Heeey, Solidess, I haven't seen you here in a while. Nice to see ya. ^_^
I think that it really depends on the individual person. For me, personally, the bodyshape itself isn't as important as the face, hair, skin...and of course how a girl USES her appearance...the way she moves her face and body...and I won't deny that certain clothing and make up definitely attracts me. So it's not the main thing I pay attention to.
But, if we're talking purely the bodyshape...well, I won't deny that I do find slender bodies with large breasts but thin waists attractive. (I don't have much interest in booty though--sorry Cal.) Now, if a girl is totally skinny but lacks any curves or boobage then I'd actually find that less attractive than if she had some meat on her bones but was busty (without being overweight). I'm not going to use numbers because I just don't THINK in terms of numbers, so I honestly can't tell you my idea height/weight specifics.
I do find overweight girls unattractive in general, however, so it's a fine line...if you're just not skinny then there's nothing to worry about, but if I see you as fat then I'd probably have trouble being attracted to you. The problem is that girls don't know when they're fat and when they're just not skinny because the media distorts their perception.
But again, it really depends on so much more, even in the realm of asthetics.
As for ages, I'm not really that into girls who are younger than me because many of them seem immature. I prefer the early-to-mid-20's...like, say, 22-24.
Last edited by Veresae on 18 Aug 2007, 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.