Peacesells wrote:
No idea what you're talking about. Reading Wikipedia, I learn that a power too is a tool that is actuated by an additional power source and mechanism other than the solely manual labour used with hand tools.
So for Valentine's day you want something to avoid manual labour? I see.

power tools are things like power drills, reciprocating saws ("sawzalls"), nail guns, angle grinders and
chainsaws.that is; big, strong, manly appliances with lots of power and lots of noise, to accentuate the man and fuel his macho desire to both create and destroy.

314pe wrote:
Ok, explain to me this. You're a woman who believes in gender equality (I'd like to believe most women do believe in gender equality) and you're totally ok not to buy anything back? This totally clashes with all feminist ideals.
i wholeheartedly believe in gender equality. my post there was sarcastic, i was poking fun at the hypocrisy some feminists show in protesting societal rules that "benefit" men at their expense, while keeping quiet when it's the other way around. it makes sense from a human nature perspective, but that's not very conducive to *true* equality IMO. hence, 'pick and choose'.
they just want nice things, whatever it takes.
don't we all, though?i see why you read my post the way you did, though. probably should have put a [/sarcasm] tag or something, sorry.
kraftiekortie wrote:
I've never gotten a Valentine from a woman.
i'll make you a valentines thing.
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