AussieMatt wrote:
So whats the deal with people ignoring me all the time on WP? Thats how i have plenty threads have tiny replies and less replies aswell. For instance in my latest topic of Range thread which is important. Hence people never understand how important things are on here!
Get on with it!
Go back to that thread and read it again. Don't fail your life.
Look at what you wrote in that thread. Look at how you attacked every member in that thread, and started doing so before your thread had been up for 24 hours.
i'd only see if a problem if people were responding to that thread, given how you've used it to do nothing but hurl insults at all members of WP
Everyone here knows some one in real life who will call them an idiot, berate them for not doing something they never had a chance to do, etc. You aren't providing anythin new, or even desirable, by acting that way on here. We can be abused in real life, so we're not going to go running to you to get abused in online life
No one in this thread said anything half as bad to you as what you said about everyone here in that other thread. And you are angry at people responding to you here and telling them to shut up. Did it ever occur to you that other people don't like being treated like s**t too?
Last edited by Triangular_Trees on 10 Oct 2008, 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.