I was just thinking about this whole business of attaraction in realtion to a discussion I was having with a friend earlier on today.
But I also work from a thesis that contends that personality is unique, and while a disorder can alter and influence personality to an extent, it would seem that even on the autistic spectrum (in my opinion at least), there is still a full range of personalities at play.
So then to the question at hand. I haven't had much to do with the autistic community at large. A lot of people remain undiagnosed or are able to fit in to the NT world a little better. I have one female friend who I am pretty certain is at least mildly AS, and while she is pretty cool and is into maths and physics and is quite attractive, I just know she is not my type exactly. I would like to say I have met other girls I could say were possibly on the spectrum, but I think it takes time to get to know with some people.
But tying this back in to the whole thing of personality and attraction. I think while I would like to meet someone onthe spectrum because it immediately means that things like the problems of communication and social skills are understood, it also becomes a case of me being scared off by the lack of verbal communication. My most successful relationship to date (although my most emotionally fraught for me) was with someone who was very NT, loud, bubbly, gregarious (but probably mildly bi-polar).
So is it a case of even though we are all on the spectrum, we all are different personality types, and therefore may not necessarily attract people on the spectrum, but people who more suit out personality type?