techstepgenr8tion wrote:
- someone who has their head stuck in the toilet on guys and who's dignity as well as the dignity of others through her own eyes is getting erased farther every day just because she's listening to what everyone else is telling her its all supposed to be rather than paying attention to the bottom line. I don't hate em but geez...they need to check their reality and just how fulfilled their soul really is living in that cracker-jack world at the same time...
- someone who needs to rollcast people, assign them identities before they know the first thing about them, and really doesn't see the beauty in them but rather is too stuck on the societal label everyone wears based on the superficials. You don't need to date anyone you don't want to, no argument there, but there's a lot of people you could learn a lot about life from - if you could just take the blinders off and look around you for a second you'd see its all BS. An addendum, people who could give two s--ts about wisdom and bettering their own life through it.... kinda just another reflection on the same underlying problem here...
- someone who wants to get theirs from life, mostly through other people, and will do it under all kinds of pretense. Its an information and service job market, women are almost suited better than guys for the work world so please don't lean into your man because after earning a 4 year and climbing the corporate ladder you've got a ring and realize you'd rather sit home and watch TV while he does the work.
- our kids have to be just like the Jone's kids; gotta be as good if not better than their kids at every sport, need to be popular, and need a dad who's the spitting image of popular conformity who'll make them alpha drones. My advice - stay single and just watch Soap Operas until your 60, its the only place where that world really makes sense and if you don't go that route at least find a guy who's just like that rather than trying to clamp it down over him and running a guilt trip on him for every little breach of conformity or heresy he commits against popular culture. Yeah, I don't want my kids to be getting beat up or walked on but I definitely want streetwise, smart, analytical, thinking for themselves, and generally following the beat of their own drum just because the other way is really no way to live - its kinda like death at birth with about 80 years of slow decline tacked on.
- uses sex to control. Yeah, some guys are really sadly relinquished to the system, don't know reality or themselves that well, and you can thread them along rather nicely (or just keep everything seeming straight until you get a ring on em). If you want to try that with a guy who knows who he is or what he wants from life....pfff....have fun with that, let me know how it turns out...
Wow, and I thought I was bitter...