ManErg wrote:
don't be put off by the Fox url, this link refers to FBI figures that suggest false rape accusations to be at around 20%.,2933,194032,00.html1)that is an opinion page.
2)the 20% figure is cases where the wrong perpetrator was convicted - not cases where a woman said that she had been raped and hadn't been.
If you've studied it objectively, you'll be well aware that while females do suffer much worse injuries, incidence of abuse are split roughly 50/50 between male and female?
Yes, I am aware of that; I am also aware that, because of physical differences, a man is much more able than a woman to defend himself from aggression from his opposite-sex partner than a woman is, and (as you said) a man is capable of causing much more damage to his partner.
What about the fact that the largest group of innocent victims of violence at any age is men? Do you not care about them?
...victims of crimes whose perpetrators are almost entirely other males. Yes, men hurt and kill each other quite a lot, and yes, it's terrible. How does that contradict my case?
Solving the worlds problems starts with finding out the facts and the truth. Ignoring the reality of false rape accusations and domestic violence doesn't help the real victims one bit. Unfortunately research has proven that research can prove anything