatest pursuit, it's how we define ourselves. And you know this as well as I do."
what kind of weird-ass cult are you subscribing to? Like I've said, I don't consider myself to be a man, but even as somebody who has a lot of sex, it certainly isn't my "greatest pursuit" and is only part of how I define myself (my sexuality). You're literally just describing the mentality of a rapist if you think "the fact they've actually made it significantly harder for men like [you] to get it makes them [your] enemy."

LIKE I SAID, THERE ARE WOMEN WHO WILL HAVE SEX WITH YOU. There are women who are specifically interested in nerdy men. MANY autistic women I know are specifically interested in meeting other autistic people, and you may have some luck there. There are also neurotypical people who will have sex with literally anybody who wants to. THERE IS NO REASON YOU CAN'T HAVE SEX. The one thing most of these people have in common is that they probably don't want any sort of relationship with somebody who thinks they owe him sex. I hope you grow the f**k up

Use OKCupid, or Tinder, or go to a bar or something. Try to find friends who'll help you dress up and look nice, if you think that might help. I don't know you, so I can't offer much more concrete advice than that.

I can point you to several prominent feminists who tore poor Scott Aaronson a new one after he dared complain that their ideology almost caused him to do serious self-harm. Can you point to any prominent feminists who spoke out condemning what Chris Brown did, yes or no?

Listen, like I said, I don't know who counts as a "prominent feminist" to you. So I don't know what you expect from me. What I can do, is google it. And what I come up with is a lot of stuff that analyzes their relationship, and the fact that she eventually got back together with him. The writers generally acknowledge that Chris Brown did something terrible, and then they argue that Rihanna's choice to get back together with him is her right and that nobody should tell her who she can and can't date. Secondly, a lot of the bloggers deal with the fact that Chris Brown is black, and that this makes him a unique target for those who want to paint him as violent and sexist. None of these writers are defending Chris Brown's actions, but they are all trying to give a more sophisticated analysis that takes into account his race and her choice to date him. ... -continue/ Here is one example. You can use google to find more.

Blue Jay
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19 Apr 2015, 9:01 pm

I will happily continue to be a mangina. I don't know what harpies you're talking about, but I love all my friends, and now you're just coming off as an as*hole. Have fun being celibate and lonely for the rest of your life


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19 Apr 2015, 9:17 pm

halleluhwah wrote:
And I don't need to convince myself, so I'm hoping to convince you

I see that you are rather new to WP. You may want to consider avoiding the members of the Entitled Misogynist Virgins Club that haunt the forum. Though typically found bemoaning the nerve of womyn who will not date them, they sometimes also opine on the bizarre "feminism" that they have created in their own minds. Engagement is probably useless.

Blue Jay
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19 Apr 2015, 9:37 pm

starkid wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
And I don't need to convince myself, so I'm hoping to convince you

I see that you are rather new to WP. You may want to consider avoiding the members of the Entitled Misogynist Virgins Club that haunt the forum. Though typically found bemoaning the nerve of womyn who will not date them, they sometimes also opine on the bizarre "feminism" that they have created in their own minds. Engagement is probably useless.

Seems like it. :/


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19 Apr 2015, 10:02 pm

halleluhwah wrote:
Gauldoth wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
Gauldoth wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
What the hell do you mean what did feminists say about it? It's not like there's some organized political party called "the feminists" that makes statements on some events and ignores others. My friends who are feminists had plenty to say about it. Most of the people who commented on it were probably feminists of various types.

And like I said, there are women who will sleep with you, so just stop saying that. There are women out there who will sleep with literally anybody, just like there are men who would.

Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Except your friends are nobodies and I have no way to confirm whether they actually said anything or not. There are figureheads in the feminist movement, leaders, did any of them say anything about it? Anything at all? If so, can you prove it? Put up or shut up.

halleluhwah wrote:
Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Actually, it is. Sex is the motivator behind most men's actions, it's our greatest pursuit, it's how we define ourselves. And you know this as well as I do.

