Only read the OP so don't know if this has been said, but here's my 2 cents:
Because your objective is to meet women. Instead, choose a place/activity that you're interested in that young women will surely also be at and focus on the time/place/event/activity etc and making the most of it. If you naturally and organically happen to meet a young woman that you get on with, awesome. If not, you've at least had a good time out. Chances are that if you go out with the intention of enjoying something and having a good time, you may be noticed by someone and a conversation will happen and then boom, there ya go, you've met someone. But when you go out with the express purpose of meeting someone then it shows and comes across as being creepy. Just go out and enjoy and have fun, be yourself, and someone will strike up a conversation with you simply because you're having a good time.
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.