violet_yoshi wrote:
How about girl Aspies who haven't had a boyfriend. That's me!
Given what was written in other topics there are several members here looking for an Aspie girlfriend. So you've come to the right place
Anyways, I fit the description. I am turning 26 soon and never had more than a few dates and twice an almost-romance which just didn't work out at the last moment. Still looking for Miss Right

and the longer it takes the more I fear it may never happen. My phobia of erotic situations and things also doesn't help me to approach girls of course, and I am never that lucky that a nice girl (not talking about looks necessarily but more character-wise) approaches me herself. So yes, I am one of those "adults" without true romance and one that sometimes feels a bit hopeless... I do not do any more one-night-stands though, even if that would mean several more years without affection. First of all there is my erotophobia and second of all a night of passion without love involved is so void it just does not interest me anymore. I look for a lasting romance and nothing else, and I am prepared to wait until the right girl comes along.
Do what Thou wilt shal be the whole of the Law.
Love is the Law, Love under Will. And...
every man and every woman is a star
(excerpt from The Book of the Law - Aleister Crowley)
"Od lo avda tikvateinu" (excerpt from the Israeli hymn)