gwenevyn wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
I would imagine that the biggest issue in dating someone from WP or any other AS site is that it might necessitate a long-distance relationship. But then again, if two people get along very well, distance won't matter, because there will be a way for the two to be face-to-face if they put in enough effort.
Amen. I know that for the right guy, I'd pick up and move anywhere.
Well, maybe not Afghanistan.
I can't speak for you, but would the logistics of moving to, and indeed living in another country not frazzle you badly as an Aspie? I've found that, when I was married, general life difficulties would put strain on our relationship, and cause us to be extra-irritable toward each other. While such intermittant irritability is sustainable in a marriage that's already humming along,
starting a marriage during such irritabilities as being totally disoriented by your brand new surroundings would overload many Aspies, greatly reducing the bonding sweetness of the newly-wed experience. I mean to say that this sweetness is vital glue for a new marriage.
I say this as a man who, a year ago, considered moving to a small Canadian town, to marry a girl with whom I had communicated intensively for two full months. My imagination, I am sure, ran away with me in thinking that
MAYBE I could tollerate moving to new surroundings, job, lifestyle, away from all family and friends, PLUS having a brand new wife whom I was not able to really date (IRL) beforehand. I bought a webcam so we could see and hear each other for free over Skype. She kept putting off when she would webchat with me, saying she's too shy, etc. But anyway, even webchatting wouldn't be as real as IRL dating. I just kind of realized that any "courtship" couldn't really take place. I wouldn't know how she smells, feels, kisses, hugs -- I'd know nothing of the things I like to know as an Aspie before making a choice. She eventually rejected me because I wasn't a virgin, but I had already begun to see the other great hurdles there would have been to overcome.