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02 Jun 2008, 12:02 am

ebec11 wrote:
aspergian_mutant wrote:
Poof *I Magically changed my age*
I walk up to Ebec11 home and knock on her door,
there stands before her the most perfect male in prime of age that most any girl would drool over,
When she opens the door I smile at her, I say hello Ebec11, I am your mutant for the evening,
care to go out and enjoy a night on the town? all on me I assure you,
as I point over to my limo waiting for us.
dance, wine, music, theater, you name it girl, tonight I make all your fantasies come true.
just be aware of one thing, come the dawning of the new day, the limo becomes a carrot,
its driver a door mouse, the money and richs but leafs on the ground, and I an old man.
but you do have the day and night to enjoy and dream the dream.

:lol: Thank you! I would love just to have that ONE night, so I could say I've been on a date :D (Maybe a kiss too...)

Your wish is granted!
(with a snap of my fingers your jammies turn into a gown fit for a princess), we enter the limo, the driver smiles and takes us to the most expensive dance club around, as we enter you see a couple of your favorite musical groups, the lighting is soft and kind to the eyes, I wave at the musicians and have them start playing your favorite dancing songs, starting off with a slow song I take your hand and hold you close enough to smell your sweet scent and feel your soft hair upon my cheek, and we dance a slow dance that seems like a dream that lasts forever, after a time of dancing to slow and fun faster paced music the music changes as I lead you over too our table, there on the table rests all kinds of fresh fruits and nuts and meats and all kinds of the food you always liked and then some thats totally new and enjoyable and tantalizing too your taste buds, with a little wine and soft music we speak of many things, dreams, life, childhood, friends, family, educations, hobbies, beaches and sandy dreams of warm waves washing upon our feet, and you, then after a pleasant meal we head off to a theater to watch a play, children are the actors, its cheerful, sweet, bring us laughter at times until we could almost cry, then after a while we leave this place, walking hand in hand we go on that dream walk where few words are needed, peaceful and pleasant company speaking a thousand words with but a smile and a touch, at the end of our walk we find our selves near the art center and zoo and historical centers, oddly enough as late as it is they are still open, there in we find so much to talk about and enjoy, the evening seems to last forever, then before you realize you find your self back at home, the dawn nearly breaking, with a cheerful smile that tells even you that I my self enjoyed the evening with you as much as you I, I reach over and gently kiss you the perfect long awaited kiss, then I bow and start walking away, and as I do the dawn breaks, she car vanishes, and I fade from your view like a ghost into the shadows of a new day not once spoiling the dream with my true visage, you close the door, go up into your room to rest, and there you find the most perfect rose upon your pillow, with photos of your evening to last you a life time, gnight sweet one, be happy, live your dream,



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02 Jun 2008, 12:05 am

I'm confused.
I just selected the option for "view posts since last visit" and the first thread was this one, and the very next one was the "Ebec appreciation thread". So of course people like you. Or am I missing something?


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02 Jun 2008, 12:07 am

I mean boyfriend wise
And I've been getting some great advice here, which I'm grateful for :D (And some wonderful daydreaming too!)


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02 Jun 2008, 12:19 am

ebec11 wrote:
I'm not complaining, I'm asking
I do have a crush on a guy, but I'm so scared he won't like me after he finds out I'm Autistic :cry:

If that is a problem, why not date guys that are Autistic?

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02 Jun 2008, 4:26 am

ebec11 wrote:
I'm not complaining, I'm asking
I do have a crush on a guy, but I'm so scared he won't like me after he finds out I'm Autistic :cry:

Then don't tell them that you are autistic. Seriously, autistic sounds to people like ALIEN ,it's an awful word. Just imagine someone telling you 'I am Olandatic' (a word that I invented it).

Guys will think that you are extremely shy girl and that's OK for girls, guys like shy girls.

Almost all adult aspie girls get Boyfriends like any other girls, you don't believe me? Ask here around. The ones who can't get a boyfriend are either extremely uglies or pretties who just don't want a bf (ie.hale_bopp?), I guess you are neither of that. Just wait a couple of years and then post another thread. Aspie girl usually faces troubles in communicating with a boyfriend but not in getting one.

...and oh plz, don't just go for Autistic guys because you would miss a lot of opportunities in such extremely niche dating, many NT guys are better than any aspie guys, do no limit your search that much, it's stupid.


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02 Jun 2008, 5:31 am

ebec11 wrote:
I just feel like nobody will take the time to get to know me...I'm a really good person, honest, serious, sweet...I know I'm insecure, and not many people like Autism...but I'm really nice
I just want a boyfriend that's loyal and likes that so much to ask?

I'd take a chance with you if I was younger and if you lived closer. Doesn't mean that we would click though, but it's possible.


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02 Jun 2008, 6:51 am

Yeah I dont like what normal relationship people might think let alone what somone I would want to date. I gues if you wish to go out with them just say you are very, once they know who you are then you can tell them, they should like you for who you are. You sound like a great girl, probably the type I can not even talk to. If there are more guys are like me you will find someone.

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02 Jun 2008, 9:44 am

LePetitPrince wrote:
ebec11 wrote:
I'm not complaining, I'm asking
I do have a crush on a guy, but I'm so scared he won't like me after he finds out I'm Autistic :cry:

Then don't tell them that you are autistic. Seriously, autistic sounds to people like ALIEN ,it's an awful word. Just imagine someone telling you 'I am Olandatic' (a word that I invented it).

