ok, it is the OP here. REturning to this thread with very much open eyes!!
thank you all for your comments, all of them very interesting.
Yes you are correct, I am a despirate woman who has self diagnosed my husband! you cleaver lot!
However, I am not a kept woman as the last post suggests! I work as a midwife in the UK, and I am the bread winner (although I only work part time, to earn just enough money to survive, so I can be with my children). My kids are 5 and 3 years old, and I have to do everything in the house, and work, whilst hubby is a bit incapacitated, and does not work. He looks after the children when I am at work..He has never worked since I met him. And when we first met, he made me feel so bad for expecting him to make an effort, that I learnt to just accept him for who he was, no matter what my preduduces. (I know I cant spell).
I have had a VERY difficult time, over the 8 years we have been together. The main problem being how he spoke to me, for many years I believed him, and put on a lot of wieght, and lost the "real" me, however over the last 2 years I have been pulling myself up out of what ever hole of self pity I fell in!
His drug taking was hidden for 4 years, I did consider him having mental issues, but any suggestion would cause aggression. When I learnt about the drugs, i just put his behaviour down to them. HIs binges were when I was not at work, so I learnt to cope, And If I was to tell anyone, he would call me a blabber mouth and an unfaithful wife. but it crept in. And when he started to be off his head when in charge of the children, things got very difficult, and I had to involve others in our troubles, which caused his anger to become uncontrollable.
I had decided to leave, but, a few people suggested ASpergers for my 5 year old son, who I can handle, and just see as difficult, however, other people saw a bigger difference, I thought his behaviour was because of his parents troubles.
Whilst looking at this and awaiting formal assessment for my son, I saw my husband has all the symptoms, including hypersensitive smell, hearing, and he twitches, and has no sence of humour etc etc, has not one friend and jsut says what he thinks etc etc, hate being touched and want to be alone..... so I thought this must be a factor in our troubles....
He totally agreed that he may have AS ... but refuses to see anyone who could diagnose him.
So Donkey you were spot on. I have maybe got it wrong, and I am desparate!! and coming here I can see that people with AS are not quite like my husband, and although he seems to have all the symptoms...... Aspergers dianosis still does not fit.