hurtloam wrote:
Oh! That's a good point.
I've got a hang up from years ago when I made one mistake and the guy decided to go out with someone else instead. I was supposed to meet up with him and couldn't make it. I think he felt I'd stood him up. Next thing I knew, he was going out with someone else.
I never really got over that. I always feel like if I screw up the man will be gone
It just so difficult.
When you couldn't make it to go to the date, did you call the guy, apologized, and
specified another day for the date?
People do make mistakes, but some mistakes simply can't be digested, especially in very early stages of dating.
This was 12 years ago, so my memory is hazy, I can't remember if I text him or not. Probably not. I was very shy back then. I definitely didn't organise a definite next time. Other people were going to the outing as well, so he wasn't left alone, so I don't think I saw the need to tell him I wasn't going.