Here's another thing though, if you do get married you definitely want to be VERY careful about who you get married to. I know so many guys who have wives or even girlfriends who put them through the ringer just because they can. Here's something an aspie female on another site said to me and I've seen it happen time and time again.
anonymous wrote:
For a lot of women, kids are a cop out or a releif from doing anything difficult with their lives. Family relationships become their hobby and life's work and a partner that doesn't buy into it is going to hear the wrath of the best defence she can muster which is offence.
Mind you, I am a guy and I won't act like I don't like p---y, but at the same time when it comes to being with someone that doesn't even account for a quarter or even a tenth of it - if they have a foul attitude, ie. the way most people would react to us, trading your self esteem, freedom, and 'sanctuary' in for that isn't even close to worth it. True enough, altruists in the relationship world who would go for a lot of us because they truly are suiting themselves by being with like personalities are almost impossibly rare. Still, you're better off being alone if you can't find that because otherwise what your really dealing with is a lot like a pit bull - if they sense that they have more control than their master that sort of schizophrenic and evil nerve kinda snaps.
I know you guys really want quality companionship more than anything else, as do I, but at the same time I really don't think this world or the mechanics biology forces us to a lot of times is right for anyone. Its just a shame to see perfectly good people ride down the pipe because of the fact that the animal in us overrules the human being and the higher self 10 to 1 on these matters.