Peacesells wrote:
Booyakasha wrote:
SilverStar wrote:
it cost a fortune to get married
i don't know how much it costs in the US, but here the cost of paperwork is roughly $ 46 for the civil wedding...we didn't spend more than that.
It costs a lot because people want to spend a lot.
And in particular, most women never accept a cheap wedding, they want something with a big cake, flowers, fireworks, a dancing / dj band; and an open buffet food. They want to do it like their female friends' weddings they attended it before , they want it royal.
As my friend who got married few years ago told me this generalization: "Men don't give a s**t about wedding, if given the choice they would sleep single and wake up married with no problem; women on the other hand want to do what their friends did."
I believe him, there's certainly a very and crystal clear gender disparity when it comes to opinions on expensive weddings.
Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 04 Aug 2018, 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.