Feminists may not owe me sex, but the fact they've actually made it significantly harder for men like me to get it makes them my enemy. No ifs, ands, or buts.

What figureheads? I don't know any of them. Most of the "prominent" feminists I know are either philosophers or members of rock bands. Some of them might have had something to say on the issue.

"Actually, it is. Sex is the motivator behind most men's actions, it's our greatest pursuit, it's how we define ourselves. And you know this as well as I do."
what kind of weird-ass cult are you subscribing to? Like I've said, I don't consider myself to be a man, but even as somebody who has a lot of sex, it certainly isn't my "greatest pursuit" and is only part of how I define myself (my sexuality). You're literally just describing the mentality of a rapist if you think "the fact they've actually made it significantly harder for men like [you] to get it makes them [your] enemy."

LIKE I SAID, THERE ARE WOMEN WHO WILL HAVE SEX WITH YOU. There are women who are specifically interested in nerdy men. MANY autistic women I know are specifically interested in meeting other autistic people, and you may have some luck there. There are also neurotypical people who will have sex with literally anybody who wants to. THERE IS NO REASON YOU CAN'T HAVE SEX. The one thing most of these people have in common is that they probably don't want any sort of relationship with somebody who thinks they owe him sex. I hope you grow the f**k up

Use OKCupid, or Tinder, or go to a bar or something. Try to find friends who'll help you dress up and look nice, if you think that might help. I don't know you, so I can't offer much more concrete advice than that.

I can point you to several prominent feminists who tore poor Scott Aaronson a new one after he dared complain that their ideology almost caused him to do serious self-harm. Can you point to any prominent feminists who spoke out condemning what Chris Brown did, yes or no?

Listen, like I said, I don't know who counts as a "prominent feminist" to you. So I don't know what you expect from me. What I can do, is google it. And what I come up with is a lot of stuff that analyzes their relationship, and the fact that she eventually got back together with him. The writers generally acknowledge that Chris Brown did something terrible, and then they argue that Rihanna's choice to get back together with him is her right and that nobody should tell her who she can and can't date. Secondly, a lot of the bloggers deal with the fact that Chris Brown is black, and that this makes him a unique target for those who want to paint him as violent and sexist. None of these writers are defending Chris Brown's actions, but they are all trying to give a more sophisticated analysis that takes into account his race and her choice to date him. ... -continue/ Here is one example. You can use google to find more.

What I mean is s**t like this: ... -to-women/ ... nce-empire

Are there any articles like this by prominent feminists condemning what Chris Brown did to Rihanna? And I mean condemning HIM for what he did, not questioning Rihanna's good judgement in getting back with him. No? Then shut the f**k up.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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19 Apr 2015, 10:23 pm

Gauldoth wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
Gauldoth wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
Gauldoth wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
What the hell do you mean what did feminists say about it? It's not like there's some organized political party called "the feminists" that makes statements on some events and ignores others. My friends who are feminists had plenty to say about it. Most of the people who commented on it were probably feminists of various types.

And like I said, there are women who will sleep with you, so just stop saying that. There are women out there who will sleep with literally anybody, just like there are men who would.

Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Except your friends are nobodies and I have no way to confirm whether they actually said anything or not. There are figureheads in the feminist movement, leaders, did any of them say anything about it? Anything at all? If so, can you prove it? Put up or shut up.

halleluhwah wrote:
Nobody owes you sex, and the fact that people you were attracted to didn't sleep with you isn't the same as being "disenfranchised."

Actually, it is. Sex is the motivator behind most men's actions, it's our greatest pursuit, it's how we define ourselves. And you know this as well as I do.

Feminists may not owe me sex, but the fact they've actually made it significantly harder for men like me to get it makes them my enemy. No ifs, ands, or buts.

What figureheads? I don't know any of them. Most of the "prominent" feminists I know are either philosophers or members of rock bands. Some of them might have had something to say on the issue.

