MannyAck wrote:
I'm happy for anyone who can get and maintain a relationship in this day and age, be they NT, AS, schizophrenic, whatever. I know it's wrong to generalize, but it does seem in this day and age that the notion of a proper, meaningful relationship, is becoming obsolete. In this I mean being in a mutually caring relationship, not the parasitic ones where people are only together for what they can get out of their partner, be it money, gifts, an ego-boost.
So, good on anyone who's in a proper relationship, for whoever you're with, whether you're a monogamist or a consenting polygamist, and however long it lasts.
What is considered a proper, meaningful relationship?
One in which exists mutual care, compassion and trust, where neither person has alterior motives. Unless you want to get philosophical? Listen, if I come across as preachy or incendiary to you then it wasn't my intention. Neither was I implicating anyone in this thread (just incase anyone inferred wrongly, as I myself often do!) I was only expressing my opinion. Peace.