Guys will think that you are extremely shy girl and that's OK for girls, guys like shy girls.

Almost all adult aspie girls get Boyfriends like any other girls, you don't believe me? Ask here around. The ones who can't get a boyfriend are either extremely uglies or pretties who just don't want a bf (ie.hale_bopp?), I guess you are neither of that. Just wait a couple of years and then post another thread. Aspie girl usually faces troubles in communicating with a boyfriend but not in getting one.

...and oh plz, don't just go for Autistic guys because you would miss a lot of opportunities in such extremely niche dating, many NT guys are better than any aspie guys, do no limit your search that much, it's stupid.

seriously we aspie men suck!
especially me :lol:
mind you I am not in the market as it were


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02 Jun 2008, 10:41 am

ebec11 wrote:
I know, but you have to start SOMEWHERE :lol:

Why is "now" the time to start? Why are you so eager to be in a relationship which probably won't even last? If you continue to be too impatient about this, some jerk is going to come along and take advantage of you. So why not focus on something more important, or something that you enjoy?


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02 Jun 2008, 9:38 pm

LePetitPrince wrote:
Then don't tell them that you are autistic. Seriously, autistic sounds to people like ALIEN ,it's an awful word.

Yes, they immediately think you sit in a dark room and bang your head against the wall for hours, or something equally fetching.

Say you're introverted, sensitive, shy, quiet, at least some of which are probably true. Save the A-word for later.

LePetitPrince wrote:
Almost all adult aspie girls get Boyfriends like any other girls, you don't believe me? Ask here around.

He's right. It's relatively easy to find a boyfriend.

Finding the right one is the hard part.

LePetitPrince wrote:
..and oh plz, don't just go for Autistic guys because you would miss a lot of opportunities in such extremely niche dating... do no limit your search that much...

Hat trick! Don't limit yourself any more than you have to, which if you're anything like me, is extensively enough.

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03 Jun 2008, 10:25 am

ebec11 wrote:
I just feel like nobody will take the time to get to know me...

I feel like no one could get to know me even if they did put in the time and effort. I'm not capable of being myself when in the company of others, my brain stops functioning and while it can get better with time, I've never gotten to the point where I can truly be myself around another person. In fact, I think I struggle to be myself around myself which doesn't seem to make much sense in writing. :?


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03 Jun 2008, 6:31 pm

MR_BOGAN wrote:
ebec11 wrote:
I'm not complaining, I'm asking
I do have a crush on a guy, but I'm so scared he won't like me after he finds out I'm Autistic :cry:

If that is a problem, why not date guys that are Autistic?
Don't know any my age that are interested :?

How late should I leave it? Because he knows I use a resource room, so I have to say something :?


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03 Jun 2008, 7:09 pm

ebec, back at your original post. Even if you were the same age as a lot more of the guys here - its hard in general. You could easily have your mailbox blown up with messages from all the wrong guys, a few right ones scattered in there but you wouldn't be able to tell. Its hard for anyone here I think just because we lack the face to face trust building that IRL gives the benefit of. Its great to get to know a person first but when a person's identity is a block of text and little more its very difficult at times I think to really see enough of what you need to in another person.

The good news is your still 16, still very young, and have more than enough time to make things happen (though unfortunately I'd imagine more peer pressure than most as well - that'll change).

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03 Jun 2008, 11:11 pm

ebec11 wrote:
I just feel like nobody will take the time to get to know me...I'm a really good person, honest, serious, sweet...I know I'm insecure, and not many people like Autism...but I'm really nice
I just want a boyfriend that's loyal and likes that so much to ask?

Same situation. The girls who do like me are not attractive to me at all (super extroverted types). Oh well we gotta hang in there I guess.


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04 Jun 2008, 11:47 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
ebec, back at your original post. Even if you were the same age as a lot more of the guys here - its hard in general. You could easily have your mailbox blown up with messages from all the wrong guys, a few right ones scattered in there but you wouldn't be able to tell. Its hard for anyone here I think just because we lack the face to face trust building that IRL gives the benefit of. Its great to get to know a person first but when a person's identity is a block of text and little more its very difficult at times I think to really see enough of what you need to in another person.

The good news is your still 16, still very young, and have more than enough time to make things happen (though unfortunately I'd imagine more peer pressure than most as well - that'll change).
Thank you :D
I do feel the peer pressure, though it's put on by myself from seeing my friends with nice guys and me...notta guy ever!


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05 Jun 2008, 3:36 am

ebec11 wrote:
I just feel like nobody will take the time to get to know me...I'm a really good person, honest, serious, sweet...I know I'm insecure, and not many people like Autism...but I'm really nice
I just want a boyfriend that's loyal and likes that so much to ask?

I like you so that's one ;). and if one person can like you, so can 2, 3, 4 and 5 and so on :D.

And I feel the same about looking for a life partner. A friend of mine haas a new girl friend every two weeks. I really don't get him. If you ask me, I'd rather have no girlfriend then a new one every 2 weeks but that's me. Idk if I can even find a life partner at my age (15) but a serieus relationship is never too much to ask. You have a crush on a guy at your school? then I'd say go for it. Every man you meet can respond in a negative way when he finds out you have AS. Is that the kind of guy who you'd want a s a life partner? I know I wouldn't want that. So it's like a test. If they respond in a negative way I don't want to have anything to do with them. saves me a lot of trouble :wink:

remember that there are different kinds of people all over the world. If people around you don't like you for some reason then that's too bad.