"Actually, it is. Sex is the motivator behind most men's actions, it's our greatest pursuit, it's how we define ourselves. And you know this as well as I do."
what kind of weird-ass cult are you subscribing to? Like I've said, I don't consider myself to be a man, but even as somebody who has a lot of sex, it certainly isn't my "greatest pursuit" and is only part of how I define myself (my sexuality). You're literally just describing the mentality of a rapist if you think "the fact they've actually made it significantly harder for men like [you] to get it makes them [your] enemy."

LIKE I SAID, THERE ARE WOMEN WHO WILL HAVE SEX WITH YOU. There are women who are specifically interested in nerdy men. MANY autistic women I know are specifically interested in meeting other autistic people, and you may have some luck there. There are also neurotypical people who will have sex with literally anybody who wants to. THERE IS NO REASON YOU CAN'T HAVE SEX. The one thing most of these people have in common is that they probably don't want any sort of relationship with somebody who thinks they owe him sex. I hope you grow the f**k up

Use OKCupid, or Tinder, or go to a bar or something. Try to find friends who'll help you dress up and look nice, if you think that might help. I don't know you, so I can't offer much more concrete advice than that.

I can point you to several prominent feminists who tore poor Scott Aaronson a new one after he dared complain that their ideology almost caused him to do serious self-harm. Can you point to any prominent feminists who spoke out condemning what Chris Brown did, yes or no?

Listen, like I said, I don't know who counts as a "prominent feminist" to you. So I don't know what you expect from me. What I can do, is google it. And what I come up with is a lot of stuff that analyzes their relationship, and the fact that she eventually got back together with him. The writers generally acknowledge that Chris Brown did something terrible, and then they argue that Rihanna's choice to get back together with him is her right and that nobody should tell her who she can and can't date. Secondly, a lot of the bloggers deal with the fact that Chris Brown is black, and that this makes him a unique target for those who want to paint him as violent and sexist. None of these writers are defending Chris Brown's actions, but they are all trying to give a more sophisticated analysis that takes into account his race and her choice to date him. ... -continue/ Here is one example. You can use google to find more.

What I mean is s**t like this: ... -to-women/ ... nce-empire

Are there any articles like this by prominent feminists condemning what Chris Brown did to Rihanna? And I mean condemning HIM for what he did, not questioning Rihanna's good judgement in getting back with him. No? Then shut the f**k up.

Weren't you done with this conversation?

And I know what an article looks like, thanks very much. That doesn't tell me anything about who counts as a "prominent feminist." I'm pretty sure you'd be hard-pressed to find anybody who doesn't condemn what Brown did, self-described feminst or not. Many feminists are socially aware enough to take his race into account when writing about his actions and the public reaction.

There's also a pretty big difference between the two incidents. One involved a woman being beaten by her lover. This is a private affair that happens all the time. The othet involved somebody specifically blaming feminism for unrelated problems-- a charge to which feminists responded.

I'm not saying feminists are all always perfect. There are feminists who exclude trans* women and racist feminists, for example. Feminism isn't some monolithic entity; it's a broad social movement with multiple waves, various tendencies and schools of thought, and a long, varied history. There are liberal feminists, marxist feminists, post-structuralist feminists, and so on. The best feminists are the ones who also give a s**t about capitalism, race, sexuality, and yes even disabilities including autism.

But yeah, none of this matters to somebody who thinks you're his enemy if you don't open up your legs at his command (that is, a rapist).


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19 Apr 2015, 10:39 pm

You're skirting around the issue. The truth is no feminists spoke about what happened with Chris Brown and Rihanna because in their eyes, Chris Brown is "worthy" enough to do what he did, and nothing more. Simple as that.

Feminism as it exists today is nothing more than a rod created by women to beat down "unworthy" men and keep them as basically as a modern-day slave caste. But I think these women are in for a very rude awakening, our patience is a shallow well (mine has run dry long ago). And since modern society can't function without us, they're gonna be forced to make a choice: either they'll start rewarding us adequately for our efforts and services, or they can go live in the jungle with the few men they deem to be "worthy".

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19 Apr 2015, 10:52 pm

I'm not skirting around the issue. I don't belong to whatever elite cabinet of ultra-feminists you think exists, so I can't tell you where to look for their perspective on Rihanna's issues.

Do you read the things you write? Nerdy men, a modern day slave caste? Lying in the jungle? I hope you realize there are actual slaves in the world today, and they're not just nerdy men.

And who says that, in this imaginary world, there aren't nerdy women to prevent society from collapsing? You really think without nerdy men in particular, people will end up in "jungles" or whatever?

I mean , there are so many problems with what you're saying; it's frankly just ridiculous. You're honestly just pathetic


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19 Apr 2015, 11:00 pm

halleluhwah wrote:
I'm not skirting around the issue. I don't belong to whatever elite cabinet of ultra-feminists you think exists, so I can't tell you where to look for their perspective on Rihanna's issues.

Do you read the things you write? Nerdy men, a modern day slave caste? Lying in the jungle? I hope you realize there are actual slaves in the world today, and they're not just nerdy men.

And who says that, in this imaginary world, there aren't nerdy women to prevent society from collapsing? You really think without nerdy men in particular, people will end up in "jungles" or whatever?

I mean , there are so many problems with what you're saying; it's frankly just ridiculous. You're honestly just pathetic

But you do have access to Google?

Yes, there actual slaves in the world. And that's what feminism wants to turn nerdy men into: slaves.

Also, most STEM fields, you know the fields of study where the people who keep modern society running go, are occupied overwhelmingly by males, and if the few women who were in those fields chose to leave, we could easily survive without them.

But again, keep acting as cannon fodder for these harpies... I'm sure someday they'll reward you by upping your miserably-low social status... or maybe not. :lol:

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20 Apr 2015, 12:58 am

halleluhwah wrote:
I'm not skirting around the issue. I don't belong to whatever elite cabinet of ultra-feminists you think exists, so I can't tell you where to look for their perspective on Rihanna's issues.

Do you read the things you write? Nerdy men, a modern day slave caste? Lying in the jungle? I hope you realize there are actual slaves in the world today, and they're not just nerdy men.

And who says that, in this imaginary world, there aren't nerdy women to prevent society from collapsing? You really think without nerdy men in particular, people will end up in "jungles" or whatever?

I mean , there are so many problems with what you're saying; it's frankly just ridiculous. You're honestly just pathetic

Let me give you a clear idea of the type of person you're trying to reason with:


This is a sheltered, toxic individual that will dismiss pretty much anything that doesn't agree with his psychoses (regardless of logic or truth) and use any form of feedback as a platform to fling nonsensical vitriol all over the place.

I'd suggest just leaving him to talk to himself, but if you're into exercises in futility, by all means carry on.


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20 Apr 2015, 3:27 am

Antharis wrote:
halleluhwah wrote:
I'm not skirting around the issue. I don't belong to whatever elite cabinet of ultra-feminists you think exists, so I can't tell you where to look for their perspective on Rihanna's issues.

Do you read the things you write? Nerdy men, a modern day slave caste? Lying in the jungle? I hope you realize there are actual slaves in the world today, and they're not just nerdy men.

And who says that, in this imaginary world, there aren't nerdy women to prevent society from collapsing? You really think without nerdy men in particular, people will end up in "jungles" or whatever?

I mean , there are so many problems with what you're saying; it's frankly just ridiculous. You're honestly just pathetic

Let me give you a clear idea of the type of person you're trying to reason with:


This is a sheltered, toxic individual that will dismiss pretty much anything that doesn't agree with his psychoses (regardless of logic or truth) and use any form of feedback as a platform to fling nonsensical vitriol all over the place.

I'd suggest just leaving him to talk to himself, but if you're into exercises in futility, by all means carry on.

Actually Antharis, despite his bitterness and cynicism about dating, Gauldoth's criticisms of feminist ideology are quite valid even though they lend themselves to hyperbole.

You do realize that halleluwah sounds very much like a feminist sycophant regurgitating ideological propaganda.


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20 Apr 2015, 4:09 am

So much conspiracy theories on this board later.